Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

GCI: Lamenting Racism and Loving Your Neighbor

Grace Communion International has the following up in regards to the recent horrific deaths and racial tensions. Not many of the COGs out there are publicly expressing grief or sorrow as to what is happening in the United States right now.  Instead, they spend their time spitting and snarling about everything being a sure sign the end is near.  None of them feel inclined to get off their self-righteous pedestals and do something constructive during this time. We certainly do not see them loving their neighbors when they cannot even love their own members.

In our monthly GCI Prayer Guide for June 2020, we begin with these thoughts – “Togetherness is a theme throughout Jesus’ teachings. Through corporate prayer, we draw closer to one another, reconciling differences, focusing on the same events and opportunities…”
The US has once again been rocked by the horrific incident of excessive force by police that led to the tragic death of George Floyd and resulting in protests turned destructive in more than 30 US cities.
The US is not the only nation where injustice and outrage are a cyclical pattern. It is emblematic of human history and human nature. It is regrettable that we face this unrelenting pattern time and time again as humans treat fellow humans in unspeakable ways.
Considering the recent events, I am asking our church family to lament together for the tragic loss of George Floyd’s life and the deep-felt pain by his family and the African-American community.
Please pray for our cities even as government officials make reasonable appeals and attempts to restore peace for safe assemblies. And may restored peace bring about meaningful dialogue to properly address grievances and bring about positive change.
It is through these opportunities of corporate prayer that we as the GCI family draw closer together, and our hearts are broken for our broken world. I am proud that our fellowship is multi-racial, and we are empowered by the unifying Holy Spirit to display Christian brotherhood and sisterhood in ways that glorify Jesus. In our united prayers we seek reconciliation for our cities and citizens that can be accomplished only by the work of the Great Reconciler.
“Lord may the hate and rage of our world be replaced by the love and goodwill that comes by the power of the Holy Spirit. And as we journey together through this fallen world, make us instruments of your peace. Amen.”
Greg Williams
President Grace Communion International
P.S. As members of the National Association of Evangelicals we stand in solidarity of their statement:
Recent events surrounding the wrongful deaths of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, and George Floyd in Minnesota illustrate severe racial injustices in the United States. The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) laments the recurring trauma experienced by African Americans. We condemn racism and the violent abuse of power, call for justice for victims and their families, and exhort churches to combat attitudes and systems that perpetuate racism. We are grateful for law enforcement officers who honorably serve and protect our communities and urge our members to uphold them in prayer. (NAE)


  1. It appears that there were 4 different races of the police involved in the George Floyd killing.

    Somehow the narrative is that there was "racism" involved. I dont think we see this demonstrated, but rather a scenario of just plain old "police brutality". How did this event get transformed into racism, when that does not appear to be the motivation here in the criminal misbehavior of the police?

    Racism by police is a separate issue me thinks, from the Floyd issue. It appears to me that Chauvin is just an overall abusive prick.

    1. I think one could make a very fine case that on the surface, the immediate issue is the Chauvin openly killed a handcuffed, prone suspect. That should alarm ANY American in and of itself.

      Put it back into its wider context and theres potentially more to it. And there are innumerable tangents I personally prefer not to take up, but it has been difficult.

  2. I say BRAVO! Now to see Gerald Weston, Vik Kubik, Bob Thiel, James Malm and the rest of the fake COG leaders do the same. Maybe then we could trust them a little more.

  3. The rumor going around is "Dr" Joseph Tkach's "salary" is $330,000 per year!?!
    Anyone know what second top banana in the GCI-cult, Greg Williams, is paying himself?

  4. Of course, GCI is the only one that can even get close to NAE affiliation.

    And come to think of it, GCI probably is the only one with a prayer guide.

  5. After watching the video, it makes wonder if Chauvin had been in Iraq or had PTSD or something else going on. Unfortunately, much of the protests have been compromised by anarchists & radical groups like antifa but most in the media won't say it. I saw several innocent businesses destroyed by protestors in my hometown, several which were black owned. Most will not come back.

  6. Tonto
    Agreed. George Floyd was in prison five times. The last time was for breaking into a house, and robbing the woman at gunpoint. I don't think race was the issue.

  7. Of course UCG has made a similar statement, condemning racism and so called 'white superiority'a week ago, but that it seems, just gets brushed aside.

  8. It is beginning to emerge that George Floyd and police officer Chauvin have a history - both worked in the same firm, and Chauvin had confronted Floyd there.

    Puts a different complexion on it.

  9. Greg Williams wrote: "...“Lord may the hate and rage of our world be replaced by the love and goodwill that comes by the power of the Holy Spirit. And as we journey together through this fallen world, make us instruments of your peace. Amen.”
    Is Greg a friend of this present evil world? James mentioned this:

    James 4:4 "...know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."

    Which "Lord" was Greg referring to? Is it the One who advised us of the following?

    John 17:9 "...I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine."

    Why would this particular Lord, Jesus, say such a thing? His answer is several verses away.

    John 17:15 "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.

    The evil one and his angels are the principalities that spawn hatred for anything "of God." Racism is just another form of hatred.

    Paul told us about those principalities:

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]." Eph 6:12

    It is these principalities that cause the flesh and blood to wrestle flesh and blood so successfully. How is it done? Back to a question posed by James:

    "Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?"

    Is/are there any human beings that are exceptions to that particular "spirit" and those fruits of lust and envy?

    No wonder Paul told us: N"ow then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me." Romans 7:17

    And Paul virtually repeated it in verse 20:
    :20 "Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me."

    And if that weren't enough, there is a law telling us of evil present with us:
    :21 "I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me."

    We are learning about evil, learning to hate evil: not hate people!

