Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, May 15, 2020

Norbert Link Finds Demonic Activity and Ghosts Bothering People During Quarantine

This truly has to be one of the more idiotic things dreamed up by a Church of God minister to frighten people with. Everything in the world is evil to them and there is no good. None of these charlatans have the balls to ever speak about the good going on around the world during this time with people caring for one another and doing what is right. Nope, it is just bad. They need to constantly dwell on the bad to prop up the absurd and outright idiotic prophecies and predictions they are vomiting off on the church today.

Norbert, in his best imitation Germanic accent, sees demons, ghosts, poltergeists, and other things invading the homes of people in isolation during the quarantine.

Fear brethren!



  1. Only people close to Jesus Christ can feel safe against demonic activity.

    Norbert tries to stay close to the Law, but knows how much he fails, so he lives in a world where powerful demons evade the influence of J̶e̶s̶u̶s̶ the Christ.

  2. Whatever you do or say Norbert, do not, I repeat, do not turn around

  3. Why is there never hard evidence of he describes?

  4. Anonymous May 15 at 5:00 AM says: "Only people close to Jesus Christ can feel safe against demonic activity."

    Not so, Anon. I am not by any means close to Jesus Christ. When I used to try to speak to him, there was never any answer. Yet I feel completely safe against demonic activity, including ghosts. Want to know why? I don't believe in them. Can't afford to.

    As a teenager, I used to wander through the woods at night with a flashlight, my little dog, and a .22 rifle, hunting 'possums and 'coons. When the wind blew and tree limbs would rub against each other, they would groan and clatter. If I had believed in ghosts, those sounds would have driven me back home to cower in my bed. I liked walking around out there so much that I made it a point not to impute the ambient noise to ghosts.

    Also I had a very eccentric aunt. Gerald Waterhouse never met her, but in describing the symptoms of demonic possession he hit upon a number of her traits. I liked my aunt in spite of her quirks, so I kept on going to her place to visit. None of her behavior suggested any threat. Everybody just smiled and shrugged. If she ever gave anybody a shove down the slippery slope toward the Lake of Fire, I never saw the signs. All of us, whether we felt close to Jesus Christ or not, felt safe against demonic activity.

    What I'm saying is, if you allow preachers to persuade you to limit your activity for fear of supernatural threats, you squlnch up too much to live a full, rich life.

  5. What does Link have against vampires, zombies, and werewolfs ? He doesn't even acknowledge them in the least during his message!

    1. He doesn't mention them because he is a Troll himself.


  6. It must be the ghost of HerbZilla or all the people that died of Covid19. Not that anyone actually dies of Covid19, unless they are already dying.

  7. I won't watch Norm's video. The exercise is nothing but a circle jerk of logic.

    Watch THIS instead

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why is there never hard evidence of he describes?

    Well, because hard evidence requires evidence!

  9. Nice logic 1:04. Give cyanide to someone with a bad heart or pneumonia. When they die, they didn't die from the cyanide, they died cause their heart stopped or their lungs gave out. Que estupido!

  10. Anonymous May 15 at 1:04 said: "Not that anyone actually dies of Covid19, unless they are already dying."

    That would be all of us, Anon. As Pozzo said in Samuel Beckett's *Waiting for Godot,* " [Women]
    give birth astride a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more."

  11. 1:04 is right within a certain logic.
    I am not sure anyone ever died of Aids.
    Because of the failure of the immune system, people died of EVERY possible cause. (except the virus itself of course)

    Covid could be a conspiracy by my gym to loose even more weight and work on my health. But I am not sure my gym still exists after the closures.

    Anyway, when in quarantine I second reading Godot. Those with writing aspirations themselves, should cease that activity immediately when they see pages of pages written "ALL work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."


  12. Apart from demons of Armstrongism and the ghost of Garner Ted, Mark is again defiant and into denial of the severity of "bat flu". The government models, he wrote, are as phony as global warming!
    In a PS Mark informs us at the ICG sabbath service there will be hugging and handshaking... and I suppose a lot of finger pointing...

