Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 31, 2020

Gerald Weston: If You get COVID Was It Because You Tempted God?

Many of us have read and meditated on Psalm 91 during this COVID-19 pandemic. This beautiful psalm promises protection for those who put their trust in God. Review the whole psalm, but note especially verses 3, 6–8, and 10–11. We certainly appreciate this protection today, but as I pointed out earlier, this does not mean we should walk about foolishly tempting God. Verses 11 and 12 were the very verses Satan quoted to encourage Christ to tempt God (Matthew 4:5–6). So we must not be foolish. We must see the big picture. While it is evident that God has been very merciful to His children during this time, we must face the fact that He allows some of us to get sick, and we will all die from something at some time (cf. Psalm 103:3; 2 Kings 13:14).

We can only address the problems and challenges that we are truly willing to face. Let us face the truth that many people fear: It is true that this pandemic is our enemy and has the potential to kill. Yet, it is also true that God gives us this wonderful promise: “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:57–58). Do we truly believe this?

How easy it is to see only the here and now, to become fearful over what we see around us, and to fail to see the big picture of God’s plan and how we individually fit into it. Notice this most encouraging passage: “The Lord looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men. From the place of His dwelling He looks on all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works” (Psalm 33:13–15). Wow—He fashions our hearts individually! He knows you and me, and He is working with us individually as He knows best. He is a Father who is intimately involved in rearing His children.

Most of us will come out on the other side of this pandemic just fine. Some of us may get sick, but most who do will recover. We believe God is our Healer (Exodus 15:26). Nevertheless, we lose members every year from a multitude of causes and illnesses—as of this writing, only one of our members has died of COVID-19—but we can be assured that, no matter the cause, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” (Psalm 116:15).

Take courage, brethren. Don’t live foolishly. There is a threat out there, but look to God and trust Him that He knows you individually—He is your caring Father. If a sparrow does not fall to the ground without Him knowing it, how much more valuable are His children in His sight!


  1. "We certainly appreciate this protection today, but as I pointed out earlier, this does not mean we should walk about foolishly tempting God."

    Well, I'll have to admit agreement with Weston with this one. Just because someone thinks of themself as God's elect is not a license to be an idiot as the likes of Harvest Rock Church, Kenneth Copland, et al.

  2. Considering the fact that LCG just finished out a two week summer camp with at least two hundred staff and campers in attendance, these comments from Weston are puzzling. If he is warning his membership not to tempt God, the observation could be made that he has been inconsistent in following his own advice by allowing all those teens and staff to gather in one place with no social distancing, wearing of masks, etc.

    On the other hand, some of these comments could be interpreted as a possible cover in case illnesses do occur as a result of that gathering. The concept that God will allow some to get sick and everyone dies of something may be true, but if an outbreak occurs after all these people have been in close contact for two weeks and then returned home to their own congregations, those words might come back to bite him. The hope of course is that no one will experience any ill effects from their activities, but if they do, we all die of something, and members are lost every year from a multitude of causes.

    While you could make the argument that those who attended camp are responsible for their own choice to be there or not, and they are, the decision to have the camp was ultimately still Weston's, and the timing of his comments seems a little strage and his actions send a mixed and conflicting message.

  3. Weston wrote: "...It is true that this pandemic is our enemy and has the potential to kill..."

    But, another enemy, even more invisible, also has the potential to cause death:

    Hebrews 2:14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;

    And that enemy has "company," too.

    Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    Weston continued on to say: "...How easy it is to see only the here and now, to become fearful over what we see around us..."

    Fear, too, has its source:

    "And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." Hebrews 2:15

    Weston then desires we consider this: "...Most of us will come out on the other side of this pandemic just fine. Some of us may get sick, but most who do will recover. We believe God is our Healer (Exodus 15:26). Nevertheless, we lose members every year from a multitude of causes and illnesses—as of this writing, only one of our members has died of COVID-19..."

    Anon, July 31, 2020 at 9:54 PM, said: "...While you could make the argument that those who attended camp are responsible for their own choice to be there or not, and they are, the decision to have the camp was ultimately still Weston's, and the timing of his comments seems a little strage and his actions send a mixed and conflicting message..."

    If a two week summer camp [United Ass. closed most, if not all, of their youth camps] yields any evil COVID-19 fruit, it may be evident, govt. authorities say, in approximately 2-3 weeks within children and adults.

    Of course, we only want evident good fruit, but

    Time will tell...



  4. Anon 9:54 pm, nice analysis to intent for the letter.

    Reading it myself, I see its source as being related to "losing control" because of the now declared enemy which is the Covid 19 killer.

    Losing the complete control over members every one day in 7 means the loss of controlling the narrative which ultimately is funding the work.

    Quickly quoting 1 Cor 15:57-58 to imply that victory over this "enemy" can only come by abouding in the work and that effort will not be in vain in the end, is a setting of priorities into the mind of the reader.