    Regarding Greg's corporate prayer, a LORD, which is not Jesus, will yet answer that prayer, but NOT today:

    Ezekiel 36:27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do [them].

    Zechariah 13:2 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of hosts, [that] I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, and they shall no more be remembered: and also I will cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land.

    This Lord has His timing, but time will tell...


  10. Time will tell John, and how do we know that you preach the correct Jesus?

  11. Anon, June 11, 2020 at 11:51 AM, asked: "...how do we know that you preach the correct Jesus?"
    FWIIW, I read the AKJV, which says: "For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or [if] ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with [him]." 2 Cor 11:4

    When those words were penned there apparently were such things as: another Jesus, another spirit and another gospel.

    Anon, did you have some other Jesus in mind? Someone else that is "more correct" than the One I cited earlier in John 17? Did the Jesus of John 17 lie to us? What do you think is incorrect about those verses of 9 and 15?


  12. Time will tell John, you don't seem to understand that your understanding of scripture is not necessarily the correct understanding of scripture. Your insistence that everyone follow your line of reasoning or else they're following another Jesus just proves that you're an arrogant fool!

  13. Also, you stupidly asked if Greg is a friend of this present world, when he said nothing of the sort when he was praying for the world.

    You conveniently neglect scriptures that don't fit your pre-judged conclusion. Like pray for your enemies. Since the world is our enemy, aren't we to pray for them? That doesn't fit your messed up theology.

    Would you also accuse God of being a friend of the world? For he so loved the world that he sent his only Son.

    It's ignorant posts like yours that give Christianity a bad name. And you just keep posting your nonsense as if anyone is really interested in your opinion. We're not!

  14. "Considering the recent events, I am asking our church family to lament together for the tragic loss of George Floyd’s life and the deep-felt pain by his family and the African-American community."

    I can understand the pain felt by his family, and I can sympathize with them....

    but has anyone noticed how a certain segment of society tends to worship the bottom feeders? they make heroes out of criminals and thugs, celebrate failure...how is this helpful to anyone?

  15. Floyd doesn't represent all blacks, and Chauvin doesn't represent all whites. The left love to divide racially, and fools allow it!

  16. CoGwa has made a lengthy statement condemning the violence and attitudes behind it. Additionally, CoGwa has turned down the Fed paycheck protection program that they were eligible for. You may want to do some research and mention some positives in the CoG's and not paint then all with the same broad brush.

  17. Anon, June 12, 2020 at 4:50 AM, said: '...John, you don't seem to understand that your understanding of scripture is not necessarily the correct understanding of scripture. Your insistence that everyone follow your line of reasoning or else they're following another Jesus just proves that you're an arrogant fool!"

    Anon, I have not insisted upon anyone following anything I say. You expressed your opinion(s); am I not allowed to do the same? Jesus' words that I quoted mean something different to you than they do to me, and you are welcome to retain your own lines of reasoning although we are not in agreement.


  18. Anon, June 12, 2020 at 4:59 AM, said: "...You conveniently neglect scriptures that don't fit your pre-judged conclusion. Like pray for your enemies. Since the world is our enemy, aren't we to pray for them? That doesn't fit your messed up theology..."

    You apparently disagree with the scriptures, and that's okay. We're told about this present evil world and why it is the way that it is. It's not forever. People are not the enemies; the principalities are (Eph 6:12) and they set up such things as "another Jesus, another gospel," etc. So, such things do exist. This world is held captive to another spirit; it's not forever.

    Christ said to love your neighbor. The people of this world are our neighbors. Love the people, even though we don't love some things that people do. Christ and Stephen said something, paraphrasing, like: "forgive them; they know not what they do."

    That's not easy for most to do, b/c it is much easier to blame and judge others and that has been done since the Garden of Eden after Satan infested/infected, like an invisible virus, the minds of Adam and Eve. All human beings are related to one another. Why shouldn't we love one another? There is a "third party (James 4:5; Eph 2:2; 6:12; John 8:44, etc.) involved, but who wants to really believe those words of James, Paul and John, even when one is quoting the words of Jesus Christ?

    Time will tell...


  19. No John, it's your interpretation of, and the way that you misapply scripture, that I disagree with. Like your ignorant reasoning around what I said. Are you saying that Greg was referring to the principalities and not the people? Just admit that your first response was just stupid. Greg was not directing anyone toward a different Lord as you tried so hard to insinuate.

  20. Yeah, another Jesus and another gospel do exist but it's not your prerogative to tell us who and what the true Jesus and gospel is. While you're free to believe what you want, it's not within your abilities to tell us what Greg is thinking. So STFU!

  21. Worth seeing, while we're on the subject.


  22. Anons, June 12, 2020 at 12:44 PM & June 12, 2020 at 12:44 PM,

    Greg Williams wrote: "...“Lord may the hate and rage of our world be replaced by the love and goodwill that comes by the power of the Holy Spirit. And as we journey together through this fallen world, make us instruments of your peace. Amen.”
    Is Greg a friend of this present evil world? John mentioned this:

    I John 2:14 I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him [that is] from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.

    :15 Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

    :16 For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

    Which "world" was Greg referring to?

    Today's hate and rage are fruits/works of Satan, that god of the children of disobedience, and it is not God's will or timing now to replace those evils in what Greg calls "this fallen world," which is of Satan's making.

    We, as Adam and Eve, are to learn about evil: learn to hate evil, not people! God already has His timing, still future beyond the Mickey Mouse Millennium (time when people think Jesus Christ reigns on earth for 1,000 years), after Satan is loosed from the pit, when God will give His Spirit to billions and eliminate Satan and his evil angels.

    Time will tell...