  13. Hoss
    Let's have it datestamped then and check in another 3 weeks from now.

    Today in Tyler County are 7 confirmed cases, 5 healed and zero death.


  14. Sooner or later, one of the ACOGs will make the news as a "superspreader". Hugging? Handshaking? As of this morning, we've got 302,000 Covid 19 deaths internationally, and over 88,000 in the USA. We're nowhere near the zenith yet, and still no vaccine, so extra caution and common sense distancing are extremely important, especially as so many have let their guard down during the premature reopening.

    These days it is of utmost importance to know the politics of everyone with whom you come in contact, and to avoid any who might believe that Covid 19 is a hoax, or that we as a nation have "over-reacted". The life you save may be your own.


  15. BykerBob, Armstrongism is too small. Unlike the "Shincheonji Church of Jesus" of South Korea, in which evidence is being uncovered that they have deliberately spread the virus. As for politics, viruses don't care what political affiliation you've chosen.

  16. Nck ~ A few days ago you and DBP were discussing the activities of the neocons and neolibs. Well, down there in Tyler, apparently some folks put a different spin on that. Neocon is short for NeoConfederate. That seems to be what Mark Armstrong is all about, even though he was born and raised in California.

  17. Thank you 12:01 for your Food for thought contribution.

    California would be a State that could be in line to secede from the USA when it dissolves.

    After all I have often stated that HWA kinda represented the 7th economic power in the world. Which was the State of California in his time with meeting arranged through the Los Angeles Rotary and Kiwani networks.

    Ah California. Go West Young man. The end of the rainbow. The Promise, the Golden Land. Sorry Elon............


  18. Sorry, I had no idea that such a simple statement would go over some peoples' heads! Of course a virus is non-partisan! Who said otherwise? The politics come into play with how each individual reacts to the virus, and what they do about it! That's why you must do your due diligence to know if someone is hard-right, believes the virus is a hoax to unseat the president, and therefore makes a fetish of acting as if the virus doesn't even exist! The folks who are reacting like that are the ones who are acting against real science and are going to get us killed. That's why we need to shun and avoid them!


  19. BykerBob said:"The politics come into play with how each individual reacts to the virus, and what they do about it!"

    It would be better to not politicize our freedom, which is guaranteed by our constitution, along party lines. If you are going to sort by Left and Right, both sides claimed that covid19 was a nothingburger. FoxNews even fired a newsanchor over her claims. I'm curious, how do you feel about Trump's early closing of the borders and all the flak he got over it from the Left?


  20. At the time, DBP, I felt like Trump acted way too slowly and far too late on this. Remember, he initially denied the virus as a hoax, describing it as fake news designed to derail the one indisputably shining area of his presidency, which was the economy, and he expressed concerns that the people who had attempted impeachment were simply going at him a different way. He closed to China first, then other key areas, and lastly to our allies. There was a lot of pressure on him from his own Republican governors not to close off Mexico, because of the incredible amount of trade between Mexico and the Southwest, and how much our states' economies are tied to the imports. He finally did, and the ultraleft jumped on him for it, while allowing him to slide on the other closures.

    Surely there are people here on this blog and others who remember that I posted many many times that I was not in favor of impeachment! As I stated then, my hopes were that the electorate would see him for who he really was, and vote him out by a landslide. One term and gone! My belief was that that's the only way in which we could get rid of him without a sizeable percentage of the voters being able to call him a martyr. Honestly, I now see him as having seized more power, and worry that he might postpone or cancel the elections. As others have observed, the militias he courted are already doing some of his dirty work.


