Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Restored Church of God: Church socials are NOT optional and are part of your calling!

There is one common trait of subversive groups and that is their control of members' lives.  Scheduling all kinds of activities from bible studies, bake sales, fruit drives, dances, winter family weekends, and more, keeps people so busy they don't have time to question the leadership.

Dave Pack is well known for his absolute control over employees and member's lives. There are NO excuses as to why they cannot attend or do anything Dave asks of them.  Family members learned that the hard way over the years.

Here is a prime example of that control:

Why You Should Want to Be at Every Church Social 
God commands us to attend weekly Sabbath and annual Holy Day services. The benefits are obvious. What about Church socials?
By Kenneth M. Orel 
As a minister, my job description includes meeting with those interested in joining the Church, visiting members and prospective members, counseling, anointing the sick, fundraising, speaking and writing. And one more thing—organizing socials.
Here is your first signal that trouble is coming.  As God's appointed minister it is his job to plan your activities for you. The planning and work of the minister in planning socials is on par with preaching the word of God. Members must never forget how important the minister is.
Anyone who has been to a Church social, or has been a part of planning one, will tell you it entails a lot of work and attention to details. The ministry has been trained to understand the inner dynamics of what makes a successful social and work hard at providing a variety of fun and interesting activities in their areas. Planning meetings can begin months in advance.
Finally the day comes. There is great anticipation. As a minister, I am excited by the opportunity for everyone to spend valuable time together. The start time passes and then…“Where is everyone!?”
Orel admits he keeps track of who attends and who is not at his events.  Dave is so proud!
After weeks of announcements and work in coordinating the event, it can be disheartening to see who did not show up!
Was there a flu epidemic or debilitating disease that swept through the congregation? Or was it something else? Sometimes the excuses are as simple as, “That is something that does not interest me,” “I do not have the time,” “The location is just too far to travel if it is not a Sabbath service,” or the most common, “I need time to myself.” These reasons may have some truth to them, but are they good reasons to not spend more time with brethren?
For those who do not attend socials (and there are some who consistently do not attend as they should), it is likely a misunderstanding as to why they should attend, or worse. There is also the possibility that some have the wrong viewpoint about socials and their many benefits.
Church socials are just as important as sabbath services!  God says so...somewhere.
Think of it this way: Would you ever skip a Sabbath service, Passover, or the Feast of Tabernacles as long as you were physically able to attend?
Then why would you voluntarily choose to miss a Church social? You could be thinking, “Well, that is different. The Sabbath and Holy Days are required by God.”
Not so fast. Feast days are not the only requirements by our Father God, who wants us to develop as sons and daughters.
We all know fellow Christians are family. It goes without saying that families should have strong bonds—especially the Family of God. Socials, by design, provide the chance to be included in that bonding.
Make no mistake. Socials provide heaps of fun and fellowship, but there is so much more for Christians to profit and glean from them. For one, these events are a cornerstone of vibrant, healthy congregations contributing to the overall strength and unity of the Church. In addition, they play an enormous role in our training as future facilitators and restorers of families in God’s coming Kingdom!
Going back to the Church of the 20th century, under the leadership of Mr. Herbert Armstrong, socials were special events anxiously anticipated by everyone. They filled an important role in reinforcing the spiritual family—a crucial tradition that brought a cohesion to the Body of Christ.
Church socials, as important traditions in the church, are equivalent to doctrinal stances. Bet you never knew that!
Traditions help form the backbone of how things are done in God’s Church. In some cases, they can carry as much weight as doctrine. Members are commanded to “hold the traditions which you have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle” (II Thes. 2:15). The tradition of local socials continues today in the Church.
Ah yes, the golden years of the church. the glory days of the past when all was perfect and unified in the
Here is a look back to the golden years from last century’s Philadelphian era (Rev. 3:7). Mr. David Pack described how important socials were to local congregations in his book The Government of God: “Every congregation held periodic socials across a broad range of types. Each of these required planning, organization, communication and structure—and details were usually not left to accident. There were picnics, formal dances, snow parties, trips to interesting places, singles and seniors activities. There were also all kinds of sports teams and sporting events—softball, basketball, volleyball, golf, hockey and track meets—and some of the larger pastorates were able to sponsor tournaments that were always wonderful occasions in the calendar year…”

The vast majority of brethren were always excited to be around each other more. They looked for ways to fellowship outside of the Sabbath or Holy Days and thrived on the verse, “How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psa. 133:1).

