Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Philadelphia Church of God Thinks Germans Are Arming Themselves To Take Over The World


The fear-mongering in the cult compound in Edmond, Oklahoma continues on with one dreary doomsday scenario after another. This time it is the tired and worn out scenario that Herbert Armstrong started right after WWII when he lied that Hitler was alive and living in South America. 

Various doomsday false prophets of Armstrongism have loved this story and promote it at every opportunity that they have. The only ones who even slightly believe this is church members 60 years old and up, and even then most of them know it is a pile of nonsense. Well, most do, except for the Philadelphia Church of God crowd. PCG like Dave Pack and Bob Thiel needs to have a boogeyman that they can count on to fulfill their darkest dreams and desires. They need and want to see humanity suffer in order to make themselves es look good in the eyes of the few hundred followers they each have.

Josue Michels of the Philadlephia Trumpet has this headliner up: German Weapons Manufacturer’s Nazi Past Exposed - The same man who led one of Hitler’s concentration camps led Germany’s weapons industry after World War II 

The weapons from German arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch are well known for their deadly precision. Their rifles and other small arms are used in advanced militaries of countries such as the United States and Great Britain. The Bundeswehr and German police units have been using Heckler & Koch weapons for decades. Even now, the company is hoping to obtain a coveted order of around 120,000 new assault rifles, valued at €250 million (us$295.8 million), for Germany’s troops.

MilitaryTimes.com noted, “For decades, German arms giant Heckler & Koch has served as the gold standard for military and civilian weapons manufacturing—building revolutionary and, oftentimes, game-changing rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers, submachine guns and pistols for a variety of customers including special operations forces, conventional infantry units and law enforcement agencies.” But “the gold standard for military and civilian weapons manufacturing” has a tainted history, to say the least.

Heckler served in the arms industry as Hitler was rising in the 1930s. In 1936, Heckler became an authorized representative at German metal manufacture Hugo Schneider AG (hasag). hasag was soon recognized as an “NS model company.” Heckler eventually became head of a plant in Taucha, Saxony. The reports reveal that he used forced labor from concentration camps as the workforce for his plant. “More than 1,000 Jewish women as well as Sinti and Roma from the Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps were deported here to assemble bazookas in Heckler’s factory,” Bildnoted. “The forced laborers lived in wooden barracks behind barbed wire” (Trumpet translation throughout).

Many of these forced laborers got sick or died. An SS document from Oct. 13, 1944, shows that 500 Jews were deported from Auschwitz to Taucha. 

It is no coincidence that PCG is reporting this. The myth that Americans would be rounded up by invading Germans and placed in concentration camps has been a wet dream they have all wanted to see. So anything they can find to support this int her eyes, they will.

Eighty percent of the approximately 15,000 officers who laid the foundation of the German Army in 1955 fought under Adolf Hitler just a few years previous. 

This is not a coincidence. The German Army and its industry were formed with the intention of resurrecting the Nazi empire. With every generation, these ideas and intentions have been passed on. Recent investigations have shown that a shockingly high number of right-wing extremists are spread throughout the Army.

In May 1945, Herbert W. Armstrong told his radio audience: “From the very start of World War ii, [the Germans] have considered the possibility of losing this second round, as they did the first—and they have carefully, methodically planned, in such eventuality, the third round—World War iii!” He wrote in the September 1948 Plain Truthnewsmagazine:

Even before the end of [World War ii], I revealed to you the Nazi plans for a Nazi underground movement, to go underground as a secret organization the very moment they lost the war—to lay low a few years during Allied and Russian military occupation, then to come forth when least expected, restore Germany to power, and go on to finally accomplish their aims in a World War iii.

Mr. Armstrong’s warning was proved true in 1996, but few paid attention. 

You must remember, this is the Philadelphia Church of God and they and Herbert Armstrong have NEVER lied or told a false prophecy! Not once! Ever!

So strap on your jackboots and start marching or be prepared to end up in a camp somewhere or see your children shipped off to be slaves to the Europeans. 

Josue Michels says the following:

The Bible prophesied that Germany’s Nazi empire would go “underground” and return. Revelation 17:8 says, “The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder … when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” Mr. Flurry explains: “The word translated ‘bottomless pit,’ or abyss, in verse 8 actually means underground. That’s where the Nazis have been since before the end of World War ii.”