  21. Failing memory or feelings over facts? What you are describing is a false media narrative. Keep in mind that Snopes is a left-leaning publication. Also, Trump was NOT accusing the press of being in “hysteria mode”, but he was echoing the previous MSM narrative before their sudden reversal. There are hundreds of examples but I don't want to load my response with hypertext.
    A short timeline:
    Jan 14, WHO declared no evidence of human-to-human transmission of virus.
    Jan 21, Dr. Fauci makes this statement about the Coronavirus.
    Jan 23, At an emergency committee convened by the World Health Organization, the WHO says that the Wuhan coronavirus does not yet constitute a public health emergency of international concern.
    Jan 28, Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom in Beijing. At the meeting, Xi and the WHO agree to send a team of international experts, including US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention staff, to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak.
    Jan 29, The White House announces the formation of a new task force that will help monitor and contain the spread of the virus.
    Jan 31, Trump bans travel from Wuhan, press cites "experts" claiming it is counterproductive.
    Feb 1, Other major countries followed the US in border closings.
    Feb 4, President Trump dedicates part of State of the Union Address to the Coronavirus issue. Nancy Pelosi tore up her copy of this address on national television.
    Feb 9, NYC holds Chinatown parade with assurances of no danger from the mayor
    Feb 23, 1st evidence of community transfer within U.S.
    Feb 24, Pelosi says to shop more: "‘Come to Chinatown ... come join us"
    Feb 25, Mardi Gras was held with few people sounding warnings
    Feb 26, Pence takes over task force, daily briefings begin.
    March 1, just 42 confirmed cases in U.S.
    March 3, NYC mayor encourages New Yorkers to go to the movies.
    March 5, NYC mayor rides the subway to assure people it is safe to do so.
    March 11, WHO acknowledged a pandemic scale virus on March 11

    Militias? Trump is the Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces. Antifa, MS-13, organized crime, and yes even "white nationalists" hate Trump. I should know because I have been arguing with Socialists and National Socialists for the past few years.


  22. DBP@ 12:59: I vehemently disagree with your assessment of Snopes as being a left leaning publication. The topics they tackle deal in fact, not matters of opinion. Politics is largely opinion. Presidents Bush (W), and Obama were very controversial in their times, popular amongst their party faithful, and Snopes was called upon to research and present facts related to their public statements. In the case of Obama, (and even Bush!) Snopes was oft accused of being biased towards conservatives. They uncovered and presented verifiable facts, and rether than being convinced by these facts, partisans accused them of bias.

    Who is "Press"? Who is "Mainstream Media?" Those are broad-sweeping, highly generalized terms, which seem to imply that all of the individual publications and their reporters are of one mind, and totally biased. That is a reduction technique or leveling device intended to discredit what is being reported even before someone actually reads an article in one of them. The fact is that Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and others use the same conglomerates for their broadcasts that own the radio stations and news outlets which they label "mainstream media". The hard right frequently relies on the "Washington Times", a paper which was founded by Sun Myung Moon (of Moonie fame) in 1982. If you trace the ownership, the paper was owned until 2010 by News World Communications, the international media conglomerate founded by Moon, It was "sold" to Operations Holdings, which is also owned by Moon's Unification movement. That paper has historically rejected the scientific concensus on climate change, ozone depletion, and damage done by second-hand smoke, They have embraced racist content, Neo-Confederate historical revisionism, and Islamophobia. Snopes has been there on many occasions to counter with the real facts, which I suppose is why partisans refer to Snopes as being liberal.

    I'm going to break down my response to you into several posts to make it manageable.


  23. DBP, I also have problems with the completeness of your timeline. Yes, there was some initial confusion in January, due to the fact that this was an entirely new virus, (which is why they call it "novel") one which had never been seen before, answers were trickling in slowly, and many of the talking heads were attempting to pacify the general public soas not to create panic. As you noted, both sides were doing this.

    Here is a time table with more detail:

    Jan 20: First documented community transmission of Covid 19 in China.
    Jan. 31: President Trump bans travel from Wuhan only. (Here, you do some editorializing, using the general term "press" as if it is one united entity, liberal, mainstream, and always out to get the President)
    Feb 21: First documented evidence of community transfer in Italy.
    Feb 23: First confirmed community transfer in US, patient from Solano, CA, location of the Air Force Base housing the quarantined repatriates from overseas. Confirmation from medical facility at UC Davis, CA.
    Feb 29: President Trump bans travel from Iran
    Mar 11: President Trump bans travel from much of Europe, a week later also from the UK and Ireland.
    Mar 20: President Trump closes the US-Mexico border.