Unity was (and still is) a real driving force for more fellowship. This is not a new concept. Back when the Church first began, brethren desired to be together all the time: “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart…” (Acts 2:46).

This desire had everything to do with the Spirit God gave His children. It led to “singleness of heart.”

One of the themes of the letters to the Corinthians was unity. “I beseech [beg] you brethren…that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (I Cor. 1:10). Chapter 12 adds to this, stating that “there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another” (vs. 25).
That damn Jesus!  Always getting shoved to the back burner. Imagine him finding out that church socials are more important than the things he taught and the example he set.  Church socials are the fabric that holds the family together!  Wut????? Who knew!
God’s Spirit is the catalyst that draws brethren together and socials are the mortar that keeps the family core strong. As vital as unity is, it is not the only benefit from attending socials.
Since we live in the devil’s world devoid of the love of God, life can get hard and even disheartening at times. Having fun is an indispensable aspect of God’s way of life. People will gravitate toward others who are happy, joyful and like to have fun.
Christians who truly follow Christ are almost always more cheerful than many around them. They know what grace and mercy are all about and share that freely with others. Their lives are built upon the example and words of Jesus.  Not so in the RCG.  Church socials provide the material for members on how to be happy and not to be old fuddy-duds!
When others see Christians, they should ask: “Who are these people? Why are they so happy? They do not seem to be gloomy, depressed, fuddy-duds!” Socials provide us a place to build this characteristic.
Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and fun is a byproduct of joy. God is not devoid of fun—quite the contrary!
This is true. The problem is that there is so much evil in the RCG and many of the Churches of God that true joy us NOT found and most members never experience it.  As soon as they get a taste of it the church swoops in and rips it violently out.
Understand that fellowshipping is of vital importance for anyone who has God’s Spirit. Do not forget our fellowship includes the Father and Christ: “…that you also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ” (I John 1:3).
We get to see exciting personality traits of the Father and Christ through others when we fellowship at socials. These gatherings give us the chance to reveal the richness of our personalities—which stem from God. You really do not ever want to miss a social for that reason alone!
Of course, there always needs to be proper balance. Back in the Worldwide Church of God, because of the sleepiness of the end of the Philadelphia era, people began to focus too much on socials and not enough on learning and holding onto the truth, hence the apostasy and transition to the Laodicean era. Too much fun and not enough focus on why we were called can actually destroy brotherhood.
Too much fun?  Seriously?  More like people were sick and tired of being treated like crap by top leaders and evangelists. The heavy-handed autocratic directives and rules of various church leaders drove more people out of the church than doctrinal differences ever did. That is one of the reason fewer people went with Rod Meredith than UCG. Meredith has such a horrible reputation that people were disgusted by him. No one wants to relive those memories!
For those who lived through those times, do not allow bad memories of “socials gone bad” to drive you away from attending Church gatherings today.
When properly understood, socials are the necessary glue that holds together our spiritual family.
Orel gets to the gist of the matter now.  Church socials are the vital training ground for RCG members to be kings so they can rule the world!
Personal Development
There are additional hidden benefits that are even more important than just enjoying a good hamburger, conversation and a volleyball game.
Considering we are training to work with countless numbers of people, the most logical place to start is being around others and learning how to be people persons. Socials open the doors to more focused training in this area.
Much of what he says next I can agree with.  It does help the socially awkward at times, but not when it is forced upon people. 
Personality: Many who grew up in a dysfunctional world with its many distractions have tended to lose the age-old art of interacting with other human beings.

This 21st-century plague has fostered debilitating shyness and reclusiveness. This can be difficult to overcome, but attending socials is the best way to do so! This is because Church gatherings allow you to practice outgoing concern for others.

Socials also allow you to learn more about others because you can display personality traits you might not normally show during the more formal setting at Sabbath services.

