Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, June 14, 2020

King Louis Dave's Empire

 double click to enlarge

From an RCG source:

Google maps recently updated. You can see all the homes now and his new stupid extravagant garden.   Restored Church of God compound

My favorite thing is the Giant Eagle parked right in front of his empire! Imagine how Jesus is going to feel when he returns to Wadsworth and sees that blocking his path! Poor Dave, he just can't quite ever make the mark.

King Louis XIV garden.
Ahh, the fruits of RCG brethren giving all...

Guess which house is Dave's...

Ambassador Drive...how quaint. Can any of these men leading their own empires ever come up with an original name? All they can do is imitate and they fail miserably at that.


  1. Can any of these men leading their own empires ever come up with an original name?

    LCG HQ is just off Sardis Road. I guess they couldn't find a Laodicea Street.

  2. All of these churches are filled with deceivers.

    Notice LCG's latest fraud. They want people to believe that they predicted the COVID-19 pandemic long before it happened, so they've put together footage from some old Tomorrow's World videos.

    However, they didn't just put the video clips together. Notice how at the start of the Weston clips they applied a sepia-tone and other edits to create a false psychological impression that these videos are even older than the few years old they truly are? If LCG were telling the truth, they wouldn't need or want to use such deceptive techniques and would just introduce the old clips without manipulating the color and focus of the video to create a false effect.

    LCG Faked Old Footage

    The truth is not in these people.

  3. With great power comes great scrutiny.

  4. I see nothing wrong with the Giant Eagle being there. After all, the church will flee on the wings of a great eagle (Revelation 12:14). I'm not sure how that works with supermarkets, but it is at least symbolic. The Giant Eagle is located on Ambassador Drive, which is quite appropriate. Perhaps at some point the supermarket will sprout wings and provide transport to the place of safety. If so, plenty of provisions will be available for those who flee.

  5. I have personally beheld the Glorious Campus from my privileged parking spot at the legendary Wadsworth Giant Eagle!


  6. Dave Pack's little empire was built at the cost of his followers losing everything they had.

  7. Wasn't Osiris-Jesus born in a stable? (Actually, it was a cave according to early Christians and their Egyptian predecessors.)

  8. This is fascinating to watch - from a safe distance - the modern PCG/RCG $$$Arms-Race$$$ to emulate the original Armstrong doomsday-cult-compound!

  9. the church will flee on the wings of a great eagle

    I remember when GTA said some codger who lurked around the Pasadena campus made a prediction that the egret sculpture was going to fly away. As for coming to pass, that prophecy was no less accurate than HWA's 300+ failed forecasts.

  10. The post said : My favorite thing is the Giant Eagle parked right in front of his empire!


    Dont give Davey any ideas! He is liable to say that his church and compound are a fulfillment of Bible scripture...

    Exodus 19:4 I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself.

  11. The "North Eagle Point" location of Packs house (shown in the middle pics) appears to be the receiving end of a phallic object!

  12. I wonder if he might have tried to buy the Giant Eagle property. doesn't have the money, but neither did HWA when he moved ahead in faith to build his auditorium. Jerry Falwell is buried on Liberty University campus. I wonder if HWA ever considered being buried on campus, perhaps in the House of God.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "I wonder if he might have tried to buy the Giant Eagle property. doesn't have the money, but neither did HWA when he moved ahead in faith to build his auditorium. Jerry Falwell is buried on Liberty University campus. I wonder if HWA ever considered being buried on campus, perhaps in the House of God."

    Wow! Did ALL of us fall for that one. The House of God! Stupid humans.

  14. I am dismayed that the grassroots people in the Armstrongist splinter groups, the stable lay membership, has lost all ability to make evaluative assessments of the overt behavior of dubious leaders, in parallel with our current secular governemnt. We find this shift to irrationality among the first generation of Millerites. So this is an old song, sung many times, in many circumstances:

    "This social radicalism (from earlier in the text, "Adventist anticlerical and anti-institutional rebellion") has convinced many historians that Millerism was, as its contemporary detractors said, culturally aberrant, its adherents at least naïve, at most deluded or insane. . . Some Perfectionists attached to the movement practiced feet washing, advocated communalism, and attempted to raise the dead . . . Some Millerites apparently did become insane under the spiritual pressure of anticipating the rapidly approaching Final Judgement." (Text in parenthesis is my addition.)

    (Source: "The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century", edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler.)

  15. Looking at the Google map, how about the massive power lines on the property as well as I-76 just north. I'm sure these make for beautiful background visuals and noise while strolling through the garden.

  16. The House of God! Stupid humans.

    The auditorium was actually named "House For God". It was for God, but He never showed up. Stupid humans.

    I forget the scripture, which was twisted to "sanctify" the "chosen" FOT site(s), but God said His Name was only on the Temple in Jerusalem. Stupid humans.

  17. To riff off of another commercial-
    "You can't spell “depraved” without 'Dave'!"