The God behind these Bible prophecies has led Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Flurry to closely watch Germany. More and more evidence is surfacing, proving that Nazi leaders did indeed plan the “third round.” But few are heeding the message.

Even Bild believes the only conclusion to be drawn is that Heckler & Koch should suffer some consequences from the revelations. But the story is so much deeper than one company or even one country. Through His prophecies, God pleads with the whole world to repent. Sadly it will take “great tribulation” before mankind finally heeds His message (Matthew 24:21-22).

These prophecies should give mankind hope—not in men but in God’s promises to soon intervene and bring an end to mankind’s evil. Germany, for its part, hasn’t repented of its past and will soon commit a far greater crime: World War III.


  1. HWA was right in the sense that it took decades for Germany to come to terms with its dark history.

    Court cases against guards in the mid sixties provided a first round of catharsis.

    The CIA looked for Hitler in South America UNTIL 1956.

    Only 2 years ago the Russians disclosed definitive proof of his death.

    The CIA employed many former Nazis in South America as intelligence officers - (Monroe doctrine) like Claus Barbie, the butcher of Lyon and many more.

    Then in 1992 the Allied Control Office formally ended the German occupation.

    It is a shame however that this (1992) loss of power to the United States for PCG is not transitioning into a renewed relationship.

    Instead they see cause to use the 25 percent German approval ratings of their white hero Trump as yet another reason to repeat the impossibility for Germany to wage war with America other than serve as hub for the control of the Middle East.


  2. Hi Oops someone watched the science channel & saw that Hittler made it to south america & the catholics helped sneek out some of the ss officers. Oh and here's something I saw (OK mostly heard since I'm visually impaired :central almost gone & peripheral is shot pretty bad too but when our power company turns the power down I can see the tv some: ) there was a NAZI (capitalized due to nazi being acronym) unit called the Werewolves that was made to cause trouble after germany fell. Sadly even they saw regaining europe was hopeless so they moved to Egypt and taught the terrorists most of what's been used since (car bombs :thanks Ireland: random shootings and all the other "fun" things Al-Qaeda and it's forebears & descendants use)

    OK there's my not so little data dump, enjoy :) (fyi most of the above comes from the american heroes channel, History's Hunting for Hittler & other shows on both networks + a bit of science channel thrown in, Oh and shows about operation paperclip )

  3. and what's more sad about this is that they were able to brainwash Josue Michels and his family, of German descent, to believe this fear-inciting BS. i'm not even sure if this is Michel's writing or they just affixed his name on the article to add some type of credence and variability in authorship. this looks more like Hilliker's style. anyone former PCG care to share their thoughts?

  4. religion based on fear is not true religion....

  5. It's a fact that the book of Revelation mentions an army of 200 million men sweeping through Europe. People need to take care to not throw out the baby with the bath water. What these ACOGs teach is not 100% error.

  6. Josue Michels says the following:

    "...The Bible prophesied that Germany’s Nazi empire would go “underground” and return. Revelation 17:8Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) says, “The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder … when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” Mr. Flurry explains: “The word translated ‘bottomless pit,’ or abyss, in verse 8 actually means underground. That’s where the Nazis have been since before the end of World War ii.”..."

    Josue is as blind as Flurry, b/c neither of them has proven just who/what is the Beast.

    FWIIW, the Bible has something to say, which neither of them address:

    Rev 12:3 "And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads."

    Rev 13:1 "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."

    Among other things, that Beast has 7 heads.

    Are Josue/Flurry still looking for some "10 kings?" Where are they?

    What are those 7 heads of the Beast. The old former WCG Beast Chart is flawed.

    And Flurry's theory about that bottomless pit cited above vs. God's Word in Rev 9?

    Rev 9:11 And they had a king over them, [which is] the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue [is] Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath [his] name Apollyon.

    I think Satan is the most likely candidate for identity of that Beast, that king, that angel that is involved with that bottomless pit than whatever Josue/Flurry have within their minds, but...Josue/Flurry may continue to follow their inspired thoughts as:

    Time will tell...


  7. Germany, like Japan has an aging and tired population.

    They do not possess nuclear weapons, or ICBMs, or even an effective long range bomber fleet. They do not possess any kind of substantial navy , submarine force, or aircraft carriers.

    The biggest fear I see coming out of Europe over the next 40 years is a rising and growing militant Islamic presence. The demographics favor this more than any other scenario.