Service: Socials offer opportunities to serve that you do not always get on the Sabbath. (I have personally never seen more smiles than when people are serving at a social—and it is contagious!) Even if it is serving a sandwich to your brethren, teaching someone to swing a baseball (or cricket) bat, or working with your team to win a game of charades, helping others is an integral part of these events.
Church socials also provide leadership opportunities for future ministers. If they can order people around effectively at a church social then they can be a minister!
 If you desire to lead, you must practice leading. Socials tend to have a lot of moving parts and can offer more opportunities to lead than other Church events. (The Feast is a larger event, however, it contains multiple socials within itself!)
A crucial lesson for all leaders is to expect the unexpected. Nothing ever goes perfectly, so dealing with issues and problems that arise are opportunities to make appropriate judgment calls. Leaders must think on the fly and anticipate anything. Having that mindset really sharpens leadership aptitude.
Orel then goes on to shame those that still don't want to attend social functions. It will hamper their growth in the church and in their lives! Besides, attending church socials is PART OF YOUR CALLING!  Wut?
Danger of Opting Out
Even after knowing the advantages of attending Church socials, there are some who just do not come. But habitually passing up attendance will hamper your growth and development.
Since local socials were implemented long ago as part of our calling (yes, our calling!), they should not be viewed as optional!
We are part of a larger team and socials are part of our training. Sometimes we fall into a one-dimensional mindset that our training only involves “spiritual” activities, and that fellowshipping with brethren is simply “extra credit.” Worse yet, some could think activities like praying or studying would be a better investment of their time than attending a social. They may question what tossing water balloons on a hot summer day or sledding down a hill in the winter have to do with Christianity.
For those members who do not attend RCG socials, it was a way of letting Dave know that they are imbalanced in their personal lives and are self-righteous!  
Remember that this is a sign of imbalance or self-righteousness. Such a mindset cripples the ability to grow as God intended. We need to be well-rounded, balanced and to thrive on variety. The tools of Christian growth are imperative, but they are not the goal of Christians in and of themselves. Instead, the tools should propel you to serve other human beings (especially fellow Christians)—and socials are the place for this to occur!
Some tend to spend more time with their own physical family rather than their spiritual family. This is absolutely against what God has in mind for us. He expects us to prioritize spending time with our spiritual family (see Matthew 12:48-50).
Make Socials a Priority
There is a time for “every purpose under the heaven…” (Ecc. 3:1). Did you realize that many of these listed include social activities? There is a time to “laugh,” “dance,” “embrace,” “speak” and “love.” In most cases, these require being with other human beings!
We must take this personally and make every attempt to attend whenever possible.
I have found brethren are always willing to assist others in getting to a social if the reason they cannot attend is related to finances or transportation. Do not allow pride make you refuse someone else’s help if they are willing to provide.
The pattern of history has painted a wonderful portrait of the importance of local socials. These gatherings are what carry us through the year as we anticipate our annual family reunion at the Feast of Tabernacles.
It really does not matter how big or small the social is, or even what kind it is. The opportunity to do something together is what matters.
Make it your goal to take full advantage of these exceptional times to have fun while continuing your “people training program” in serving others and practicing godly leadership.
Lastly, realize that something very inspiring is unfolding in congregations across the world. Local socials are growing larger in attendance. Also, brethren are traveling to participate in socials in different pastorates. There appears to be a movement—set in motion and inspired by the Father—for all of us to interact more with our spiritual family.
Do not be the person who misses out on this wonderful trend! Do not let another social go by without your important presence.
Your training as a leader will be incomplete otherwise.
So there you have it!  You cannot be a leader in the world tomorrow unless you attend Dave's church socials and marvel at his magnificence. Never has the church seen such a superfantabulous man or church!


  1. Here's a hint, Dave. People WANT to attend events that bring them enjoyment and growth. If people aren't showing up at your "Church socials" the problem is most likely with the "Church socials" and not with the people who aren't showing up.

  2. Don't you get it? This is powerful new truth! When Jesus got on the boat to flee the crowd (Matthew 8:18), He was sinning because He didn't want to attend a gathering organized by His ministry.


  3. Dave Pack talks a lot and writes a lot. In the end he just lies to you and steals everything you have.

  4. “Ephraim compasseth me about with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit” (Hosea 11:12).

  5. That’s the RCG for you ... I’ve had my minister telling us (not asking) that we had to attend the socials as well, although we lived pretty far out. When we mentioned that his answer was ‘get a hotel nearby!’

    So, you’re not only supposed to go there, and bring food/drinks. You also have to pay for an expensive hotel, even if you can’t afford it..

