Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Cosmology and Science at Play With the Faith Restricted Literalist Dr Thiel

Dr Bob seems to think that if you don't know everything, you can't know anything. Not an uncommon belief and apologetic view among Evangelical Literalists.  

Cosmologists and Physicists understand, can explain or suspect answers coming to much more than Scientist Bob seems to be able to give them credit for or even ever heard of.

...not to mention explaining his disbelief at a First Grade Level

"Scientist huh? More like Faith restricted I'd say

I don't get this guy"


  1. Bob's animated scientist brags about his Ph.D., and we are supposed to notice his arrogance.

    Bob brags about his advanced degrees, and we are supposed to stand in awe of his brilliance.

    Physician, heal thyself!

  2. @nck: Good question.. Why would any GOG tell their members to educate the girls? That’s asking for trouble!

    Here’s a story for you from my own experience with the RCG: some young women (late teens) in my congregation were told by our minister that ‘they should learn something useful like cooking and maybe pick up gardening as well’ when we talked about education and what to do after graduation during fellowshipping. And I’m not talking about 20 years ago. That was only two years ago..

    Women are looked down on in the RCG (don’t know about other COG’s). And I think a lot of that comes from David Pack looking down on women.

    1. 11:51

      I'd recommmend cooking and gardening for girls!

      Its good stress relief when running (part of) a company.

      Let it be known then that the lawyer who fought Ralph Helge PCG vs WCG for the copyrights or "fair use" of HWA's works was a skilled lawyer who received praise from the profit himself. Another woman receiving highest of praise is a phd in Caananite history.

      My joke regarding Lucy fell through. So therefore these renarks regarding girls. I watched "the Beguiled" yesterday. Quite a (catholic) school that was. I love Kirsten Dunst.


  3. I did not watch the video. Too long. But I get the gist from the text.

    I think what some believers object to is that scientists readily admit that their knowledge is not exhaustive yet will boldly pontificate that God dos not exist. Einstein said "‘No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.’ It seems to me that this would make scientists perpetually open-minded. They might be agnostic but never atheist. But this is not the case.

  4. Bobs, not a legitimate scientist. He has no real formal education as a scientist. Just because he paid to have a couple articles published in some pseudo-scientific journals does not make a scientist. He has never had a peer review of his writings. Those of us in LCG knew this when he would gloat about his accomplishments to us. He may have hoodwinked RCM, but the members could not stand him. Arrogant, haughty, and self-absorbed.

  5. Arrogant, haughty, and self-absorbed

    Well said! Thats why I could never have joined his group. He is rather a sad man, actually.

  6. Bob has legitimate degrees in Science; it's his ThD that is apparently unaccredited, from a questionable institution in India. Why doesn't he use the ThD on his church publications? Or both?
    And of the first year's intake of students at Ambassador College, there were 3 men and one woman.

  7. Butthurt Bob should consider buying some of Boudreaux's Butt Paste... seriously, folks!


  8. Bob has legitimate degrees in Science; it's his ThD that is apparently unaccredited, from a questionable institution in India.

    Bob tells us what subjects his PhD and ThD degrees are in. He tells us that his wife as a B.S. in nutrition.

    About his B.A. and M.S., however, all he tells us is that they were from LaVerne University and University of Southern California, respectively. Seeing how he pimps his wife's undergraduate major, we can be sure that if Bob's B.A. or M.S. were in subjects related to health or theology he would tell us so.

  9. "If matter existed eternally, there would be no radioactive elements..."

    I'm not sure why I'm even wasting my time with this one, but save only the fact that Herbie himself pushed this one decades ago. Big bang theorists will tell you that the elements as we know them (including the unstable ones) were formed long after the big bang as matter condensed from a plasma. Dr Bob is a quack PhD indeed...