  8. Oh, for joy, the TRUMPet Translation... and then abyss -> bottomless pit -> underground -> WCG's old "Nazis have gone underground"... this could have come from one of PCG's moles...

  9. The idea of Germany conquering the United States is bizarre fantasy. If Germany were to be so inclined and did the technological and industrial build up to produce WMD, the most it could hope for in confronting the United States is Mutually Assured Destruction. The United States is, after all, the greatest multi-racial Gentile nation on the face of the earth by many measures including the measure of military capability. The geopolitics just does not support the old, obsolete Armstrongist theories.

    The problem for Armstrongists is that the world just does not fit their model. The Germans are not Assyrians. The western Germans are genetically indistinguishable from other Northwest Europeans. The eastern Germans are genetically indistinguishable from the Slavic peoples. There may be a German culture but there is no "German" haplogroup.

    For the United States currently the real concern is China. And it will be for some time to come. All the living Armstrongists will be long dead before this picture changes. Armstrongists may scoff and claim to have "revealed knowledge" but that will not change reality. From the point of view of propaganda, the Armstrongist leaders have taken a page from Donald Trump's playbook (or maybe Donald has taken a page from HWA's playbook): when disenchantment begins to emerge, create a distraction, stir up some fear. Fear bolsters autocracy and lubricates the tithe generator machine. What's not to like?

  10. PCG is so freaky and manipulative. But, even the seemingly milder COGs believe similarly. UCG and COGwa teach as doctrine that Europe will combine and produce the Beast of Revelation.





    Christ's apostle Herbert W. Armstrong spent 52 years until his death in January 1986 carrying out the “Great Commission” to preach the gospel (meaning Good News) of the coming kingdom of God. HWA wrote in his Autobiography that preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God was the “true purpose” of the church. In his last book called Mystery of the Ages, which was published a few months before his death, HWA wrote that preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God was the “very purpose” of the church. The true gospel of the kingdom of God had been suppressed for 1900 years from about 53 AD until 1953 AD when the Worldwide Church of God under HWA (the “Philadelphia Era” of the true church) was given an “open door” to preach it to the world for a witness to all nations before the end of the age would come.

    Satan's false prophet Gerald R. Flurry has already spent about 30 years since the start of his PCG splinter cult in December 1989 saying that preaching the gospel ENDED when HWA died in 1986. GRF said that his own PCG splinter cult had been given a “new commission” for a new church era of “warning the Laodiceans.” The way that this Bad News works is that GRF keeps his PCG members in the dark and gets them to close their eyes, cover their ears, and rage away like demoniacs about all the “evil Laodiceans.” PCG members do not realize that they are supporting one of the most diabolical GOSPEL-SUPPRESSING and GOSPEL-PERVERTING cults that Satan ever came up with.

    1. @Anon 1:04PM

      “Christ’s apostle Herbert W Armstrong”?!

      By EVERY biblical standard HWA was a false prophet and a charlatan..

      Your point is?

  12. NEO September 16, 2020 at 7:32 AM

    Well said, totally on track.

  13. 1.04 PM
    You keep repeating that Gerald Fluffy changed the commission to warning the laodiceans. That is simply not true. He made is plain in the early days that they would focus on the laodiceans warning for a few years, then change back to warning the world of WW3. He did just that. Reading his web site and downloading past issues of The Trumpet magazine will show this. There is plenty wrong with these groups without having to misrepresent them.

    Again, have a look at The Trumpet web site. Where are the warning the laodiceans articles??

    1. They talk non stop about the Laodecians......non stop. Their entire MO is laodecians. The desperately bank on growing their membership from the laodecians, they do after all have to hit 10,000 you know. -which by the way they aren’t even close, all the while leading people to believe they are.- And then there is the 144,000. It’s laodecian 24/7 over there.


  14. Anonymous at 2:13 PM said...“Your point is?”

    The point is that Gerald R. Flurry claimed to be the loyal and faithful successor to Herbert W. Armstrong while in fact GRF actually, immediately, and totally, did away with the Great Commission that HWA had worked on, and quickly replaced it with a totally new and Satan-inspired commission.

    Whatever you believe, Gerald Flurry is a fraud. If you really believe what HWA had taught, then Gerald Flurry is a really satanic fraud.