    But the RCG or the ministers don’t care about that. For them the socials are a tool to give the members ‘a good feeling’. So it gets imprinted in their brains that ‘the church’ is ‘fun’, a ‘good time’. It’s called ‘love bombing’ ...
    And it’s a double edged sword: because you’re not ‘in the world’ during that weekend, all you’ll see and hear is RCG-indoctrination. Any ‘church’ social is nothing more than a mini-feast of tabernacles

  6. When I was in the COG I remember a song that was sung at feast of tabernacles..

    “Be happy and rejoice at the feast
    Be happy and rejoice at the feast
    There is no other choice when you lift up your voice
    So be happy and rejoice at the feast.”

    Everything is so forced in the COG. Joy is commanded as opposed to how it’s naturally derived from loving others and yourself.

    To all who are still in a COG. I ask why. Why do you stay? I stayed for a while because I didn’t want to leave my family and friends. I stayed because I was scared of losing them or being lost. If you look at the parable of the fig tree and it not bringing forth fruit. Ask if any good fruit comes from the COG. Does it love its neighbor or shout about prophecy and society ills in telecasts and magazines?

    The COG are nothing but fear merchants living off of your fear and inspiring others to be afraid. You don’t have to be afraid.

  7. Mark 7:6-8 King James Version (KJV)
    6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
    7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
    8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.

    Nothing has changed other than the traditions each group observes.

  8. Only one word needed, Control. Don't give them time to think.

  9. "As God's appointed minister it is his job to plan your activities for you."

    I'd love to see some biblical backing for that statement...

  10. How can believers be expected to lead in the kingdom when they are treated like children in this life? These members have little opportunity to mature, to decide things on their own. Once a decision has been made (without input from members) the thinking has been done. There is the promise of future responsibility but no opportunity to train for it in this life.
    Young soldiers in their twenties have more authority to make decisions than adults in these churches. This is very sad. Besides water baptism, perhaps they should also require castration, also. The leaders emasculate all males in their groups. There can be only one alpha male, the others have to be driven off or emasculated.

  11. What hypocrites! They go on about unity and supposedly wanting to spend time with each other, all the while splintering off this way and that. Where was the unity then? Spending more time with church family than your real family? Yeah, lets shove our real family to the back of the bus to make room for the ones who are "more important". That's the best way I know to teach people to how to build stronger families. I bet God will be very pleased with this approach.

  12. GTA used to have his own "socials" , right in his office, behind closed doors, with choice coeds and ministers wives, complete with food and "drinks".

  13. A mistake members have made, and discovered the hard way, is that of letting go of friends and relatives outside of the church. The problem is that this represents a massive power shift towards the minister. Hence if a person disagrees with a church teaching, or is disfellowshipped/threatened with disfellowship, the loss of all of ones church friends can be devastating. Friendships developed over years or decades can suddenly be ripped away. The old saying of don't put all your eggs in one basket applies to friendships in the church as well.

    Not mentioned in the article is that a social treadmill is ONLY of value provided one gets accurate social feedback from the participants. I found this not to be the case when I attended the WWCG. There were far too many social loonies.

  14. 8:26 AM
    It's good advice: "Don't put all your eggs in one bastard"

  15. The dumbing down of Ken Orel continues in earnest!

    I ask myself often, what is the means to the end of what I am doing and is it pertinent and beneficial.

    Obiviously Ken hasn't identified the three pronged neferiousness of his commanded tradition.

    First and foremost, the intent of of quoting 1 Cor 1:10 in this context is not to drive the member to a perfect enjoining and same mind of Jesus Christ, it is plainly a command to the member to enjoin themselves into and unto the speculation king of Wadsworth via church authority and governance via the beloved ministry. So as Mr. Pack thinks and believes he is .... (fill in the biblical title), then the membership believes whole heartedly the same. When Mr. Pack plays with his puzzle pieces and comes up with a new and better date for the return of the Son of Man, the membership follows right along believing it all.

    Secondly, this commanded mandate of physical presence fellowshiping has and is breaking apart marriages and families. I have witnessed this firsthand. When married church members with non attending mates are coerced into multiple and ongoing long road trips and weekend or weeklong stays, the abandoned spouse at home isn't too happy. And a not too happy non member spouse will quickly be gotten rid of by the impatient council of the "I don't want to be bothered ministry".

