Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Dave Pack's Kingdom of God...Wait till you see how it all plays out...

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If you thought Bwana Bob was pulling things out of the air or his a.... to preach as truth, wait till you see Dave Pack's chart above.

Jesus comes for the second time to Wadsworth where he and Dave will set up a new kingdom with houses and lands. Dave, JC, and a select few of the righteous will dwell in peace and harmony for 3 1/2 years. Then all hell breaks loose and there is 16 - 18 months of hell as the man of sin is revealed and sorrows rain down.

As the time of sorrows is in full swing, Dave's JC comes for the 3rd time! Poor guy, he has returned so many times that I doubt even he knows where he is in the grand scheme of things. During this time all the sheep and goats will be judged and Satan and his demons will be cast back into heaven!  This all lasts for  3 1/2 years.  WTH?  Is there no end to the stupidity that comes out of Dave and the rest of the apostate splinter leaders?

Then another 3 1/2 years dawns and we find out that Satan and his demons have pissed off God so much that he casts them back down to earth to wreak havoc. Bwana Bob will start sacrifices and commit the abomination of desolation in the temple, while Ron and Laura Weinland will be witlessly witnessing in Jerusalem.

Such a glorious time to be a COG member and be alive to witness all of this greatness unfold before their eyes!

After 3 1/2 years of this mess, God returns!  Woo Hoo!

Millennial bliss happens and everyone since Adam will be raised.

Dave and Jesus will be ruling from Wadsworth while Herbert Armstrong will be in charge of re-educating the world with resurrected Pasadena ministers and evangelists who will be teaching the world how life should be while the rest of the COG members are off on other planets ruling their worlds with iron-fisted millennial bliss.

Isn't being a Church of God member a great thing!


  1. Ok..ok...Dave has almost gotten this right. Under "Second Measure. Satan and demons cast into heaven" should read, "out of heaven" Although, if Dave and his ministry is ever in heaven, I'd have to be cast into it rather than go of my own free will. Maybe "cast into Heaven" is a code word for "Cast into Hell"? Anyway, have never heard of Satan and the Demons being cast INTO Heaven, so perhaps it's a typo. Overall however, the accuracy and sheer knowing how this is all going to play out, and soon!, gets me gyrating in my seat!

    I think we can now rest assured that THIS is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN though once we feared it!

    "I want to make a statement about...me...now, if I became deceived, I will never tell you what I'm going to tell you now...I am telling you if I go off into strange ideas, misconduct, rebellion, you name it, don't follow me.

    I want to tell you that now, because if I start doing that I'm gonna try to get you to follow me! I'm gonna come to you and tell you it doesn't apply, it doesn't mean me, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's OK to follow me because ABCD and XY and Z. Do you understand what I'm saying?

    Listen to me now, when I tell you don't follow me if I go off into weird ideas, or if I get off into other things that are total absolutely unscriptural conduct, because if I do I'm gonna paint it with a different face and try to get you to follow me.

    Do you understand what I'm saying brethren? Please remember that, because I promise you that if I become deceived, I'll forget it, and I'll want you to forget it... And I hope you'll remember it well enough to quote it right back to me...

    But I'll tell you what, I'm not going anywhere."
    David C Pack
    December 12, 1998

  2. Well Dennis if it turns out that this is not a typo and Satan will be "cast into heaven" this shows who Dave Pack's god really is. If Satan tried to ascend above God's throne do you think perhaps Dave will try to kick Satan off of his throne and ascend above him? After all the almighty Dave has to be in charge you know. He'll want God and Satan bowing down and serving him paying him their common.

  3. Personally I think Dave, Anon 350, will find a way to be the Supreme EL with God the Father working under him , Jesus under him, Mrs Pack would be next and then few other leading Evangelists that we can't name at the moment.

  4. Mental illness. When does another Waco start and who will be held responsible?

  5. I've been carefully examining Dave's chart, and I'm just wondering exactly how and where the Wadsworth Giant Eagle and Iron Maiden fit in...

  6. @ The Painful Truth.

    If another Waco happens and Dave survives it he will blame and hold everyone else but himself responsible for it.

