Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Zerubbabel Circumcises His Son And Offers Him Up To Yahweh

Zerubbabel ( Michael Noordhoek ) has a new video up and it is crazier than hell.  He talks about circumcising his son and being will to sacrifice him and offer him up to Yahweh.  I don't know if this is the son he produced with his daughter that he bragged about a couple years ago or not.

He goes on to say it has been 436 days since he got out of jail.

Talks about his new magic shoes of affliction, and a box he got from Amazon, a B-36 box that corresponds to Issac being alive 36 years.

His god, who has 14 eyes, has been showing him just how things are.

He has been sent by his god now for 9 1/2 years and no one believes him or god.

This is the face of Armstrongism at its worst.

This will be Bob Thiel in 10 years after his string of prophetic failures drives him over the edge.


  1. This is sad. This is what fundamentalism does to people. Very sad!

  2. Hey I've seen this dude on Youtube once! I think it was a couple of weeks ago, that's why I remember him. I clicked on his video after watching a Judas Priest video. I clicked on the video after I saw a pic of this guy wearing that funky outfit, I though maybe it was going to be some kind of weird rock video,lol.I had no idea he was an Armstrongite, I thought he was just another crazy preacher as from what I've heard him say made no sense. I could not make out what this idiot was babbling on about so I just moved on to an Iron Maiden video. It was between Judas Rising and Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. How this dude ended up between Judas Priest and Iron Maiden videos was beyond me as Youtube works in mysterious ways. It amazes me how many crackpot the worldwide church produced, and he has to be one of the wackiest ones so far unless there are more nuttier than him. Your article stated that he shagged his daughter and had a son, is that why he was in jail? If so HWA taught him well, I guess the only difference is he got caught and Herbie didn't.

  3. The man is probably and clinically mentally ill. All fundamentalist religions attract their share. WCG did not turn him into this. It gave him an outlet for what I would suspect was a predisposition to religious delusions and whatever mental health issues he may have to begin with.

    Although he probably is a good modern representation of the same problems OT prophets, like Jeremiah and Ezekiel, had with depression and schizophrenia.

    While folk like this don't ask for help, can't and won't admit to even having a mental health issue or accept treatment and counseling, they still need help more than mockery and criticism. Mental hospitals are full of delusional with religious content patients just like this man. The only difference is that he is not yet in one.

  4. Bob Thiel in 10 years! LMAO! So true

  5. "How this dude ended up between Judas Priest and Iron Maiden videos was beyond me as Youtube works in mysterious ways."

    The first time I ever saw Iron Maiden was when they toured as a warmup band for Judas Priest when I was in high school- I think it might have been the Screaming for Vengeance tour.

    Awesome, as Ron Weinland would say.

    1. I still have tinnitis from listening to Iron Maiden and the like 30 years ago. Darn me!

  6. Speaking of Iron Maiden...


  7. Scoffers. Does the prophet's black bag contain apple or microsoft? The picture is absolute proof he doesnt need wifi.

    Thiel is right. In the past cruel people would kick the "moonstruck" to the curb. Civilized people would care for this man with 3 meals a day and a snack at 11 in the cuckoos nest.

    In the institution they might find someone willing to perform a circumcision.
    Perhaps another patient who believes he is a famous surgeon, or better even, a former A student gone jihadi, scarred through bombardments in the khalifate and currently of the opinion he's a rabbi from Dresden in hiding.

    A "Napoleon" may pin him down during the procedure, all too willing to help amputate wounded comrades after Waterloo, just yesterday.


  8. I wonder if at the heart of religious cult leaders of all types, is a great inferiority complex. It likely results from a childhood that had a lack of unconditional love.

    By becoming a "specially loved and used person of God", more so than other earthly mortals, there is found a kind of false "self actualization" and self worth that was lacking within the person.

    Narcissism, delusion and sociopathy have deep roots beginning in early childhood.

  9. Zerubbabel ( Michael Noordhoek ) I believe needs some help.

  10. @ Ronco 7:33 PM

    Love the kid's reaction when he gets to hear Iron Maiden, it calmed him down. He'll be a fan for life. Up the Irons - Long live Bruce Dickinson and the boys.

    Here is an Iron Maiden song that probably would fit the churches of God. Be Quick or Be Dead


  11. And for all those bad preachers out there, let's not forget Iron Maiden's Holy Smoke...


  12. The only one deluded is you Tonto.

  13. I have not viewed his video but the question arises, if some of his claims are meant seriously as related by bloggers, should he be reported to the authorities? Or maybe to Youtube Administrators?

  14. Dennis:

    You wrote: "Although he probably is a good modern representation of the same problems OT prophets, like Jeremiah and Ezekiel, had with depression and schizophrenia."

    If human beings are mechanistic biobots and human consciousness is just an odd by-product of swarms of rampant molecules, isn't it rather presumptuous of you to posit the ideas of 'depression' and 'schizophrenia'? I should think that the whole idea of 'abnormal psychology' would be successfully challenged by the non-judgmental randomness of materialism.

  15. @Ronco 10:55 PM

    Love it! It's like Bruce is singing this song for Dave pack and Gerald Flurry. Let's dedicate this song to all churches of God ministers. This should be the opening hymn at all CoG services. I'm sure on the next sabbath some CoG minister somewhere is going to bitch that Banned influenced by Satan is mocking them through Iron Maiden. We all know that CoG ministers check this site all the time, so to all you ministers who check out this site, Iron Maiden's Holy Smoke is dedicated to you!UP THE IRONS!!!