    He then reinforces the point and narrative by immediately following with saying: "How easy it is to see only the here and now, to become fearful over what we see around us, and to fail to see the big picture of God’s plan and how we individually fit into it". That big picture of God's plan has always been for the lay member to financially support the "work" and gain victory and a fashioned heart in the end.

    The Psalm 133 following quote emphasizes the fashioned heart but also emphasizes that there is a God looking down who is "considering all your works".

    Is the encouragement to not walk foolishly and tempt God a statement to just not wanting to wear a mask or is it about walking foolishly by doing your own thing on the Sabbath and not sending in all of your TITHES?

    Is this just a benign we care and God cares for you in a crisis letter, or is it a veiled God is judging your "works" during a crisis letter?

  5. Covid is a cult doctrine. It's hoax to destroy the economy. Same reason for the fake "man-made global warming" scam. It's all about wrecking industry so they can turn us back to arrested development, keep us poor and dumb and working long hours, too busy to figure out all their schemes and bullshit. Sounds a lot like the WCG. Keep people in the dark and keep them busy.

    I expect covid to go on and on and on. They will keep it going as long as possible. Perhaps forever. The virus will keep "mutating." The curve is flat as hell where I live and they keep adding more restrictions. It's all bullshit. A WHO/globalist hoax.

  6. Covid shows the church leaders are uninspired idiots who believe way too much of what they hear on the FAKE NEWS---including Fox.

  7. 11.01 PM
    Spot on. The following article on the web explains why the lockdown is scientifically unnecessary: "Horowitz: lost common sense: How America lived through the Asian flu of 1957."

  8. "COVID" is not the real danger. It is "DAVID" , as in , David Pack!

  9. Covid-19 is not a "cult doctrine". Use of that familiar terminology (for his blog) is not persuasive. I have not done a survey of all the right-wing arguments in favor of ignoring Covid-19 but I can make the following observations about erroneous concepts:

    1. Comparing this pandemic to other influenza pandemics this early in the game is not useful. And this is not an influenza micro-organism. It's like evaluating a train wreck ten seconds in.

    2. This is not just a bad flu. It took me just a few seconds of surfing he web to find scientifically based information as to why it is different and much more dangerous. Anyone can do this. You don't need to go to a right-wing newspaper to learn "the truth" from a politically vested, right wing journalist.

    The idea that the pandemic is a hoax draws upon conspiracy theory models. People who deal in conspiracy theories both believe in such theories and also must necessarily condemn well founded explanations as hoaxes. This behavior actualizes and makes vivid the popular concept of "alternate reality."

    Easily accessible research on the web connects trading in conspiracy theories with narcissism. Some people want to believe they know more than everyone else as and ego trip - to use common parlance. But there are other threads running through this rag. One psychologist, Dr. Evita March, in a journal article wrote in the abstract:

    "The aim of the current study was to explore the utility of the odd beliefs/magical thinking subtype of schizotypy, Machiavellianism, grandiose narcissism, vulnerable narcissism, primary psychopathy, and secondary psychopathy in predicting belief in conspiracy theories . . . Specifically, these results indicate that the individual more likely to believe in conspiracy theories may have unusual patterns of thinking and cognitions, be strategic and manipulative, and display interpersonal and affective deficits."

    Of course, the conspiracy theory fans will declare that they are not odd but that the psychologists are in on the conspiracy, too - all agents of the Deep State.

    The really simple fact is that President Trump stands a good chance of losing the election this fall because he grossly mishandled the pandemic (apparently thinking it was a hoax perpetrated by Democrats, I guess) and people easily recognize this. And the right-wing is making every desperate attempt to shore up his ebbing campaign.

    1. Hear hear NEO.
      I would gladly provide airplane tickets for 2 weeks sight seeing in British senior Homes for all American bull shit artists and their ridiculous theories.

      That promises to be far more exciting than that Russian Roulette scene from the Deerhunter.


  10. NEO
    In some American cities, more people have died from the increase in suicides due to the lockdown, than from the covid-19 virus itself. Politicians have used the virus outbreak to implement Marxist policies, including totalitarianism control. What we are experiencing now is just the beginning, and politicians historically never relinquish power.
    It's disappointing that NEO has joined the gaslighters by denying the obvious. Just like Peter insisting three times that he wasn't one of Christ's disciples.

  11. 3:25

    Why do you insist on the incompatibility of both theories.
    My and NEO's point are not theories actually they are proven I am willing to infect you right here to proof my point.

    HOWEVER this does not negate your theory, which might be true also. Actually I might endorse your theory IF you keep a 2 meter distance when in my presence.

    I do believe like you the current Marxism is a great threat to our society but I have seen the effects of Covid too in people. Actually I know COG members who died from it and it was not pretty.