  7. @ Ronco
    I believe it fits in between Purgatory and the Number of the Beast

    Iron Maiden Purgatory

    Iron Maiden The Mark of the Beast

  8. Very very interesting?

    So the New Testament saints and the membership of the Restored Church of God including Herbert W Armstrong start the 1st measure by obtaining salvation and born again status and then wait 3 1/2 years for the "I AM group" to come and deceive many. Then 8 or 9 months after that the Man of Sin appears to deceive even more than the many.

    Thankfully Jesus Christ somehow makes it out of Wadsworth to take out the Man of Sin after only 8 or 9 months of destruction and to gather the sheep and goats together and give Dave and Herbert and 10 percent of his church glory, honor, immortality and eternal life and to bag up the garbage (Satan and the Demons) and throw it (them) up into the Father's front yard.

    Now with all Israel raised from the dead and with Christ their king for ........ 3.5 years, they (all Israel) then get the seven seals put upon them, Satan and his Demons cast down upon them, the false prophet deceiving them, the Beast giving them the "mark" and their temple ruined by the abomination of desolation.

    And the cost for a front row seat to all this is "all that I have"?

  9. Satan and the Demons will be "cast back into heaven"??

    Is that how Pack figures he will end up there too?


  10. Dave Pack used to NITPICK about every little, tiny, real or imagined fault with every other splinter group.

    Now, if anyone tries to point out that Dave Pack has totally lost his mind, become Satan-possessed, and is vomiting uncontrollably all over his listeners, he accuses them of just NITPICKING.

    Truly, you cannot make this stuff up. It takes a real demoniac like Dave Pack to make this stuff up.

    1. Anon 10:22
      Dave Pack is blind to his own ways. But that's how corrupt leaders always operate. Ten times worse than the rivals they nitpicked to death.


  11. Say goodbye to the “responsible understanding” that the RCG cult's Real Truth magazine was going to bring.

    Say hello to the “reckless speculation” that the RCG cult's Real Truth magazine was not going to bring.

  12. Just waiting for Dave to reveal that the seven seals are in fact literal seals who will minister to the surviving life in the earth's oceans from their home base in the Mediterranean Sea near Jerusalem. Then he'll tell us that these seals aren't very big, and that their names are Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and Sneezy. They are under the authority of the returned David Christ, whose robes are described as snow white to represent his purity.

  13. With this scenario that Dave Pack has put together in his great prophetic puzzle game that he is playing, there is an enormous question that has to be asked.

    That question is: why the requirement from the membership of all of their possessions?

    Dave Pack has stated it and this timeline plus has continual prophecies of the imminent return of Jesus Christ are a factual witness that the RCG is waiting for the rapture, with the only difference being that the evangelicals think they are going to heaven and Dave and his church are staying right here on earth.

    With this as their prominent belief, there is no Matt. 24:14 gospel to the world as a witness and there is no Ezekial warning. This all adds up to; their is no "work".

    If there is no work, why the need for all the money? That answer is plain as day and has to be a bitter pill to swallow for those that fell for Dave Pack's demand of "Common".

  14. 'If there is no work, why the need for all the money? That answer is plain as day and has to be a bitter pill to swallow for those that fell for Dave Pack's demand of "Common".'

    And its Much Much more bitter!

    Acts 2 and Acts 4 emphasize "they" had things in Common, not the member just handing UP TO MINISTERS all their money

    If only people in RCG would read their Bibles! They would know that RCG widows broke and sleeping in their cars so Davy can have nice Trees


  15. Hey! Can we discuss something else besides these disgusting ministurds? This is getting very old!

    "All mankind since Adam raised"

    Only since ~6k yrs ago? That leaves out a lot of humanoids going back ~300k yrs!

  17. July 13 at 5:46 AM declares that the way things are going now in RCG "IS NOT WHAT GOD INTENDED."

    I see. Then what you imply is that Almighty God is powerless to make things go the way they should. If he really is omnipotent, I bet he's merely waiting for permission. If the faithful would only pray "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," then his bonds would be loosed and he could finally act.

  18. Dave said: "God wants His apostle, guided by the Holy Spirit, to put together the grand prophetic puzzle."

    Too late Dave. Art Mokarrow solved God's puzzle years ago with his booklet on "God's Puzzle Solved!" Totally already solved!