    It was first known that the novel corona virus could be spread by community transfer on January 20, 2020. President Trump had a very important opportunity to take leadership, get out in front ot this emerging pandemic, and close all of our borders while the numbers were yet miniscule here in the US. Anyone who listened to the press conferences in February heard him consistently minimize and dismiss the impact of the virus every day, right up to mid-March when the body bags in his own district in NYC began to amass. That was his mind-changer, and it was when he actually reversed course, and began to listen to the latest conclusions of the scientists. By Mar. 16 when he issued his social distancing proclamation, it was already too late. The number of new cases is now doubling every month. Sometime today or tomorrow, the US will have experienced 90,000 deaths.


  24. DBP - Back in the '90s, in the aftermath of the Ruby Ridge, Waco, and OKC debacles, I first learned of the Posse Comitatus Act. The militias know of this act, and consider themselves as defenders of the nation in case of its violation by the US military, or UN troops coming over as part of the New World Order.

    Basically, this act, which works in tandem with the earlier Insurrection Act of 1807, limits the powers of the federal government in using US military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. It was signed into law by President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1878. It was a direct reponse to the military occupation of the former Confederate states following the Civil War, during the twelve years of the Reconstruction period. Following the signing of the act into law, federal troops were withdrawn from the Southern states.

    The National Guard can be used for enforcement purposes as we all know from recent history in the case of riots. However the National Guard is under command of the governors of the states in which its branches or chapters are located. So, President Trump is prohibited from calling in the military or the National Guard to use against the citizens of the US.

    Not so the militias! They are totally independent from government. They represent a private, quasi-military force, responsible to nobody. In some recent cases, militias have taken it upon themselves to deploy along the US-Mexico border. We are now seeing them protecting defiant ones who defy the edicts of their governors, reopening their businesses. President Trump has given them a wink and a nod, and has called them "good people" even as they took over the Michigan statehouse. There is clearly some sort of symbiotic relationship in existence there. It would be very easy to see these groups as being a covert tool, one which could be used to make an end run around the Posse Comitatus Act. What then? Would a Republican governor order up the National Guard to combat a militia? What protections does our democracy have against these groups bubbling just below the surface. Would loss of the 2020 election to Biden trigger such an insurrection?

    Clearly, we live in very dangerous times. At times, I can imagine what it must have been like for a normal, moderate citizen living in Germany during the late 1930s, watching helplessly as his country was going mad. It doesn't matter whether you lose your freedoms to leftist extremists, or rightists. They're still gone.


  25. BykerBob, maybe you already know this but Snopes is run by David Mikkelson who used to run the former Urban Legend Reference Pages with his former wife. The company operates and acts too secretly for me.
    Snopes:"What's False: Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax."

    They said Trump did NOT call it a hoax. The first part of that statement is misleading though. Who did Trump's remarks cause confusion with? Not all, not me, but with only some people. If you were confused with what someone had said, wouldn't you go directly to that person to get clarification about what they meant in what they said? Or, would you go to a 2nd, a 3rd,... party for your answer? That is not fact checking, that is opinion. Trump addressed the "hoax" issue many times about what he meant in his various press briefings. Don't you find it weird that the MSM stopped covering his daily covid19 breifings? I continued to watch them online. I don't need "narrative journalism" to tell me what to think. I can go straight to the source and form my own opinion.

    ...more to follow...

  26. ...following...

