Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Dave Pack: Month of Abib the worst he has ever experienced. Four prophecies fail in one month.

From a reader:

Anonymous said...
4 prophecy in a little over 30 days...All fail. 
I believe the bible teaches us if a prophet or teacher predicted a prophecy and that prophecy fail. then as Paul said that man has a double curse on himself. Well, Mr. Pack has failed on over 10+ prophecy and if that many have failed. 
The month of Abib, you could say was one of his worse months. 
Well, from what I heard it a family business. I know he hides his salary from his membership but in today's world you name it and you can find it. David Pack makes $125,000.00 per year. I would guess his wife makes at least $60,000.00+ per yrs. both tax-free. 501c work good for tax-exempt in a family business. 
When you don't agree with Davie. You are out of the family business. 
The document of Common: did all the men sell there house. they went from house to house eating their bread from house to house with thanksgiving. What does it mean to me, for example: If a brethren have a hardship and needed help. If you got a lot of things and help that brethren. Help him and not sell all or borrow a lot of money on your home, and send it all to Dave as he says. "It all God money". When what he means it all David money. So hail King David. 
When you asked for a transfer and you are approved, but later if someone who gives more in a tithe over a yrs. Then you get cancel and they get the choice spot. What David doesn't understand is Everything we have belongs to God. We can't judge no one until its time. So I judge not, God will judge all in His time. God will judge David Pack in His time. 
April 26, 2020 at 7:13 PM


  1. Hi Dave,

    This is your best friend nck speaking.

    Please be advised that your organisation is eligible under the SBA economic relief legislation package. Since the United States is a nation of religious crazies infringements on the first amendment have increased and have been extended over the past decades.

    Therefore the government is happy to pay your pastors salaries.

    Goodbye and happy trails with your religious business.

    And do not be dismayed by the people on this blog who believe that anything will bring your salary in jeopardy.


  2. " We need to hold on to what we have been taught, and endure cheerfully for a little while longer."

    This seems to be the mantra after every failed prophesy and they continue to buy into it.

  3. I dont know about Abib, but Pack is a big ABABY who needs A BIB, and a diaper change, because he , like his diaper is full of crap!


  4. Well, from what I heard it a family business. I know he hides his salary from his membership but in today's world you name it and you can find it. David Pack makes $125,000.00 per year. I would guess his wife makes at least $60,000.00+ per yrs. both tax-free. 501c work good for tax-exempt in a family business.

    I remember Dave Pack stating in a sermon that when Herbert Armstrong died, he had practically nothing for possessions. A half dozen suits, a library of books - pretty much nothing.

    Even if Dave Pack made 1 dollar a year, he has an almoat unlimited expense account. If he wants 2000 trees, no problem. If he wants a grand garden with 5000 flowers just outside of his office window, again no problem. If he wants a $60,000 gate to block entrance on the $200,000 road leading to his new modest $350,000 house it is all just a phone call away to the financial office after the fact of weekly pronouncements of tribulation fire and no salvation for those that don't give him Christ's price - all that they have.

    I think many business owners would pay Dave Pack $150,000+ a year to work in their businesses. A man who can extract money from individuals like taking candy from a baby is a coveted person.

    So far Dave Pack hasn't failed at anything. His church never closed for business, the bank accounts are flush with Sping holy day offerings, tithes are still rolling in, each new convert is in the process of cleaning out their bank accounts and selling all that they have to send in and the convoy of tractor trailers will soon be arriving with the 5000+ flowers for grand garden.

    The business model is set and failed predictions are opportunities to advance a new exciting narrative. It is a grand tour that never ends for the eyes that are fixated upon a man who portrays himself as one in the know.

  5. NCK is correct about the PPP being able to be used by a church.

    From the IRS-
    PPP Information for Churches

    Faith-based organization are also eligible for the Paycheck Protection Program. Answers to specific questions about the program for faith-based organizations can be found here:

    Who is eligible for the SBA Paycheck Protection Program? All churches are eligible for the forgivable loans available under the Paycheck Protection Program.

