Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Gerald Weston: We Have Been Transformed To Think And Act Like Jesus (At least those of us in Charlotte have been)


I never realized that the purpose of Jesus being on earth was for him to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God, be crucified for our sins, then resurrected so that he could come back and work with one little group (like, in Charlotte)! Who knew???????????????? This "Jesus" sure has to be one busy dude since he has to be in so many different COG headqurters working. How can he be in Charlotte when he is in Gover Beach? Or, Edmond, OK? Or, Wadsworth, OH? But then, COG leaders need to make their followers feel special in order for them to give more money. The more special and set apart you are with "hidden knowledge" the more special people will feel and think they need to support this so-called truth.

Weston also reminds his faithful few that their goal is to be rulers of cities and worlds. Everyone gets a new planet! Woo Hoo!

What are those “many things” that we are to rule over? The Parable of the Minas reveals that those who are called, chosen, and faithful during this life, are given the opportunity to rule over cities when Jesus comes back to straighten out the mess that we humans have gotten ourselves into (Luke 19:16-19). Yes, the message Jesus brought was a message about righteous government—something sorely missing today. 
That may surprise some of you who are newer, but that is what the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is all about (Mark 1:14-15). That is the message Jesus taught for three-and-a-half years prior to the time when He paid the penalty for our sins by shedding His blood and dying on our behalf (1 John 1:5-7). He was resurrected and now works in a small group of people through the power of His Spirit, transforming us to think and act as He thinks and acts (Romans 8:6-9; Galatians 2:20). This same Jesus will return in power and glory to rule over the earth (Zechariah 14:9), and at that time, He will resurrect His servants to rule with Him on the earth for one thousand years (Revelation 20:4).

Let me get this straight...LCG leaders, ministers, and some privileged members have been transformed into thinking and acting like Jesus acted? Lord have mercy! If that's the case then Jesus PLEASE save us from your followers! 

If Weston and LCG leadership are the "transformed life" we have to look forward to, then the licking flames of the lake of fire would be a better alternative.

This is the same message given to the prophet Daniel. Notice what is revealed regarding this Kingdom to come: “The kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him” (Daniel 7:27). The term saint has been greatly corrupted over the centuries and merely refers to faithful followers of God, not someone set up on a pedestal in the way many mistakenly believe. See 2 Corinthians 1:1 and Ephesians 1:1. Few Christians realize how far removed their denominational teachings are from original Christianity.

Few LCG members realize how far removed LCG is from the original Christianity.

This is precious knowledge you are being given. It is knowledge not generally understood in the professing Christian world. It may be knowledge that some of you who are newer have not yet fully realized, but our booklet Do You Believe the True Gospel? explains this truth in greater detail and will unlock the scriptures that have been right there in the Bible all this time, ever since they were first written millennia ago. They are not difficult to understand and if God is opening your mind, all you need to do is read and believe what the Bible clearly says.

No silly!  All you need to do is read OUR literature and THEN you will understand things. According to COG ministers, Christians down through the centuries have been too stupid or blinded to understand what Jesus taught. Only those in the COG know that truth. That bullshit meter in the Church of God is constantly peaked off the end of the chart when they say this!

Hundreds of millions of Christians through the centuries have understood what Jesus did and accomplished. Many of them have died for that, something none of the wimpy-ass COG leaders in the last 80 some years have ever had to do, regardless of how loud they screech PERSECUTION these days.

The Christian faith has always evolved with each generation as it applied those truths to their own lives and living circumstances. Thank goodness no one in 2020 is like those "original" Christians!  Our calling demands us NOT to be! 

Any COG minister that claims they are practicing original Christianity is a liar.


  1. The New testament states their should be no schisms between us, and yet the COGs are hoplessly divided and splintered.
    Why is this so?
    James explains it quite clearly (yes, I am repurposing it like Peter repurposed Joel in Acts):

    James 4 v1 From where come wars and fightings among you? come they not from here, even of your lusts that war in your members?

    2You lust, and have not: you kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: you fight and war, yet you have not, because you ask not.

    3You ask, and receive not, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it upon your lusts.

    4You adulterers and adulteresses, know you not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

    5Do you think that the scripture says in vain, The spirit that dwells in us lusts to envy?

    6But he gives more grace. Therefore he says, God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble.

  2. LCG does not believe they are the only group that God is working with. They also believe there are many brethren amongst many other COG groups. They do believe however that God is using them more powerfully than the other groups to do His work of preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the world and warning the world about the consequences of their sins and punishment in coming Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord.