    Here is a your time table with added detail:
    Jan. 14: Top Chinese officials determined they likely were facing a pandemic, according to internal documents obtained by The Associated Press. In the following days, Wuhan still hosted a mass banquet for tens of thousands of people.
    Jan.17:Airport screenings. The CDC began implementing public health entry screening at San Francisco (SFO), New York (JFK) and Los Angeles (LAX) airports. The CDC would later add screening at two more airports Atlanta (ATL) and Chicago (ORD).
    Jan 20: First documented community transmission of Covid 19 in China.
    Jan. 21: First case confirmed in US. Americans told "not a major threat" by Dr. Fauci.
    Jan. 23: Wuhan locks down. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization declined to categorize the coronavirus as a global health emergency, saying there is no evidence of human-to-human infection outside China. Chinese authorities locked down at least three cities with a combined population of more than 18 million in an unprecedented effort to contain the virus during the busy Lunar New Year travel period.
    Jan. 24: First cases in Europe. In China, the Lunar New Year holiday began. Public transportation halted for roughly 36 million people in 13 cities in central China, including Wuhan. Authorities in Wuhan said they were constructing a 1,000-bed hospital like one built in Beijing during a SARS outbreak, a similar respiratory virus. President Donald Trump thanked China on Twitter for its efforts to contain the disease.
    Jan. 29: 195 Americans return from China.

    ...more to follow...

  27. ...following...
    Jan. 30a: WHO declares global health emergency. The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak to be a PHEIC or "public health emergency of international concern." Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, praised China for its quick response to the crisis, saying the emergency declaration "is not a vote of no confidence in China."
    Jan. 30b: US reports first case of person-to-person transmission. The CDC reported that the first case of person-to-person transmission in the U.S. is the husband of a Chicago woman who developed symptoms after visiting China. "We understand this may be concerning, but based on what we know now, our assessment remains that the immediate risk to the American public is low," said Robert Redfield, director of the CDC.
    Jan. 31: US public health emergency. The Trump administration declared the coronavirus outbreak to be a public health emergency in the United States, setting quarantines of Americans who have recently been to certain parts of China. CDC officials said it was the first quarantine order issued by the federal government in over 50 years.

    ...more to follow...

  28. ...following...
    Jan. 31: President Trump bans travel from Wuhan only. (Here, you do some editorializing, using the general term "press" as if it is one united entity, liberal, mainstream, and always out to get the President)

    You are mind-reading my intent. I gave examples above of the MSM and the Left's own words stating themselves that Trump was overreacting. Check the dates carefully. The Trump administration first made the announcement Jan. 31, 2020, announcing they would restrict foreign nationals recently in China from entering the U.S. They also announced that some Americans who recently traveled to the country would be put into quarantine for a time upon their arrival back to the U.S. in USAF reserve bases. Article from ABCnews.
    Trump’s announcement sparked severe backlash from media outlets who rushed to find experts willing to bash the decision...
    The New York Times wrote that the decision “sent shocks through the stock market and rattled industries that depend on the flow of goods and people between the world’s two largest economies” in its Jan. 31 article. The publication added that “some public health and policy experts ”believed the restrictions would do nearly nothing to help contain the virus." “At this point, sharply curtailing air travel to and from China is more of an emotional or political reaction, said Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, an epidemiologist and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota,” according to the NYT article. A few more examples. 2. 3. 4. 5. If Trump was to have done what you described he should have done, the MSM, the Left and even the Right would have called him a crazed tyrant.

    "Quarantine is when you restrict movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people"

    ...more to follow...

  29. ...following...
    The President is in control of the National Guard, which includes the Marines, during a National Emergency or Crisis, and in cases of treason. Trump doesn't need militias when he can do this. The brownshirts are composed of Antifa, MS-13, Neo-Nazis, and other designated hate groups. DHS has already testified to Congress about their ongoing investigations with oversight. In regards to Michigan, no one interferred or stopped any government business from being done. American Citizens made their presence known which is guaranteed by our Constitution. I remember the Michigan Governor complaing about racist signs and swaztikas on tv. Did you see any of the swaztikas she was complaining about? These are the only examples I have found so far. 2. 3. I'll bet CNN wouldn't show it.

    You stated, "There is clearly some sort of symbiotic relationship in existence there. It would be very easy to see these groups as being a covert tool, one which could be used to make an end run around the Posse Comitatus Act. What then?"

    If it were true, then that would be TREASON!
    We need to cherish and protect our Constitution from both foreign and domestic threats.


