Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 5, 2020

New COG Birth Announcement. Gerald Weston's New Competition


We all knew this was coming when Sheldon Monson was kicked out of the Living Church of God and had a broadcast the following week.

Now, we have a new Church of God thanks to Sheldon who now wants your tithe money and offerings.

Welcome to Church of God Assembly, Gerald Weston's new nemesis.

Special News Delivery: During the live streaming of services, September 5th at 2:00pm EDT, for the "COG Broadcast YouTube Channel." Sheldon Monson officially announced the formation of the newest Church of God group to hit the world scene. After some time of discussion and because of their origin, they decided the best title for their new group should be "Church of God Assembly." This was quite predictable considering the hint dropping every week during Sheldon's personal services on YouTube. Or at least that's what it seemed like. Personally, In a way I'm kind of glad he formed his own group. In a way though, I can't make that more abundantly clear. Why am I sort of glad? Well.. because honestly I'd like to see LCG's reaction. A competitor has arisen in their mist. I wonder what their next action will be? Something typical.. probably.. sigh. I wonder if LCG's membership is dropping? I'm sure Sheldon can take away quite a few more. I mean he already has. Best regards, NDA


  1. I missed something. Maybe its my computer, but I could not get the live stream today and I find no recording of it at "COG Broadcast" on Youtube. Was everyone else able to get it?

  2. I think they switched things for some reason; you have to Email sheldon to get the link. sheldonmonson6@gmail.com

  3. Competition is good. It limits ACOGs abusive behavior since their members have an alternative. I still recall the authoritarian tone in some HWAs ministers. I thought it disgusting since it meant that they treated church members like children.

  4. I listened to the first message he gave, and that was enough for me. There are several others ministers dead or alive that I would rather listen to.

  5. Sheldon may want to rethink his church's name.

    Church of God Assembly

    1. How about thIs for a name: OUCH. The Old-fashioned United Church of Hopelessness?

      Kinda catchy.. And more chance of drawing in members from the other splinters because with a name like that everyone would feel right at home in this new cult. Church.. I mean church

  6. Everybody should form their own individual church composed of just one member... THEMSELF!

    Everyone would be an independent owner operator. I have a name for it ... THE UBER CHURCH OF GOD!

    1. And the upside Tonto: no face masks needed ;)

  7. There are a lot of independent groups out there, can make local decisions without interference from headquarters.

  8. Isn't the real competition here going to be between CCOG and CGA? Thiel vs. Monson?

    After all, they both broke away from LCG. And I have a feeling the Thiel posts against Monson are only days away.

  9. Don't expect Sheldon to keep up with the live-streaming. He was one of those who opposed Meredith's decision to make church attendance pretty much up to the individual. Sheldon approved of HWA's policy where the minister had to vet attendees carefully before letting them come to services. Once he has his faithful base of tithe-slaves in place, watch for Sheldon to go in the secretive direction of Hulme and Flurry.

    1. When there wasn't a service posted yesterday, i assumed he was going down that path

    2. You’d better read the scriptures.

  10. Have pity on the splits. It is getting very difficult to come up with original names when you have to keep Church of God in the title.
    Continuing and Assembly are both pretty pathetic.
    Maybe Gary or Dennis could start a blog entry where we could all give our suggestions.

    One of my suggestions is YACOG - standing for Yet Another Church of God.
    YACOG sounds kind of catchy - especially compared with COGWA.
    You need to consider the abbreviations too.

  11. My bet is on GROG: Greedy Robbers of God..

  12. Just another splinter group that the "hangers-ons" have a choice to attend!

  13. Someone just needs to get it over with and come up with the “church of god church of god” COG-COG. Everything else has been used up by now.

  14. TLA,
    COGWA is a particularly unfortunate abbreviation.



    I’m sure I could think of others, but those seemed obvious and enough of a reason to not use that abbreviation.

    1. Anon 6:08 still bitter I see.

    2. You’re funny, 11:21. How many years have the COGs been sniping at the wcg/gci from which they came? At least 10 years of weekly sniping with some diminishing after that. Of course Cogwa grew out of the bitterness that began years before their split from Ucg. Now they focus on trying to prove they are legit: ridiculous tracing of their COG roots to the first century even claiming groups they wouldn’t allow in their current organization, “discern” how they are Right and everyone else wrong while knowing some of their past and even current beliefs are wrong, but it really doesn’t matter because the organization is the primary concern.
      If not for still having friends and extended family in the COGs that I actually care about, i would not give the COGs another thought. So, bitterness has little to do with it. And, your “still bitter” comment says a lot about you as it mocks those unlike myself who lost much due to the cult. Who mourn for what they lost, but Jesus said they are blessed and will be comforted. It may be in an understanding of how Christ walked with them through the wcg/COG fog and darkness to better understand The difference in His love. I hope so.