    1. But are they doing a great job? I don't think so.. A lot of the evidence points to the opposite.. so..

  3. "Anonymous TLA said...
    The New testament states their should be no schisms between us,"


  4. Has Weston ever explained, or did Meredith ever explain, why LCG's top leader is called its "Presiding Evangelist" when that's a title with no precedent in the Church of God movement but is a standard title in Mormonism and is found in most of the churches descended from Joseph Smith?

  5. Well.. I'm disappointed to say the least.

    Special News Delivery:

    During the "PRIVATE" for some reason it was private, you need a unique link in order to view. Anyway, during the live streaming of services, September 5th at 2:00pm EDT, for the "COG Broadcast YouTube Channel." Sheldon Monson officially announced the formation of the newest Church of God group to hit the world scene. After sometime of discussion and because of their origin, they decided the best title for their new group should be "Church of God Assembly." This was quite predictable considering the hint dropping every week during Sheldon's personal services on YouTube. Or at least that's what it seemed like.

    Personally, In a way I'm kind of glad he formed his own group. In a way though, I can't make that more abundantly clear. Why am I sort of glad? Well.. because honestly I'd like to see LCG's reaction. A competitor has arisen in their mist. I wonder what their next action will be? Something typical.. probably.. sigh. I wonder if LCG's membership is dropping? I'm sure Sheldon can take away quite a few more. I mean he already has.

  6. Remember the children's book that had an appropriate name for this post...


    The spider in the story wrote a very telling message in a web...


  7. Who did Herbie steal the doctrine about become gods from; was it the Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses?

    1. 7:03

      The Romans, perhaps the Egyptians, Athanasius, the Chinese, the example of the man Jesus himself. or wikipedia.



  8. Anonymous said...
    "Has Weston ever explained, or did Meredith ever explain, why LCG's top leader is called its "Presiding Evangelist" when that's a title with no precedent in the Church of God movement"

    In Rod Meredith's first member letter after starting Global, he signed it "Pastor General" and caught a lot of flak from all those who associated that title with the highly revered Herbert W. Armstrong. Meredith never tried "Pastor General" again.

  9. Christ said "repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand." If the gospel is purely some world ruling government two thousand years into the future, what difference would it make if Christ's generation repented or not? So the gospel must be that people can gain immortality.
    Just as the Pharisees believed that the Sabbath is everything, HWA likewise taught that government is everything. Christ's 'government' was made for man rather than man for 'government' correction applies.
    That the most powerful man in the church taught that government is everything, is a good example that those in power typically distort a nations morals in their favor.

  10. Whenever LCG is in trouble of losing members, they preach this same sermon to make the people think they are the true church, alone waiting for the Kingdom.

    One of the frustrating things about the COGs is they think they know what other Christians believe and only they have special truth.

    For example, LCG teaches that the other Christians don't believe in a coming Kingdom. However, must other Christians often pray that famous prayer, "Thy kingdom come ..."

    It's interesting that Weston quoted Mark 1:14-15 – his "true church" only focuses on a future kingdom and rejects Jesus as a current King of a current kingdom. The Christians that the LCG mocks believe that Gospel Jesus preached "the kingdom is at hand" - and that is why that famous prayer that they pray continues, after "Thy kingdom come", with the words about the current kingdom, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven".

    LCG is so far away from original Christianity, since they have so little attention on Jesus. They have a huge volume of written material and recorded sermons and telecasts on subjects like the Beast, Daniel, and the law - but almost nothing about Jesus the Savior. Because they are so far away from Jesus, here is one verse that cannot be truthfully said by Weston or the LCG:

    What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. — Philippians 3:8

  11. Weston's repeated use of the phrase "some of you who are newer" is an attempt to create an illusion of growth in his mini-cult.

  12. The WCG's teaching about people becoming God and given territory or planets to rule was taken directly from the Mormons.

  13. 7:03pm Charles Taze Russell taught it. Don't confuse his teachings with the latest Jehovah's Witnesses. That would be like comparing HWA's teachings with the current GCI.

  14. Is there a password to watch Monson? If so could someone share it here?

  15. Is there a password to watch Monson? If so could someone share it here?

    Don't expect Sheldon to keep up with the live-streaming. He was one of those who didn't like Meredith's decision to make church attendance pretty much up to the individual. Sheldon approved of HWA's policy where the minister had to vet attendees carefully before letting them come to services. Once he has his faithful base of tithe-slaves in place, watch for Sheldon to go in the secretive direction of Hulme and Flurry.