  15. Anonymous at 2:13 PM said...“Your point is?”

    The point is that Gerald R. Flurry claimed to be the loyal and faithful successor to Herbert W. Armstrong while in fact GRF actually, immediately, and totally, did away with the Great Commission that HWA had worked on, and quickly replaced it with a totally new and Satan-inspired commission.

    Whatever you believe, Gerald Flurry is a fraud. If you really believe what HWA had taught, then Gerald Flurry is a really satanic fraud.


  16. Anonymous at 3:01 PM said...“1.04 PM You keep repeating that Gerald Fluffy changed the commission to warning the laodiceans. That is simply not true. He made is plain in the early days that they would focus on the laodiceans warning for a few years, then change back to warning the world of WW3. He did just that. Reading his web site and downloading past issues of The Trumpet magazine will show this. There is plenty wrong with these groups without having to misrepresent them. Again, have a look at The Trumpet web site. Where are the warning the laodiceans articles??”

    Your own GREAT CONFUSION shows that there still is plenty of need to keep bringing up this matter!!!

    Didn't you ever read Gerald Flurry's plagiarized and revised Malachi's Message book that is online at the PCG's own website? It was supposedly “delivered by a mighty angel” and is supposedly the “little scroll” mentioned in the book of Revelation.

    Gerald Flurry had people thinking that the PCG was going to do a “short work.” The PCG people originally thought that the end was going to come about twenty years ago. “End times.” “End of the end times.” “Last hour.” Gerald supposedly was afraid to give a sermon about the “last minute” for fear that the end would come right away if he did.

    The gospel (meaning “good news”) is for the whole world and is about the coming kingdom of God.

    The gospel is NOT the bad news about the coming tribulation, which is for the US and Britain. That is something called the Ezekiel warning message.

    The quotes below are from the edition of Malachi's Message online in 2020 at the PCG's website (bolding added).

    Chapter 9: Malachi’s Message

    “It isn’t that God doesn’t want the gospel and a warning message preached today. The world needs to be warned now more than ever before! But God knew the Laodicean Church would not do the job. The prophecies tell us that. They offer 'polluted bread' and the Church is becoming divided. So the gospel commission to the world was finished when Mr. Armstrong died.


    Church Unity is Coming

    “Laodicean leaders in the wcg don’t really understand why the pcg is so successful. They refuse to see that God is behind this Work! They have closed their eyes (Matthew 13:15). The pcg has been commissioned by God to warn the Laodiceans about their sins. The whole book of Malachi is about this commission. Malachi’s Message was revealed by God. Every human being on this Earth must eventually come to see that!”

  17. this place cracks me up....these ex-COG's commenting here are a hoot, especially that slimeball quack pastor wanna-be, the Apostle "time will tell" John who insists that the millennium is from Micky Mouse or something. I've been commenting here for about three years now saying the exact same thing:

    -The G7/Club of Rome are the seven heads and ten horns of Rev 13.
    -Iran is the King of the South
    -Russia/China are the Kings from the East
    -the USA/NATO/Zionist combo is the military might of the Beast Power (King of the North)
    -Trump is that King...the King of the North (peace deals/moving Embassy etc)

    When I was young and growing up in the WCG back in the late 60's, I was repeatedly told that the NAZI's would break into our house and make us eat pork then kill all of us. My parents explained to me when I was about 7 that they would poison us with soup before they let the evil NAZI's get us. I had dreams about that for years. I still have "1975 in Prophecy" on my bookshelf.

    You may disagree with my position, but you can watch it on the news, nightly.

    Trump will win in a landslide victory, then fulfill his primary function as that King of the North, invading Iran at Israel's demand...fulfilling Dan 11:40-44, then position NATO for the final battle at Armageddon...all within his second term.

    The USA/NATO G7-Club of Rome group is the Beast Power of Rev 13. Trump rules the Beast Power as the "Little Horn", the KING OF THE NORTH.

    The proof is always in the pudding.



  18. Gerald Flurry always claimed to be holding on faithfully to everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught and yet TOTALLY CHANGED THE COMMISSION OF THE CHURCH.


  19. Anonymous at 5:25 PM said...“The USA/NATO G7-Club of Rome group is the Beast Power of Rev 13. Trump rules the Beast Power as the 'Little Horn', the KING OF THE NORTH. The proof is always in the pudding.”

    You have no proof of any of that and your brain has turned into pudding.

