Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, October 15, 2020

EXCLUSIVE: Dave Pack is back paddling again. This was the "Propehtic Update" that RCG members just received

Prophetic Update  
Greetings brethren worldwide!

What a wonderful Feast we just kept together. In light of all that we learned, this was TRULY the most unified we have ever been!

By now all or certainly most of you will have heard the last message and returned home. To say we are all excited about events soon to unfold would be an all-time understatement! The main intent of this short message is simply to say that everything is on track. Keep watching!

We certainly don’t need to tell you that the conditions Christ described in Matthew, Mark and Luke have been happening, and for many months now. It seems just as impossible today as it did at the Feast that we could go another year.

Many scriptures suggest that the first restitution leading up to the Day of Christ is very short—a matter of days. Whether you call this period the days of the Son of Man—the last days—last space of time—last hour—hour of trial—evil days—time of the end—the fire—or a perilous time, every one of these indicates a short space of time. Its purpose is to tee up the Wedding Supper and the Kingdom of God in power, while at the same time completing the character of saints who do the right thing in the fire. There is also the need to herald the arrival of the Father, the resurrection of the Old Testament saints and all Israel, paradise, and all the wonderful things that come with the acceptable year of the Lord.

Mr. Pack has said that if time were to go on for a little while, it would only be because the devour month starts at the Feast of Tabernacles instead of the Feast of Trumpets next year. This would of course only mean a relatively brief additional wait. But all of us who have studied the relevant scriptures don’t see any way this could happen. The verses seem open and shut. Of course, things have seemed open and shut before, but clarified with time. If a few days pass, the question presented at the Feast would re-emerge: Do we go a few days or another year?

Interesting details continue to present themselves, which leads to an exercise you may wish to test yourself with as this announcement comes to a close. See how many Bible terms exist that describe the Day of Christ. We have made a list of over 50. Then try to find all the different terms for Christ’s initial coming. We found over 25. Just pursuing these and trying to sort them out will help you appreciate the complexity of the task that is now essentially behind us. If there were time for Mr. Pack to give another message, he would probably list these for you. But don’t look for that message, keep looking for Christ instead! It is highly unlikely we will get out of this week.

We close by remembering we do not know the day or hour of Christ’s Return. Keep waiting—and watching!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 


  1. saints who do the right thing in the fire

    Will this be Dave's ultimate Jonestown-type scenario? Burn the campus down with his most faithful members dying in the fire on the hope/promise of resurrection?

  2. Or straight denial of having said or written any such predictions himself.
    After enduring years warnings about 1972, when nothing happened I fell for HWA's outright denial of predicting this himself (but "others MAY HAVE" predicted such things).


  4. Don't let people string you along and string you along. David Pack will not save you. Jesus (actually, Horus) will not save you. Q will not save you. The cavalry will not save you. You must save your self.

  5. Psychopaths get a kick out of playing people like a fiddle.

  6. It does not seem possible that anyone could change his mind again and again and again and not realize he is just making stuff up.

  7. Dave knows all that himself. He knows he is cornered. He knows that he can’t keep prophesying, name a date and then take it back again. He knows the RCG members had enough. But psychopaths like Dave will NEVER admit that. He would rather destroy himself, the members and/or his cult compound before admitting he is wrong and a fraud..

    David Pack is a ticking time-bomb

  8. I think Pack would have a better track record if he just used the old childrens toy "Magic Eight Ball" to come up with his crap!

  9. psychopaths like Dave will NEVER admit that. He would rather destroy himself, the members and/or his cult compound before admitting he is wrong and a fraud..

    At least a few of Rod Meredith's old associates are/were cynics who didn't believe some of what they were teaching, but realized that they had to play to the crowd willing to follow them. Let's hope Dave turns out to be one of those and only bankrupts his victims instead of killing them. It would be a relief to find out, one Sabbath morning, that Dave was nowhere to be found, that RCG's bank accounts were empty, and that the RCG campus was sold to a developer, with nobody injured.

  10. I wonder if RCG members stop and thing how badly and often they were jerked around by Dave at their Feast? True to the Narcissistic Snake in a Suit concept, Dave simply can't say the words "I was mistaken...again".

  11. For God so disregarded the RCG that he sent his only begotten son so that whomever should believe in David Pack would know the truth was not within him


  12. "This would of course only mean a relatively brief additional wait. But all of us who have studied the relevant scriptures don’t see any way this could happen. The verses seem open and shut. Of course, things have seemed open and shut before, but clarified with time. If a few days pass, the question presented at the Feast would re-emerge: Do we go a few days or another year"?