    Do you need to file a Form 990? No church should have to file a Form 990. If you are told you need to file a Form 990, please contact our office at (202) 225-4021.

    What box do you check on the SBA Application Form 2483?

    Churches should check the “501(c)(3) nonprofit” box in the top left corner of the form.
    You do not need to have any formal recognition from the IRS in order to be considered a 501(c)(3) entity. You do not need a determination letter from the IRS.
    Why should I check the “501(c)(3) nonprofit” box?

    You are automatically recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization as long as you are organized and operated exclusively for the exempt purposes outlined in section 501(c)(3).
    To qualify for tax-exempt status, the organization must meet the following requirements:
    the organization must be organized and operated exclusively for religious, educational, scientific or other charitable purposes;
    net earnings may not inure to the benefit of any private individual or shareholder;
    no substantial part of its activity may be attempting to influence legislation;
    the organization may not intervene in political campaigns; and
    the organization’s purposes and activities may not be illegal or violate fundamental public policy.

  6. Just like Groundhog Day -- no matter what Dave predicts, the next day is always the same, and he keeps repeating it -- but he'll never learn and get it right.

  7. How do most of the people in ACOGs react when their leaders' outrageous prophecies fail? They don't care. It doesn't matter to them. Apparently, that their church would have the gift or fruit of accurate prophecy is not one of their criteria for continued belief and trust in their leader. Does not make logical sense in any way, shape, or form, but that's just the cultic mentality.


    1. @BB
      “How do most of the people in ACOGs react when their leaders' outrageous prophecies fail? They don't care.”

      I think they do care BB... But they’re held hostage by fear and are so tangled up in the web of lies that Dave has made that they can’t free themselves from it anymore. Some will make it, most of them are stuck.


  8. The unauthorized biography of David Pack (condensed version): Rant and rave, yell and spit, lie and steal, steal and steal, and steal some more.

  9. It takes me 4 years to earn after taxes what Dave makes tax free in a year; hmm, looks like I'm in the wrong business. How do I start me a cult?


  10. Anonymous at 10:24 AM said...“How do I start me a cult?”

    Well, it helps to be a born liar, and a covetous thief, and to have had an ethical bypass, etc. You have to love yourself tremendously, and really hate all other people. You cannot have a conscience. You also need to have many other bad qualities. In other words, you have to be like Dave Pack.

  11. “How do I start me a cult?”

    It's much easier to steal part of someone else's cult. The usual way is to join an existing cult, then find a reason to break away taking as many members as possible with you. You still need some of the skills listed by 1135, but you can hone them while you're a new member and rising star in the target cult.

  12. This is an interesting website for anyone who’s wondering if they are in a church or a cult. It’s a simple anonymous online test:

    Come on! Take the test. I dare you, especially if you think you’re a member of Gods ‘special flock’ and if you’re absolutely sure that you belong to Gods true church!

  13. @ 11:35 and 12:10,

    On second thought I'll just stick to my low paying job as I do not have the same qualifications as Dave Pack as I have a conscience, I don't like lying, I'm not a thief, I'm not a narcissist, and I do have ethics and care for people, so this totally disqualifies me from starting a cult. Oh well, back to the daily grind of earning my small paycheck, but at least it's honest pay.

  14. 1:19pm I got 0/10, but of course I don't belong to any of the acogs. Now I'll take it as it used to be in WCG 30 years ago.


  15. Well, just finished the test as I would have answered 30 years ago. I got 10/10.

    WCG was definitely a personality cult!


  16. You took the test and wrote about the result in two seconds. That is amazing !

  17. Actually it was two minutes, and there's only ten questions. Amazing how people get on to me for calling into question the intelligence level of many on this blog. As Gary would say, sheesh!


  18. When Jesus does return, Dave is going to get a spanking if he's still alive!


  19. Dave looks ill in the post photograph.