  20. You people would lie about everything. Mr. Flurry has not and never will change anytingMr Armstrong taught. If anything, he is expounding and expanding what God gives him through new visions to lead this work into glory. Mr. Flurry is the only leader of the church who is doing the work that God so desperately needs accomplished here.

  21. Anonymous at 5:25 PM said...“The USA/NATO G7-Club of Rome group is the Beast Power of Rev 13. Trump rules the Beast Power as the 'Little Horn', the KING OF THE NORTH. The proof is always in the pudding.”

    You have no proof of any of that and your brain has turned into pudding.
    September 16, 2020 at 8:40 PM

    Awe....stop pouting Anon 8:40PM

    I sense that you cannot comprehend the simple facts I spelled out in my post... I have many more, but I am sure they would elude your HWA sichophant mindset.

    You really must have a hard-core COG background to deny reality as it is happening all around you. Do you even have access to information, like the internet or cable TV..?? I mean you can watch it happening for yourself.

    Or maybe you belong to Antifa...just wondering.

    Anyways, slime still smells


  22. Anon, AnonymousSeptember 16, 2020 at 5:25 PM, aka anon 111, wrote:
    "...Trump will win in a landslide victory, then fulfill his primary function as that King of the North, invading Iran at Israel's demand...fulfilling Dan 11:40-44, then position NATO for the final battle at Armageddon...all within his second term..."
    Armageddon occurs after Satan is loosed from his "pit-stop."

    Time will tell ... after your 1,000 year (Mickey Mouse Millennium) ends, near the end of the "short/little time/season."

    Dont hold your breath,, as ime will tell...



  23. Anonymous at 8:58 PM said...“You people would lie about everything. Mr. Flurry has not and never will change anytingMr Armstrong taught. If anything, he is expounding and expanding what God gives him through new visions to lead this work into glory. Mr. Flurry is the only leader of the church who is doing the work that God so desperately needs accomplished here.”

    Actually, Gerald Flurry even EDITED and CHANGED Herbert W. Armstrong's last book called Mystery of the Ages, which HWA had published a few months before his death on January 16, 1986.

    Some sentences from the book got deleted by Gerald Flurry.

    From pages 244-245 of the original hardcover edition of Mystery of the Ages by Herbert W. Armstrong:

    "No prophets are mentioned as having either administrative, executive or preaching functions in the New Testament Church."

    From page 350 of the original hardcover edition of Mystery of the Ages by Herbert W. Armstrong:

    "All teaching came from Christ through the apostles--and a few times Christ communicated to apostles via the prophets (of which there are none in God's church today since the Bible for our time is complete)."


  24. Anonymous at 8:58 PM said...“You people would lie about everything. Mr. Flurry has not and never will change anytingMr Armstrong taught. If anything, he is expounding and expanding what God gives him through new visions to lead this work into glory. Mr. Flurry is the only leader of the church who is doing the work that God so desperately needs accomplished here.”

    Gerald Flurry said early on that his PCG cult had been “FLOODED WITH NEW REVELATION.”

    PCG members have been existing in this flood of sewage for many years now as the PCG cult continues to dwindle and decline in shame.

    Gerald Flurry is Satan's false prophet doing what Satan so desperately and angrily wants done in the short time that Satan has left, such as getting people to worship a drunken runt, causing division in the church, perverting the church's teachings, wrecking families, etc.

  25. 8:58
    So all the "names and titles", especially the "prophet" one, directly contradicting hwa, are "expounding and expanding" then?

    Even if I grant you/flurry that he is right on everything, that leaves you with the massive logistical task to aid "the germans" (or a european army which would be 50 percent "jacob/french, dutch, belgian etc", to cross the pond.

    It will take 10 more years to build that capacity and the fleet will be decimated just passing Madeira.

    (unless of course the usa has fallen apart due to civil war with "nuclear pockets" holding out in the mountains striking a deal with germany to restore order in america, just EXACTLY what happened when the Britons invited the Saxons after the collapse of the Roman Empire)

    That latter scenario would be interesting and fluffys agricultural program would come in handy......... For the zombie ok national guard to eat in such perilious times.

    Gotta go, its late and someone screeching is scratching at the door.


