Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, June 11, 2020

"...so please do yourself a favor and stop trying to break up the church! "

This was a comment just left on the Lily White Church of God Leadership post. 

Your thoughts?

Unknown said...
I am a black man, did any one notice God tells us in the Bible who his chosen people are, oh did I mention my name? Well it’s William f Butler, I was baptized in 1981, we know that what Jacob who’s name God Changed to Israel blessed his two grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh, one would be a League of Nations, England, one a great Nation America, they are the only people that fit the description! Controlling the enemies sea gates And having the best farmlands which means having the most food, I go to living and have never been treated unfairly, Please show me in the Bible where the Other nations were in charge in the Church, how many of Jesus disciples were Black, Noticed how many nationalities in living! Because each has that same minister’s leading them, so you need to stop trying tear us apart God places in His Church whom He wants to, so please do yourself a favor and stop trying to break up the church! The Israelites are in Charge of Most of this earth in one way or another, God bless America,


  1. Thank you Mr. White Minister, you have the genetic birthright and I am your supplicant! You are made more in the image of God than I am, and we should ignore all those scriptures that talk about not being Greek, Jew or Roman, but one body, and that we are ALL grafted in to the vine of Israel. For God loves the white man more!

    So let me go back to saying "Yes Sir Boss", and referring to you as "Captain", and you can just call me "boy". You can call my wife "Auntie", and I will sit in the back of the Church of God bus, along with some poor unordained white folk on occasion.

    Also, I thank the chosen Birthright English Royal family for exploiting slavery from Africa, ruining India and introducing opium to China. These were all "light on the hill" activities that we should rejoice in.

  2. William F. Butler, should read up on William F. Butler.

    The posting is an excellent summary of what was "official", so a good starter for those inclined to discuss the past.

    I'll spend my time reading William Faulkner or Tennessee Williams for (the estimation of) black vernacular.


  3. It's the ministerial abuse that breaks up churches rather than the messengers who point out the abuse. Shooting the messenger is not an admirable trait.

  4. Where shall I start dear William?!?!

    God doesn't look at the color of one's skin, but the content of their character. So should we who profess to follow in His Son's steps.

    Whether America and the British Commonwealth fulfill the Jacobite prophecy of Joseph's sons is irrelevant. It doesn't excuse the lawlessness, immorality and abuses of Americans and British and their respective governments. Nor is the abuses of the Israelis and their government excused either just because they're supposedly of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob stock.

    The "gates" referred to in the Scriptures have nothing to do with supposed "sea gates" as traditionally taught by BI advocates. Letting the Scriptures interpret the Scriptures it is proven these gates refer to the gates of cities not seas.

    We're living in the "times of the gentiles" already, which began with the Babylonian captivity of the remnant of Israel. So other nations have been in charge over the land and people of Israel for thousands of years not Israelites. When Christ came the Romans were in charge and would later destroy the Jerusalem Temple and sack Jerusalem triggering the Diaspora. Even His disciples asked Christ before He ascended into heaven, "Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1:6). The twelve tribes won't be reunited in the land of Israel and the throne of David restored on earth until Christ returns to establish the Kingdom of God.

  5. well, he's right....you guys keep banging your heads against the wall expecting a different outcome each time.
    you cannot prevail against The Church.

  6. Not a fan of the cogs and some teachings on the origins of race are silly and some hwa teachings on race in the millennium are absurd, but growing up in the South in wcg, I believe the actual treatment (outside of interracial dating ban) of blacks and other minorities was better than in the general public. How could it not be? Firstfruits were firstfruits— the elite. All, regardless of race, were recognized as the special elite in the wcg, How can someone be denigrated based on color when the object of our spiritual denigration were deceived Christians that are not part of the wcg. I mean, if you can deny the christianity of mother teresa types and Eric Liddell types, membership in wcg is obviously the ultimate measure and overpowered racial biases for many.

  7. I have seen the idea of "a great nation and a company of nations" and the control of sea gates many times as a proof of BI. It is an easily grasped concept. But the problem is Spain.

    The Spanish in Europe are the same people genetically as the British - They are both haplogroup R1b with some other admixtures. They both dominated the high seas and controlled sea gates. They both had large overseas colonies. Large populations of Western Europeans live in southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. The Brits control Gibraltar and Panama but the Spanish are standing right next to them. But the Brits got a huge temperate zone continent in the northern hemisphere and the Spanish got the jungle. But Hoeh classed our Spanish kindred as Gentile and the fact that they fulfill the same prophetic checklist as the Brits originally is never mentioned.

    And no matter how tightly this argument from geography might be drawn, it is totally trumped by genetic evidence.

    I detect in this post a note, not of joy, but of resignation. This is what Armstrongism does to people of color. They capitulate to Blackwellian racism.

    The word on the street is that Byker Bob was taken to the Place of Safety. He's the only one who made it. He's now sitting in an arid cave somewhere in the Middle East with three tons of whole wheat bread and some sun dried all-beef weenies. No internet.

  8. "you cannot prevail against the church."

    I wish I had had been exposed to dissident points of view on joining the church.
    I would not have been deceived on many points otherwise.

  9. Yeah right NEO
    Spanish are British. Never seen Fawlty Towers Manuel?

    No internet at the PoS?
    May aswell bury me alive
    You'd think Indiana, that German chick or BB will find the Holy Grail then, before the Flurrys get there? Or am Iin the wrong timeframe here.

    Love your theory. The Azores and Ibiza are "the isles northwest" and Tiras is not Spain but Tolkien.


  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Tonto, your response was so racist.


    For any who do not understand "parody", I was illustrating the ridiculousness of BI , with ridiculousness.

  11. Odd post to reply to, being from 2016.

  12. Tonto, no matter your reasoning, it was still racist.

    1. I am trying to keep up with all that "modern stuff" and understand tonto's comment being racist. I was wondering though if a, the comment is indeed satire and not racist if William B. is just a white impostor being "satiric" himself (which for sure is my take) and b, can the comments directed at Tonto be labelled "sexist", if the commenters actually assume that Tonto is Connie in reality?

      What do people assume the "thrown in the water destroyed empire statues" really thought of which most people never studied them or some just learned about them 2 days ago.

      People are assuming to much these days. Although it was right to presume Dr Livingstone, being the first white guy in 3000 miles, still, that was a racist assumption itself. How funny if the bloke at the Falls had responded, no I am sorry I am Sean Barrymore from Suffolk and I'm lost, you racist prick.


  13. "Stop breaking up the church." That ship has sailed in 1994. It's still out to sea.

    However, all the life rafts are populated and separated by people who claim to believe in the same God, but couldn't agree to head in any direction. Occasionally they call to each other but more over they just call each other out.

    Their whole "work" is trying to tell more people to come aboard a raft that is slowly sinking into irrelevancy. Oh, and how everyone else is heading the wrong way but they have the one, true way.


  14. " Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Tonto, no matter your reasoning, it was still racist.

    June 12, 2020 at 12:31 PM"

    I guess he's also guilty of cultural appropriation for using an Indian pic, and possibly gender appropriation because it's male..../s