  15. I personally like Church of God a Worldwide Ass. That seems more appropriate.


  16. I doubt there will ever be an occasion for combined services for the "Washington, Los Angeles and Virginian" congregations.




  17. Roderick C. Meredith's prediction that his (barely) Living Church of Rod was going to “shake the nations” will probably get fulfilled differently than he expected. It is his LCG that will get shaken. In fact, you might have already seen this begin to happen in the last 3 to 5 years, or 10 to 15 years, or 20 years, or even more.

  18. Future website address, www.cogassembly.org

    But I prefer www.cog-assembly.org

  19. Being able to trace your church history back to the beginning does not prove that you are in the "true church." There were false teachers and false churches from nearly the very beginnings of the church. It's not your organization's history that is important, but what it teaches. Does your organization teach the truth or are they misinterpreting scripture?

  20. The Feast of Trumpets is coming. Who is going to be blowing the shofar? Why do these churches claim to observe Holy Days, but not do what is prescribed in Scripture?

  21. Of course, no-one is gaining new members, they're just all vying for "the Grays" (original converts from the 1960s & 1970's) Would be difficult, I'd say, convincing a millennial on the 'verity' of HWA's moronic-pseudo-scientific-Anglo-Israel-race-theory

  22. Sheldon and his fellows may want to rethink their choice.


  23. How about "The Last Ditch Effort Church of God"

  24. I just went to churchofgodassembly.org and it gave me the giggles

    I’m sure Sheldon didn’t do his research lol

    Not a great start.

  25. Maybe, considering what really happens when churches split, Monson could be honest and call his group "Church of God Disassembly".

  26. I like that.

    The Disassemblies of God.
    For the Swedish chapter I propose.
    The I(kea)COG.


  27. They've already choosen the worse name among all of the splinters, COG Ass.

  28. Oh he saw an opportunity and he took it. He said he wasn’t going to start a church but then saw all the people who don’t wanna wear masks and was like...easy money.

    The church of the anti-maskers. Easy following. And I fully expect, in a time of racial turmoil, to hear some pretty nasty stuff from the guy who instituted racial segregation in his reign at summer camp

  29. Greetings,

    I've been reading the comments regarding the sad recent events, which many mock as a mere issue of whether to wear face coverings and/or sing ( expel particulates ) in church attendance.
    If one does not believe in the Eternals existence...ok then. But to the Christian adherent, their WHOLE belief structure is centered on FAITH. That is at the heart of what has led these men and woman to separate themselves from an oppressive, organization that would have them betray their conscience ( Rom. 14:23 ).

    Mr. Monson was fired. He did not choose to start anything. But courageous individuals, do what leaders do. The "blogesphere" will be unkind, but primarily because they lack knowledge. There are in fact, several Elders "arm-in-arm" with Sheldon. There are increasing conversations with several congregations around the world...even as I write interested in building a "community", for which we were called.
    Believers sense that the time for foolishness is over. Harsh, hypocritical behavior will stop. Watch and see...

  30. There are increasing conversations with several congregations around the world...even as I write interested in building a "community", for which we were called.

    Of course there are. And these elders will join Monson if they can bring in a nice tithe stream, otherwise they will continue to prefer the Weston community where they're kept comfortable like good mushrooms.

    Some here may remember the UCG/COGWA and Global/Living splits. Each provided an opportunity for a few ambitious elders to climb up a rung or two on the ladder. That's what's now happening in Living. Any congregation that splits will need TWO ministers where they had just ONE before. Ambitious elders will take full advantage of that, even if the brethren end up being more harmed than helped by the further scattering.

  31. What worries Weston the most is not the relatively small numbers of members leaving, most of whom weren't properly tithing to begin with. What worries him is the demographics. Most of the people leaving with Weston are the ones he was counting on to become the "next generation" of leaders and financially successful local members. LCG was already an old people's church, and with Monson taking mostly younger members with him it will become even more of an old people's church.