  26. 5.21 PM
    You repeated my post but ignored it's content. I just looked at thetrumpet.com The word laodicean does not appear on any of the article titles. It's all the Ezekiel warning. I've been reading The Plain Truth magazine since the mid 1960s and that warning was the thrust of the magazine. So no, Gerald has not changed the commission. HWA did claim that the commission was the gospel, but it's not what he practised. As far as I'm concerned, he lied when he claimed that government rather than salvation is the gospel. A power crazed leader claiming that the good news is government. Surprise, surprise! Why did Christ say "repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" unless he was referring to salvation? Why repent if it's government? It makes no sense.

    8.58 PM
    Troll guy. Don't you have a life?

    1. 10:29

      I would disagree.

      Mere "salvation", is for cowards. Like those who join churches to escape tribulation.

      To govern (oneself) or be fit to make good and wise decisions seems a better perspective.

      A lot of faulty understanding pervades about what government and responsibility entails, both with those who have power and perhaps even more so for those who never bore responsibility beyond organizing the local barbeque, which according to mr salmonella is a huge responsibility thinking about it beyond superficial.



  27. Anonymous at 8:58 PM said...“You people would lie about everything. Mr. Flurry has not and never will change anytingMr Armstrong taught. If anything, he is expounding and expanding what God gives him through new visions to lead this work into glory.”

    What about Gerald Flurry's recent “new visions” and “voices” telling him to forget about the old Stone of Destiny for under the Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey in Britain that monarchs are crowned on, and instead getting everyone to worship Gerald Flurry's NEW PET ROCK that he found?

    Are you sure it is “you people” who would lie about everything, and not “That Runt” who would lie about everything?

  28. Mr. Flurry has not changed anything. He has expounded the wonderful teachings of Mr. Armstrong clarifying the truths he delivered. God knows what He is doing and it is to bring his remnant into the Kingdom as Kings and Priests of Almighty God.


  29. Anonymous at 11: 14 PM said...“Mr. Flurry has not changed anything.”

    Gerald Flurry falsely claimed that he had not changed anything.

    It looks like you need to bring yourself up to date about Gerald Flurry's 30 years of MASSIVE DELETIONS, CHANGES, and ADDITIONS to what HWA had taught.


  30. Anonymous at 11:14 PM said...“Mr. Flurry has not changed anything. He has expounded the wonderful teachings of Mr. Armstrong clarifying the truths he delivered. God knows what He is doing and it is to bring his remnant into the Kingdom as Kings and Priests of Almighty God.”

    Kindly allow me to correct your errors.

    Gerald Flurry has changed virtually everything. He has edited, changed, warped, mangled, and perverted the wonderful teachings of Mr. Armstrong, totally obscuring the truths he delivered. Satan knows what he is doing and it is to destroy former WCG members and prevent them from entering the Kingdom as Kings and Priests of Almighty God.


  31. The FALSE PROPHETS like Gerald R. Flurry and David C. Pack who claimed to be following Herbert W. Armstrong more loyally and faithfully and precisely than anyone else, and who criticized everyone else for making changes, have themselves butchered all of HWA's teachings far worse than anyone else has. GRF and DCP were absolutely brutal in what they did to HWA's teachings and to their own followers.


  32. Anonymous at 4:39 PM said...“They talk non stop about the Laodecians......non stop. Their entire MO is laodecians. ... It’s laodecian 24/7 over there.”

    In the PCG it is Laodicean 25/8/366.

  33. Blogger Non_Ecliptic_Orbit said...
    The idea of Germany conquering the United States is bizarre fantasy. If Germany were to be so inclined and did the technological and industrial build up to produce WMD, the most it could hope for in confronting the United States is Mutually Assured Destruction. The United States is, after all, the greatest multi-racial Gentile nation on the face of the earth by many measures including the measure of military capability. The geopolitics just does not support the old, obsolete Armstrongist theories.

    The problem for Armstrongists is that the world just does not fit their model. The Germans are not Assyrians. The western Germans are genetically indistinguishable from other Northwest Europeans. The eastern Germans are genetically indistinguishable from the Slavic peoples. There may be a German culture but there is no "German" haplogroup.

    For the United States currently the real concern is China. And it will be for some time to come. All the living Armstrongists will be long dead before this picture changes. Armstrongists may scoff and claim to have "revealed knowledge" but that will not change reality. From the point of view of propaganda, the Armstrongist leaders have taken a page from Donald Trump's playbook (or maybe Donald has taken a page from HWA's playbook): when disenchantment begins to emerge, create a distraction, stir up some fear. Fear bolsters autocracy and lubricates the tithe generator machine. What's not to like?

