Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, June 14, 2020

New COG Calender Released

The cool thing is that Bob Thiel, Gerald Weston, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland, and Dave Pack all approved of this!


  1. Tonto's observations are priceless.

    "However, if your mindset is that "things are going to end in 5 years or less", the motivation to embrace the struggle of personal development diminishes. Instead, you end up "rooting for" your own "personal jackpot" of the "end of the world", which then would deliver your "reward" of glory and honor at that time."

    The acog's count on this. FEAR sells.

    In 1957 a journalist named Vance Packard wrote “The Hidden Persuaders,” a book that pulled back the curtain on all the psychological tricks and tactics companies and their marketers and advertisers were using to manipulate people’s minds and persuade them to buy. It was shocking. It was groundbreaking. It was controversial. And it’s nothing compared to what’s going on in the marketing and advertising worlds today. Nearly six decades later, businesses, marketers, advertisers, and retailers have gotten far craftier, savvier, and more sinister..

    Fear is an interesting, complex, and not altogether unpleasant emotion. Do you remember the delicious thrill you felt as a kid when you watched your first horror movie — whether it was “The Blair Witch Project” or “The Shining” or “The Exorcist”? Your pulse probably raced, your heart likely beat wildly in your chest, and you may have found yourself involuntarily holding your breath as you waited for that ax-wielding killer to jump out of the shadows. You were scared out of your mind, and you loved every minute of it. It’s not just horror movies and scary urban legends that deliver this delicious thrill. Ever wonder why Stephen King has sold more than five hundred million copies of his books over the years, or why on Publishers Weekly’s list of best-selling books in 2009, a staggering thirteen of the top fifteen fell under the category of thriller?

    This why humans love to entertain conspiratorial ideas.

    1. Yeah.



  2. Fear and Greed sell everything!

    Fear- The very soon coming Tribulation

    Greed-- You get to be an adulated, admired and powerful King!

  3. Conspiracy deniers have the most fear. The fear of facing the dreadful truth.

  4. I never liked horror movies. Comedies are for me.

  5. Can someone tell me where I can buy that calendar :)

  6. I can't wait for September!!

  7. Aliens are already here! Bob Thiel is one of the Vistors from V working behind the scenes to deceive people.

  8. 9:25 is profiled as a 52 year old caucasian male, liberal leaning with a pretty nice mother. 2 siblings onw older sister. Father absent (minded) conservative in the classic way. Good provider for the family.