  30. Maybe Trump could learn from New Zealand. When the country had a total of around 100 cases there was a hard lock-down, strictly enforced, but also with a willing population. Government phrases such as 'Stay home, but be kind', and 'we must go hard, we must go early'.

    Seven weeks later and the virus is virtually defeated, and the country is starting to unlock. There were only a total of 1500 cases, and 21 deaths.

    Of course New Zealand has a population of only 5 million, the US is 66 times bigger. However, cases per million in New Zealand were 311 per million, the USA 4600 and rising. Deaths per million in NZ were 5 per million, USA 275 per million, and again rising every day.

    Something to be learned there.

  31. The president has many other channels of information independent of the CDC and WHO, although those are the agencies presently being scapegoated in the official White House spin. The fact is that the President learned through another primary source, his daily intelligence reports, on Jan. 3, about the outbreak of the coronavirus in China. Over the next few days, US spy agencies were indicating the seriousness of this threat, a warning, in the President's daily brief. It was described as having all the characteristics of a global pandemic, and the President was also warned that the Chinese were playing it down.

    You go to someone for clarification when they are known to tell the truth. When they have been caught in numerous lies, over decades, generally second and third party sources are required to get at the truth.

    If you would like to be taken seriously in your dissertations, you really need to shed words and phrases which identify you as a shill. You constantly use the term MSM, or Mainstream Media. That, along with "fake news" "left" and "the liberals", make for good talk radio, but are huge tipoffs of the same type of bias that a person is usually complaining about by using those terms. In other words, using those terms invalidates whatever point you think you are making. It's really a simple little change, but most of the people who use those terms usually do it proudly because they are acting in someone else's valence.

    All Title X forces are limited by the Posse Comitatus Act, including the Marines. The President's use of the National Guard is also limited. The NG must be called up by the governors. The president calling up these forces, or militias, to use against US citizens would indeed be treason. We know that impeachment trials have become deeply partisan. There is nothing fair or impartial about them. The courts, on all levels, have been stacked with conservative judges. It is so easy to visualize several scenarios in which a runaway freight train could get started down the track. There are many more dangers to our freedoms than temporary sequesterment for control of a pandemic.


  32. "The president has many other channels of information independent of the CDC and WHO, although those are the agencies presently being scapegoated in the official White House spin. The fact is that the President learned through another primary source, his daily intelligence reports, on Jan. 3, about the outbreak of the coronavirus in China. Over the next few days, US spy agencies were indicating the seriousness of this threat, a warning, in the President's daily brief. It was described as having all the characteristics of a global pandemic, and the President was also warned that the Chinese were playing it down."

    Share your source or is that just your opinion.

    "You go to someone for clarification when they are known to tell the truth."

    Known by whom? Which authority dictates who is telling the truth?

    "If you would like to be taken seriously in your dissertations, you really need to shed words and phrases which identify you as a shill."

    What would be the right words? You seem to project your own prejudices on to words that everybody has used, including yourself, rather than seek clarification from me as to my intent in the use of those words.

    "We know that impeachment trials have become deeply partisan. There is nothing fair or impartial about them."

    Hoaxes were perpetrated by whom? Who has been unfair?

    "The courts, on all levels, have been stacked with conservative judges"

    Are you implying corruption of some kind?

    "The president calling up these forces, or militias, to use against US citizens would indeed be treason."

    Nope. I made it clear that there was a difference between USNG and the word you keep using which is "militia." What did you mean by militia? Would Antifa, MS-13, Neo-Nazis, or other organizations already under investigation by Law enforcement be included in that word you used? Would you include the NRA too? Besides, what evidence do you have that Trump has called up "militias"?

    "There are many more dangers to our freedoms than temporary sequesterment for control of a pandemic."

    You had better believe it. Tyranny. Who can stop it?


  33. Do you even consider reference materials from what you call the MSM?

    1) https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Intelligence-report-warned-coronavirus-crisis-early-nov

    Cliff's Notes: Chronicles November report from the military's National Center for Medical Intelligence.