    This is the most spiritual insightful paragraph my eyes have ever looked upon. My mind is numb and I am speechless.

    Once again RCG membership, if all of the headquarter ministers believe "it" will happen, it most certainly won't happen - open and shut and no clarity needed.


  13. WHAT ABOUT THE TRUTH at 5:52 PM said...“Once again RCG membership, if all of the headquarter ministers believe 'it' will happen, it most certainly won't happen - open and shut and no clarity needed.”

    All those fake RCG HQ “ministers” will believe whatever Dave Pack tells them they believe on any given day.


  14. At this point in time, Gerald Flurry is still Satan's favorite false prophet.

    So far, David Pack is still only Satan's number two false prophet. This must really irk someone as competitive as Dave. Dave Pack might try to do something extreme to become Satan's favorite.

  15. My family just continues to fall for this BS. I asked why, and they stated "prophecy is like looking into a dark glass, it's never "clear."" I just don't get how they keep falling for this. My other sister is married to one of the ministers that left, but they still believe the base principals and are joining a different splinter. I just don't get it.....

    1. @anon 7:39AM

      It’s never easy to admit to yourself that you were wrong. That is why people are ‘cult hopping’, going from one splinter to the other. Only to find out that - after a brief ‘honeymoon’ - the new COG is as bad or even worse than the one they left.

      Eventually people will see that ‘the true church’ does not exist. But it can take years..

    2. When you leave a group, if you never address the underlying doctrinal issues, then you will just hop to the next splinter but all the psychological and phobic programming is still left in you. Did a little deeper and address why Herbert's "True Church System" is so broken and it leads you out of the madness. Especially when leaving RCG, there is so much personal trauma, it is hard to address this much bigger issue and a lot of people "short circuit," choosing to just go back to what HWA said is truth, instead of addressing whether what he said was true. You could ask your family "Where is the True Church?" Herbert was pretty clear on where he thought it was, unfortunately for him, God allowed that organization to be destroyed.

      It takes time to come out, keep being a light and eventually they will leave.

  16. I believe we are seeing the formation of a development stage as this splinter group moves towards who knows what outcome. We think of this as another error in prophecy in a long line of such errors. But if we consider it not as a single case by as an instance of a repetition, it takes on a different meaning. This is then not just another instance of failed prophecy but a liturgical dance - a form of worship rooted in the interaction between pulpit and pew over Christ's return. Charismatics whoop and holler and Armstrongists predict Christ's return then back pedal.

    I would almost believe that the critics of Armstrongism are being tactically baited by this iterative form but I think these Armstrongists are serious. It is just that we are seeing the solidification of a new way of corporate worship.

    For the geeks, the pseudo-code looks like this:

    begin-loop: while tithing > 0
    predict Christ is returning
    build fervor in worship and financial support
    explain away failure and rededicate

    I would like to call this logic the Apocalyptic Millerite Forever Two-step.

  17. I noticed the books behind Dave in the photo. It's an old truck used by HWA and the Tkach's which implies that they are well read and wise. They are nothing of the sort.

    1. I remember setting this up. I think we gathered one or two bookshelves in the main hall where services were held. We had to move books from all over the office to fill them. :0 Just like the rest of it... it's an illusion of reality, like all their prophetic and doctrinal claims.

  18. Lol, I'm sorry. Back paddling? That's a weirdly suggestive mixed metaphor. Also. Gross.

  19. NEO seems to have a fetish with William Miller!

  20. I guess Dave no longer needs money, now that Christ's return is here.

  21. Saw Christ with Dave today at Big Eagle buying a six pack of malt liquor. It seems Dave had it right. Right???

  22. 7.39 AM
    It must be a interesting phenomenon of women marrying a minister, believing they have married a successful alpha male, only to have that husband lose his job or quit their church. Their winner suddenly became a non winner. No more instant status and prestige of being a ministers wife. I wonder if Daves wife realizes that she has married a complete moral loser.

    1. I would say that by now Mrs Vernia Pack has figured out that her husband is not only completely morally bankrupt, but that he is also a psychopath and a narcissist.

    2. It's the alpha males that leave the church... The losers stay. 😲

  23. Speaking of "Q" not having answers, and of the difficulty of not cult hopping, here are a couple of articles


    This next one starts out with a surprising COG reference


    Have been reading some very interesting things on links between narcissism and evangelical belief system