    1. @Anonymous 9:47AM
      Is that you Dave?! Wow.. you dirty little..

      I new COG leaders check out this site, but you’re a fan of Iron Maiden? You truly are a man of steel Dave!

  16. Seeing all of the Iron Maiden comments I can't help but wonder how many people in the WWCG and the offshoots were secretly listening to rock and heavy metal music while the ministers were preaching how evil this music was.

    I remember once after services during fellowship another member and I sat at the front where there was a guitar and amp, he picked up the guitar and started playing Crazy Train, and when a couple of people asked what song he was playing he told them it was Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy train, and you should have seen the shocked look on their faces. Oh yeah, the guy playing that song was in his 40's and had been in the church for years with his wife.

    I think what it really boiled down to is that not many of us were really listening to the ministry. I can only speak for myself but when these ministers would spew their ant-rock crap they would parrot what someone else said without checking the facts, and then expect us to buy into the nonsense they were preaching.

    All this talk about Iron Maiden is taking away from the original intent of the posted article. I agree with Dennis on this as I think that fundamentalist religions including Armstrongism has been an outlet for people like this man to do strange things, and I believe that this individual does need help as he may be delusional or insane. I looked at some of his YouTube videos and they don't seem to be making any sense at all as I don't really understand what he is even talking about. It sounds like he's rambling on about God knows what. I believe instead of mocking this guy someone who is close to him should really be trying to get him some counseling. It's sad when crazy churches like those of the church of God movement can drive people to this level. I don't know if this guy is delusional or has just gone mad but he needs help before he destroys himself.

  17. I know from experience in Pasadena that any time a minister railed against a movie that very Saturday night at the theatre it would be packed with students and members. The same for music. The more a minister hated something the more people listened to it. Personal opinions by ministers that were used as a matter of control were irrelevant.

  18. Groan, here we go again.
    Apostate Dennis character assassinating all the bible greats.

  19. @Anon 12:33PM

    I highly doubt Dave Pack would be on this site during the sabbath as he's too busy instilling fear into and brainwashing his sheeple. He'll probably drop in later after sunset to see what is being said about him. I wonder if Dave or Gerald would ever have the balls to come onto Banned and actually comment and communicate with us. Probably not as we are beneath them. At least Ian Boyne did so and he did it in a respectful manner, too bad there weren't more CoG ministers like Ian. I would challenge David Pack, Gerald Flurry, Bill Watson, Joseph Tkach, David Hulme, Gerald Weston, Victor Kubik, etc. to come on to Banned and actually communicate with us. If they do come on banned it's only to read what's being said about them.

    PS. I wonder how many of these guys are in the closet Iron maiden fans? I don't know how true this is but I've once heard that Bill Watson of the CGI was in a rock band before he became a preacher. Does anyone know if this is true? Maybe Lonnie Hendrix aka Miller Jones can answer this since he knew Bill and his dad is Bill's buddy.

  20. @ 1:17PM,

    We don't always have to agree with what someone here has to say. Dennis has his right to his own beliefs and opinions. I do enjoy reading many of his posts and comments. I may not always agree with him, but I will stand up for his rights to his beliefs and opinions even if I don't agree with him on some issues.

  21. @ NO2HWA 11:16 AM

    It reminds me of when the WWCG preached against the Beatles and how they were a bad influence with their mop top hair cuts and their long hair/beards, their psychedelic "drug' influenced Sergent Pepper and Revolver albums. They would preach against the evils of the Beatles, and then once after a sabbath on a family night and dance they played Beatles music from the Beatles For Sale and A Hard Days Night LPs. So I don't think even the ministers believed the crap they were preaching as the DJ that night playing the music was a minister. That was back in the early 80's in the Toronto west congregation. I remember shaking my head at what a hypocrite the minister was when he started playing the group he preached against. I guess in reality the Beatles must have been his unholy vice.

  22. 2.57 PM
    Re read my 1.17 PM post. I did not question Dennis's "rights to his beliefs and opinions."
    Why should I? After all, God allowed Satan to express "his rights and opinions" in the Garden of Eden.

  23. The WWCG criticising some types of music and some movies eg, Barbarella, is the equivalent of Pharisaic nitpicking and looking righteous by walking around in their long robes. But the weightier matters of the law such as rights and justice are rejected.

  24. I remember in 86 or 87 when I was 11 or 12, Gerald Whittie (I may have spelled his last name wrong) gave a sermon on what kinds of songs to listen to. I've always hated pop music and that, for the most part, was ok to listen to according to him. But one of the biggest no no songs was Judas Priest's "You Got Another Thing Coming". He played the video on the sabbath (TV on the sabbath! Oh, god, no!!) just to basically say to never listen to it. Anyways, that's exactly the kind of music I like and was the only part of that sermon I listened to 🤘

  25. HWA thought Beatles music just noise.

    However the SEP singalongbook contained Beatles songs. So I guess many topministers interpreted HWA's words as preaching against the "cultural revolution" and youth movement of the babyboomers, whereas the majority of ministers being boomers themselves did enjoy at least some of the more universally recognized brilliantly composed songs, whilst despising the 60's youth revolution.

    HWA did more for the spread of popular music than any man alive, more than the beatles and elvis combined.

    One should now the history of the European pirate stations, Radio Luxembourg, their sponsors and the cia psy opp to sway a complete european generation toward the american cultural expansion and the capitalist west rather than the very attractive socialist block.


  26. I played "Strawberry Fields Forever" backwards , and it said "HWA IS DEAD"!