    2) https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/us-intelligence-reports-from-january

    Cliff's Notes: Article by Shane Harris, Greg Miller, Josh Dawsey and Ellen Nakashima covering further intelligence reports tracking the virus, and raising concerns regarding a pandemic requiring swift action to contain.


  34. "Which authority dictates who is telling the truth."

    One of the best features of modern reporting is a professional fact-check review following addresses, speeches, and press conferences by our major elected features. It is applied to both Democrats and Republicans. Research is done by staff, specifics are cited. We can know who has made mistakes, or is lying. Obama, Hillary, Biden have been caught in this as well as our current President.

    "What would be the right words."

    Neutral ones generally connote impartiality and go further in making your contentions believable and acceptable.

    "Hoaxes were perpetrated by whom?"

    Who said anything about hoaxes? One team controlled the House, and the other controlled the Senate. The final outcome was known from the very beginning, except to the dim-witted. The members of Congress voted along party lines. Remember, I was not in favor of impeachment. I would have preferred to have the voters rise up and clean up the mess.

    "Are you implying corruption......?"

    No. Just saying that there's not going to be a heck of a lot of impartiality in the coming years or decades, which is what judges are supposed to be. That's why they are appointed as opposed to running for office.

    "What did you mean by militia?"

    Oh, I don't know, was that a joke? This president cozies up to anyone who seems to be supporting him. I doubt that he'd even research them. He would use right wingers, so that leaves out Antifa. MS-13 are Hispanic criminals, so if he knew who they were, he'd deport them (with my full support). But, I believe Trump would actually embrace the Neo Nazis, because in many ways he is philosophically aligned with them. By the way, some made the case a few years back that BLM was so active because they had President Obama's tacit approval. And, now Trump has his white nationalist hallelujah chorus. You don't "call up" these folks, you encourage them, and then they do what they think is your work, and you shelter and protect them as they go about just being themselves with impunity. Kind of like what happened between politicians and the KKK.

    As John always says, "Time will tell",


  35. BB:"Do you even consider reference materials from what you call the MSM?"

    I will consider any information but those links didn't work for me. Have you considered what I referenced above? Have you noticed the change in narrative or contradictions with Politicians or a neutral word for media, for which I have failed to discover?

    "What would be the right words."
    BB:"Neutral ones generally connote impartiality and go further in making your contentions believable and acceptable."

    Come on now....give me some examples. MSM to ? Left to ? Right, Alt-Right to ?

    "Which authority dictates who is telling the truth."

    What you described sounds similar to The Ministry of Truth. Truth can't be determined by a minister or any supposed authority. We must aggressively seek truth. It’s not going to be handed to us. We must seek it to find it. It’s there, obfuscated by a myriad of masquerading messages, but it can be discovered!

    BB:"The courts, on all levels, have been stacked with conservative judges"
    BB:"Just saying that there's not going to be a heck of a lot of impartiality in the coming years or decades, which is what judges are supposed to be. That's why they are appointed as opposed to running for office."

    So, if they were Liberal, Progressive, or Left-leaning, they would be impartial?

    BB:"Who said anything about hoaxes?"

    I took the liberty to presuppose that the impeachment was based on the Ukranian "hoax" and Adam Schiff's lies. I'll through in Russiagate too.

    BB regarding impeachment:"One team controlled the House, and the other controlled the Senate."

    In your opinion which one was right?

    "What did you mean by militia?"
    BB:"Oh, I don't know, was that a joke?"

    Not at all. I was curious to as what you meant by militia, specifically.

    BB:"This president cozies up to anyone who seems to be supporting him."

    He kicked Bannon to the curb. Thank God! Whith all his support for Israel, Neo-Nazis hate his guts. The KKK, which by the way was dominated by the Democrat party, dislikes all Trump has done for minorities and the support they have shown him. White Nationalists too. In order for them to get what they want, they would have to tear up the Constitution. I know these kinds of people well. Because, I have interacted with them online.