    Finally, with the history of the WCG as a back drop, what benefit is there to investing and sacrificing so much to build such endearing friendships when one man or men can in the space of a minute drop a doctrinal "vomit bomb" on the membership and in the next minute drop a pile of bull shit that leaves the only option of some or many, to look for different doors to escape.

    Another example in this vein is when Mr. Pack poignantly decried that at least 80% of the people that sat before him every Sabbath, wouldn't make it into the Kingdom of God.

    So if only 20% of the headquarters population and let's say only 10% of the outlaying membership have a chance of attaining an end goal or the end goal, then fellowship with a pet goldfish would be an equal and safer and cheaper avenue to take than deluding ones mind that the leader of the RCG believes that you constitute any more than 10-20% potential.

    The Ken Orel of 4 years ago would have never missed the consequences of this commanded mandate. The wired puppet skirt wearing pom pom carrying monger of today is "lost" in his daily fellowship with the leader of the Restored Church of God.

  16. So if only 20% of the headquarters population and let's say only 10% of the outlaying membership have a chance

    Where do you get the idea that the headquarters population is more likely to have a chance? In my experience, headquarters is where the worst of the worst end up. Most are already pretty far gone when headquarters recruits them, and the few good ones either turn bad or leave quickly. If anyone in the ACOGs is going to be in the Kingdom of God, I'd put my money on a lay member in the outlying areas rather than any headquarters person.

  17. Must there be a 1:10 ratio of ministers to groups of socializing members?

    1. Yes. And that goes for EVERY group, even if you’re in a group chat about gardening with your sisters ... The RCG wants to ‘Stay informed.” Big Brother/Tall Dave is watching you ....

  18. Be careful you don't get hit by a car on the way to the social.


  19. the only thing "social" I want from Pack is DISTANCING.

    bonus: tonight begins the Feast of Weeks.


  20. Anonymous said...
    So if only 20% of the headquarters population and let's say only 10% of the outlaying membership have a chance

    Where do you get the idea that the headquarters population is more likely to have a chance? In my experience, headquarters is where the worst of the worst end up.

    You missed the point while getting your conclusion correct.

    If in Mr. Pack's eyes that only 20% of the membership before him for how many number of years and in the presence of a self perceived high plane of spirituality was worthy of the Kingdom of God, what do you think in his mind is the percentage of worthiness of the greater bourgeois population that is looked upon as just another Mrs. And Mr. Jones?

    Mr. Pack has called theological seminaries as a place where men go to die. Ken Orel is a perfect example of what happens to spiritually talented men who enjoin themselves to the leader of the RCG. The refrain from Ken is the refrain from Dave: you are all in monetarily, you are all in in belief of church doctrine, you are all in in reverence of the office and even at that point with perfect adherence, there is an 80-90% chance that none of it is of any good in the eyes of the placeholder of the Kingdom of God.

    Kingdom builders in this age survive by a forcible adherence to and a complete commitment unto the said kingdom and its occupiers. Organized socialization is just one avenue to accomplish this.

    The 80 or 90% figure was not just brought out of thin air by Mr. Pack. It was in reference to Herbert Armstrong saying that "80 percent and perhaps 90 percent of you just don't get it".

    So the Church of God has always been and is today inhabited by religious deplorables at least in the minds of those running the churches of God. And the greater membership of the COGs should be perfectly enjoined unto that thinking and reasoning?

  21. Delegating authority clearly is not something RCG is ready to do. Why not have "social committees," like some UCG congregations have?

    And how did this exhaustive study leave out Hebrews 10:25? Doesn't that make ALL socials "commanded assemblies"?

  22. The holy day "commanded assemblies" can technically be kept at home by fellowshipping with God the Father and Christ. So independent stay-at-home Christians are not breaking God's commandments by not fellowshipping with other Christians on the holy days. This is something that Herb and his ministers hid and continue to hide from their members.

  23. 9:28

    No it cannot.
    With 7 extra angels attending a DPack minister should be contacted aswell, since the total would be 10. 6 angels if you are a liberal adding the Holy Ghost.