    September 16, 2020 at 7:32 AM
    What if the US continues its trajectory of decline to the point violence and revolt increases within, the economy collapses, and/or government spirals out of control? Then the former USA would be up for grabs by any foreign power be it China, Russia, the EU, or a combination of nations.

    Or what if such conditions prevail and lead to the US being governed by a leader who feels threatened by China or Russia or some other hostile foreign power and decides to join with other foreign powers like the EU against common enemies?

    Or what if the US is led by such a leader who goes against the historical precedent of the country to ally himself and the country with a foreign power whose principles are inimical to the US people? As an example I think of Edward VIII after his abdication seeking appeasement with Hitler in the hopes of being restored to the British throne and Hitler preparing to reinstate Edward to a fascist Britain.

  34. In the PCG it is Laodicean 25/8/366.

    More like 25/8/666

  35. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous at 5:25 PM said...“The USA/NATO G7-Club of Rome group is the Beast Power of Rev 13. Trump rules the Beast Power as the 'Little Horn', the KING OF THE NORTH. The proof is always in the pudding.”

    You have no proof of any of that and your brain has turned into pudding.

    September 16, 2020 at 8:40 PM"

    Well we now know that Peter Salemi frequents the forum.

  36. The idea of Germany conquering the United States is bizarre fantasy.

    And despite HWA's proclamations, Germany had no chance in WW II either. Despite military prowess Hitler couldn't even defeat Britain. Invading the USSR was largely ideological, and even though he didn't "invade Russia in the winter" it was a major blunder. Declaring war on the USA was a matter of siding with his ally Japan after Pearl Harbor, which also caught him by surprise...

  37. it's obvious that we have a lot of PCG loyals and members (and ministers?) taking part here. but not learning and still in zombie-cult-brainwashed-mind-controlled mode. and another thing that's obvious is they're PCG literature-focused and have not even taken a peek at other sources for their biblical education. scared? lazy? that's just sad. very sad.

  38. September 16, 2020 at 8:58 PM mentions "the work that God so desperately needs accomplished here."

    I get it. You're saying Almighty God is powerless. He has to depend on human beings to do the whatever desperately needs to be done.

    I've never been able to understand the theology behind remarks like this. The Armstrongist god has stood by helpless while the nations of the world get entirely out of hand. So in his impotence he deputizes a small group of people led by a fanatic in Oklahoma to set right all the failed international relations on his behalf? How can anyone take this god seriously?

    For that matter, why do his followers have to give him tithes? He owns everything and controls it. All he would have to do would be fuse a bunch of atomic nuclei in a particular way, swaddle them in the right number of electrons, and Presto! all the gold he desperately needs is instantly available. He could easily pay cash on the barrelhead for all the temples and altars required. But no. Bunch of hapless human beings have to deprive themselves, or else his thirst for adulation goes unslaked.

  39. 10:01

    In international relations there are no "bizarre theories."

    My high school history teacher blasted me in class for saying Germany should reunite.

    Some time later I was present in Berlin when the Wall fell. I also saw live the end of the Soviet Union, when they hoisted the White, Red, Blue flag over the Kremlin.

    Hitler didnt defeat the Empire but presently, just a couple of decades later, the Island nation could be turned into economic Stonehenge if it would so please the EU, which it doesn't because that would not serve any cause, but it would be possible, despite the insane and desperate rethoric by their democratically elected "leader".

    Who would've thunk?


  40. It actually is a VERY old idea from before the start of the nation.



  41. Well we now know that Peter Salemi frequents the forum.

    September 17, 2020 at 9:39 AM

    never heard of the guy until your smarmy comment, which is typical for the know-it-all sanctimonious ex-COGers who post here.

    Try again, clown.


  42. I live it when sanctimonious COG members pop on here and get all pissy over things. Try again snowflake.

  43. 2:19......Ok Peter. Be a good little boy and sit down and drink you hot chocolate.

  44. 2:19pm and 2:57pm, I mean Peter, Wow, hit a nerve huh? ROFLMAO

    Typical Canuckian

  45. Hey, 2:19pm I'm definitely an ex-cog organization guy, but I'm still a sabbath and feast keeper. Your smarminess is...

  46. Like many people, Gerald Flurry secretly admires Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.
