Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Self-appointed COG Prophet Claims Demons Are Behind COVID-19 and Brexit

Only in the mind of a deluded self-appointed Church of God prophet can one come up with this kind of stuff and think it worthy of being preached about.
COVID and Brexit Driven by Demons?Could Satan or any of his demons be impacting the economy of the world and Europe through having both the coronavirus outbreak and the British Exit (Brexit) from the European Union? Did governments tend to react in a way causing ‘self-inflicted’ damage to the economy? What about actions from the European Central Bank? Has demonic involvement been asked by the German press? Does the Bible teach that Satan is the god of this age and that the world is under his sway? Will involvement from Satan and his demons lead to the rise of the Beast, False Prophet (Antichrist), and the gathering at Armageddon according to scriptures in the Book of Revelation? What event did the late Worldwide Church of God Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong feel would trigger the prophesied unification of Europe under the Beast? What about ‘miracles,’ signs, and lying wonders? What did Jesus say that Christians should do? What about prayer and the kingdom of God? Will you fall for Satan’s lies and deception? Dr. Thiel discusses each of these matters and more.
It has always fascinated me on how much more powerful COG demons are compared to the almost nonexistent and powerless Christ they claim to follow. 


  1. Are Demons behind the Self Appointed Prophet of Arroyo Grande???


  2. Tonto at 12:53 PM said...“Are Demons behind the Self Appointed Prophet of Arroyo Grande???”


  3. What part is the greatest untold story of restored church of god at now?

  4. Fragmented thinking is the way many people, who are perceived to have learning disabilities, think. They do not move in a straight line. Getting from one place to another efficiently is impossible, since they are incapable going in a straight line.

    Bob Thiel seems to have this problem. By seeming to asking all sorts of unrelated questions, this develops a outline/template in which he can work within. Understanding of order is based on information conveyed by the senses. If sensory information is missing, partially blocked, or exaggerated then he must impose order without the benefit of all the proper information.

    Because order is essential for assimilating, and expressing what someone knows, then imposing order profoundly affects his ability to communicate and understand. Otherwise, his assessments must be external, using reaction instead of sure knowledge. This is why he back tracks at time. He was unable to process the information he was trying to convey at the time. This type of thinking is a primary symptom of schizophrenia.

    1. Perhaps he is Marshal di Caprio, investigating Shutter Island?

  5. 2:52 The last sermon I have of Dave's is part 250 of the series he started a few years ago.

  6. Now you all get to see why Mr Meredith kicked him out of LCG. We heard this kind of weirdness all the time from Bob. LCG members became totally disgusted by him and were more than happy to hear his name broadcast from the pulpit getting kicked out.


  7. NO2HWA said...“The last sermon I have of Dave's is part 250 of the series he started a few years ago.”

    That would be 250 sermons that were not worth listening to, that did not do any of his followers any good at all, and that were full of lies and nonsense.

    Think about all the satanic noise put out over the years by false prophets like Flurry, Pack, Weinland, Thiel, and others. All a total waste of one's precious time. All worth less than nothing.
