Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Truth


  1. Any true follower of God understands that the Bible is literal. It is not a collection of stories. The old adage, " God said, so let it be done " is accurate. One cannot be a follower of God without be a literalist.

  2. What ever happened to Bitter Bwana Bob's amazing new technology of video animations, which was supposed to be an open door that would preach the Truth so powerfully that the improperly named Continuing Church of God would be set apart from the other groups?

    Not only have the Almost Arrested Amos's animations been totally lame, now they've been surpassed by his former association, LCG, which is putting out its own animations, which honestly aren't all that great but are Oscar-worthy compared to Bob's stilted crapfests.

    The truth is that Bob is such a loser.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Any true follower of God understands that the Bible is literal. It is not a collection of stories. The old adage, " God said, so let it be done " is accurate. One cannot be a follower of God without be a literalist."

    Any theologically and historically educated and critical thinker understands that the Bible is often myth with meaning, allegory, hyperbole and political tale weaving depending on who writes the story.

    God never said "so let it be done" That was Yule Brynner as Pharaoh in the 1956 classic "The Ten Commandments." However, one can not be sadly mistaken about the text, context and intent of the Biblical story without being a literalist. One can however be instantly lifted back into the Bronze and Iron Age mindset literally doing the best they could describing their worldviews and things they actually knew little or nothing about literally.

    As in...
    Rev. 6:13...and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, like unripe figs dropping from a tree shaken by a great wind.

    Isn't literally going to happen I hope you know...

  4. Dennis you really want it to be myth. But you can't prove it's myth.

    It seems atheist are aftaid of what it will mean if they are wrong and God does exist.

    And the only way to temporarily assuaged their inner turmoil and fear is to convince others of "their truth"... The atheist religion where your faith is purely based on the idea that someone elses faith is wrong.

    God is love and commanded love. Straight from the hated law of the old testament.

  5. Allegorizing passages is silly. Everyone can come up with all sorts of crazy ideas. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Christian Science Church said that being "in the upper room" means that they were in a "higher state of consciousness." The Golden Rule of Interpretation is: if the common sense makes sense, don't look for any other sense or you will end up with nonsense.

  6. Dennis should know that "Haiku guy" is one of the funniest contributers here and not be taken literally.


  7. "Any theologically and historically educated and critical thinker ..."

    hmmm, thinking themselves wise...

  8. "Any true follower of God understands that the Bible is literal."

    The true Scotsman fallacy.

  9. "The Golden Rule of Interpretation is: if the common sense makes sense, don't look for any other sense or you will end up with nonsense."

    What passage did you find that in?

    As I recall, what the bible actually says is "ALL things are done in parables". That means the entire gospel story is itself a parable. Jesus never lived.

  10. "But you can't prove it's myth."

    If a bible story was plagiarised from an earlier myth, then it's a myth.

  11. It makes little difference. The canon is a farce anyway. Nobody knows which of the numerous and conflicting gospels and epistles are "legit" anyway.

  12. I thought it was Yoda who said "so let it be done."

  13. If a bible story was plagiarised from an earlier myth, then it's a myth.

    Ah, but Satan is smart. He knew enough about God's plan that he could invent myths before the events God planned, making it look as though God's plan was modeled after Satan's counterfeit.

  14. The literal Bible literally teaches that the value of pi (circumference of a circle divided by diameter) is 3. That's in 1 Kings 7:23.

    If you are an engineer or a physicist, try building a structure or completing a mathematical formula using the assumption that pi = 3. You'll end up with chaos and failure.

    This proves that the Bible isn't literal. It deals in approximations. Once you realize that it deals in approximations of math, which can be matters of life or death and aren't subject to subjectivity or interpretation, it's easy to see that it also deals in approximations of history.

  15. Anon 253,
    Not denying that there are approximations in the Bible, but years ago i read that the diameter measurement was of the interior of the bowl and the circumference was of the outside. By knowing those two numbers you can determine The thickness of the bowl. Anyway, the thickness of the lip of the bowl and similar bowls Added to the diameter apparently made A very accurate pi calculation.

  16. HWA adhered to the "clock model" developed in the Middle Ages and said God was a God of exactness and perfection not aproximation.

    I think I'll watch the "bible code" again for that numbers game. Good ol Ch'Ops would have known. Or the book of Rev's..... as above so on earth.


  17. Jim pointed out a way by which he makes sense of 1 Kings 7:23.

    Notice, however, that it's a way that isn't indicated within the Bible itself. In order for him to make sense of the Bible, he needs to use information and reasoning that isn't present in the Bible. Once you start using information outside of the Bible to interpret the Bible, you're doing the same thing the nuttiest of the scholars do. You're just doing it on a smaller scale, and it's the only way to make the Bible seem to make sense.

  18. 11.56 AM
    Please supply chapter and verse for your "All things are done in parables,"

  19. Anon 4:50,

    I’m fine with Pi being approximated here as 3, if that is what Was in fact occurring. But, I did go back and reread it and to me it reads more as i said than what you are saying. I can see the other way too, but the interior measurement allows one to know the volume capacity better and how thick the walls of the container bowl must be. I recall the bowl had to be around 6” thick to contain a diameter of water 15 feet across. If the measurement was from outside to outside you wouldn’t know the thickness. Anyway, as an engineer/scientist getting the outside dia of the container would not be as informative to me as the interior dia. Further, why give both the circumference and outside diameter as only one measurement would be enough if the only concern was the outside edge of the bowl.
    These two measurements as given give the construction dimensions you need.

  20. Jim, it's early so my brain isn't fully working but if that were the case then wouldn't the thickness of the bowl lip/brim be negative? An impossibility.

    If the interior diameter was 10 cubits, then the interior circumference would be 31.4159 cubits would it not? Then how could the outer circumference be 30 cubits?

    I guess the 10 cubits could be the exterior diameter and 30 cubits the interior circumference, then one could figure the thickness of the brim. But imo, who cares. Are people actually going to bitch because God didn't inspire it to say the circumference was 31 and 41/100ths of a cubit? Some people just aren't happy unless they're bitching about the bible.

    Again, it's early, my math could be way off.


  21. Yep, kev. It would have had to have been the inner circumference and outer rim instead. Reread the verse too quickly and with a years ago thought of what someone said about the verse. I make plenty of mistakes but a careless one like that is rare. I actually was thinking about it last night and thought, “wait, it was 10 across and 30 around.” So, outer diameter and inner circumference is the real solution if it wasn’t simply an approximation.
    But, again, there was a reason they gave two measurements which still indicates thickness. If unconcerned about thickness, simply giving one measurement and stating it was circular would be enough.
