Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 31, 2020

NASA Launch Commentator Former Ambassador University Student

If you watched the amazing launch of the SpaceX Crew Dragon rocket this past Saturday and watched it on the NASA channel you may have seen Derrol Nail giving interviews.

He was a 1993 AU student in Big Sandy.

Read more about this amazing guy here: 

Derrol Nail, Merritt Island, FL, Resident and Local Reporter Covering the Space Coast...and Beyond
Being born and raised in Cocoa Beach, how did you end up all the way in Merritt Island?
Ha! Well, it’s been a pretty circuitous route. I attended colleges in California and Texas before finishing all the way back here at the University of Florida. When I began my career, I started off in Panama City, Florida, but then went back out to California for a while before once again returning to Florida. When I signed on with Fox 35 in Orlando, they wanted to start a bureau on the Space Coast, so I moved back to Brevard. I settled on North Merritt Island because I bought the house my aunt once lived in. It ended up being a special move for me because I have a lot of family and friends here. My parents, two sisters, aunt and uncle, and cousin and niece all live nearby here in Brevard County. Ironically, my grandparents, Arthur and Thelma Ogle, are buried at St. Luke’s Episcopal Cemetary, which is less than a mile from my home.
What do you do for a living?
I’m a broadcast TV reporter for Fox 35 out of Orlando. I’m assigned to report on everything newsworthy along the Space Coast, but on occasion I’m assigned to areas around Central Florida and beyond.

What has been the biggest story that you have covered?
It’s really hard to pick just one. Recently, I covered then-presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in Florida, and I rode out Hurricane Matthew on the coast after it was evacuated. But covering the Pulse Night club massacre has been the biggest story I’ve done recently. I convinced my bosses that day to send me down to St. Lucie County where the shooter and his family were living. As it turned out, I was the first and only reporter to interview the father of the shooter on live TV that night. I felt like that was important because the family and loved ones of the 49 people who were killed, as well as the injured, wanted to know why this horrible mass murder happened. And though answers were few that day, I convinced the shooter’s father he needed to tell the Central Florida audience what he knew about his son and his evil plan.


  1. The boy done good!

    The best thing I realized as I read this is that he was not sitting in some splinter cult of Armstrongism on a Saturday listening to pathetic sermons by small-minded men.

  2. Reminds me of GarnerTed covering launches.


  3. Nck
    So true. Garner Ted couldn't keep it in his pants, so he did a lot of launching.

  4. 4:10
    Thats funny, those world tomorrow telecasts on the apollo turned out to be phallic.

  5. Guy looks pretty strong! If he didn't do broadcasting, probably could have made the NFL!

  6. The average life expectancy of a NFL player is 53 - 59 years, depending on player position. By contrast it's 83 years for ordinary men.
    Personally, I don't think the fame and money is worth it.

  7. 11:38am Really? Don't believe everything that you read.


    Might want to tell Terry Bradshaw that he should be dead. Shouldn't quarterbacks die the earliest? They get beat up the most. Or are fat linemen the ones who bring down the numbers? Is it really the game that kills?

  8. 1.18 PM
    Yes, it does kill. Yours is the "but some smokers live to a hundred" argument. Have you Googled the topic and looked at multiple sources? It's common sense that powerful men constantly ramming each other will cause all manner of physical harm. In fact, Will Smith's movie Concussion deals with the brain trauma cause by this sport.
    I don't believe that this violent sport will be allowed on Christ's return, so enjoy it while you can.

  9. 5:22 might be right.
    The profit flurry prophesied way back that the power of god would be manifested during the soccer world championship finals in pasadena with an earthquake.

    Even if the stakes of such an event happening would be extremely high, based on extensive scientific geological knowledge and data of the area........... nothing happened.

    So I guess God does speak through soccer more than football.


  10. "I don't believe that this violent sport will be allowed on Christ's return, so enjoy it while you can."

    Jesus hung out with prostitutes, thieves and unbelievers. I believe He would feel right at home in the NFL. Probably a NO Saints fan.

  11. 5:22pm reveals their very poor reasoning skills. How did the conversation go from early death to head trauma or physical harm? Big difference.

    I didn't say the sport wasn't dangerous. I said the life expectancy information is b.s.

    Whether football will be played in the kingdom or not is moot!

  12. Nothing wrong with 5:22 reasoning skills.

  13. 5:07pm says you. Must be true!