  24. Sound like hell on earth.

    "You vil attend all de church socials or we vil exterminate you"

  25. People, with no background in Armstrongism, who might read this would have trouble understanding why this is not "a tempest in a teapot." As I scanned it, I had trouble on the surface seeing what all the uproar is about. It's just a church advocating its social activities. It seemed to me a little overwrought that the writer connected all this to something as theological as preparation for the Kingdom of God - a little bunch of Apocalyptic Millerites get together for a hamburger and it is a pivotal event in history.

    One must have experience with religious cultism to recognize the meaning of what may be going on. Such organizations believe in control of people's lives. They believe in separating people from their families so that they have only contact with cult members. They believe in various disciplines to develop obedience - even making what should be a light-hearted social event into a grim discipline. And they believe in adding a liberal dose of apocalypticism to everything - to give it the savor of realtime profundity.

    Its not about what you see in the foreground. It is what you see in the background.

  26. I'm coming into this thread late, but I'll mention that in LCG I have encountered several pastors who were very pushy about brethren showing up for activities. The most pushy ones have been young and newly ordained men who seemed desperate to be able to report big numbers to their overseers, to make it look like they were doing lots of important work with lots of brethren. Old-timer ministers sometimes try to lay on the guilt, but in practice don't make it into a problem if you don't attend their socials.

    Only once, however, have I seen an LCG minister go totally over-the-top on the topic. He actually had the nerve to tell prospective members that they might not be baptized, and if baptized would probably go into the Tribulation, if they didn't make it a point to attend ALL social activities of the congregation unless some serious emergency made attendance impossible.

  27. Reasons given by a member for why they are unable or unwilling to attend are called "excuses" but really are reasons. Not unlike noticers who are called scoffers when really all they are doing is noticing.

  28. In ACOG culture, members are fed diluted spiritual milk. The real unstated moral code is taught by the way ministers interact with members. Hence ministers micro manage members lives, but never preached this from the pulpit. Ministers are partial to the irresponsible, and again never mention this in their sermons or articles. Hence frequent church activities are needed to transmit the "true" church morality. And the useless sermons are required to rob members of understanding that might lead them to oppose the immoral teachings.

  29. More RCG members would attend if the ministers stayed away.

  30. "The most pushy ones have been young and newly ordained men..."

    they're new and filled with excitement, thinking everyone is there for the right reason.
    with time, cynicism takes root, the excitement of youth fades, and they learn that most of the congregation really doesn't get it....they're just going through the motions doing whatever HWA said was right, never growing beyond their starting point.

    those that do study and grow (sometimes outgrowing the ministers) are seen as hard headed heretics, not towing the line, introducing heresy (which is actually correction to some of HWA's errors) and in general, disrupting the flow of things.

    God gives us a brain, the holy spirit, and a bible....we should use all three....we can learn from the ministers, even when they are mistaken.
    (some of my most memorable learning experiences have come from mistaken pronouncements by ministers...it's good to prove all things)

  31. Interesting comments Anon 10:35
    I recognise the truth in them. They are indeed very partial to irresponsible. The more irresponsible the better. They do have a overwhelming desire to micro manage members lives. Even when members lives don`t need managing. I`d go as far as saying wanting to destroy members lives. Thanks for revealing a little from behind the curtain.

  32. I don't think I'll ever attend RCG. I kinda hate that church after reading bad stories about it.

    1. @Unknown 2:17PM It’s a good thing that you recognize the need to stay away from the RCG. But let me set the record straight for you: the Restored Church of God is, despite its name, NOT a church. It is a high demand abusive cult and recognized as such in several countries.
      Don’t let them fool you by their innocent sounding name and ‘Christian’ outside appearance.

  33. 2.15 PM
    Exactly. The members who don't need managing are in fact the ministers favorite. They have the most mental "nutritional value." Micromanaging a irresponsible person is like driving an old under powered car. Micromanaging a responsible member is like driving a new, high powered car - what a thrill.

    1. Don't these comments contradict ? I pity the members who are reduced to being compared to cars.

  34. The Restored Church of God, like the other ACOGs, has the abusive cult characteristic of having a outer face and a inner face. Their literature and TV programs presents a favorable outer face, but life in the cult is very different. It's the old bait and switch routine.

  35. 1.26 AM
    Sure, ignore that the ministers are stealing members lives. Some comeback.

    1. Get real. Since when do members describe members as automobiles? Only a troll ministry would.
