Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Gerald Flurry: You are not supposed to enjoy the physical things


On Exit and Support Network

Most of our time, in the last hour, when we are not sleeping, working, or at church functions, should be spent with God. Family is secondary. He said that you need Godly balance in your life, and if you are spending time watching movies on TV, surfing the net, sports, or talking to friends, this is not Godly balance. He said “we are to pray three times a day, at morning noon and evening, and evening means sunset, we are not supposed to pray at night (he quoted Psalms 55:16-17). He said the book of Ecclesiastes was put in the bible to teach us we weren’t supposed to enjoy physical things. He also said we are not allowed to waste time; we need to spend our time in services, and the singles and older people should spend even more of their time in there. 
Then he said people who murmur will end up dead and he gave example of Korah’s rebellion. I can’t begin to tell you how relieved I was when I left that demonic place. None of these so called “churches of God” will ever let go of Herbert Armstrong and grasp that he is not who we should be looking to.

For someone who says people are not to enjoy the physical things, Gerald Flurry and his henchmen sure live a life of luxury and excess. From living in church-owned homes that are maintained by the church, both inside and out,  church owned cars, to extravagant offices, and a multimillion-dollar concert hall trophy wife. Add to that a luxury jet used to whisk Flurry family members around the world to England, Israel, and  Irish dance competitions.

While Flurry, his son, and the privileged elite in Edmond, OK and in Edstone, England live lives of luxury and excess, everyday church members are expected to send in all their money and live frugal lives. After all, there is always that end time push that needs to be done. Though they have been pushing that time back for 20 some years now. they should be spending all their free time in prayer and doing godly things and not pursuing earthly things, especially if they are fun and joyful. It is no wonder so many people in PCG and the Restored Church of God are such miserable grumpy people. What joy do they have?


  1. Well, if we are not supposed to enjoy physical things , maybe Gerald can set the example by selling his jet and making do with a Piper Cub. Also getting rid of HWA idolatry & selling all the nonsense items he bought from Ambassador College. Maybe at the next feast he can stay in a middle eastern type tent or Arbor Shelter instead of his 5 star hotel/condo, that would be more realistic to what the Israelites were actually staying in back in antiquity.

  2. "None of these so called “churches of God” will ever let go of Herbert Armstrong and grasp that he is not who we should be looking to."

    the True Church doesn't hold on to HWA....those in it for the money do.

    HWA is a marketing tool to draw in those that don't really understand, but are following a man, and are quickly parted from their money.



    (Copy link and paste into browser)

  4. All that television spending for "Key of David" and no growth
    (what does "Key of David" mean anyway? hope it's nor Anglo-Israelism jargon!)


  5. “He also said we are not allowed to waste time;” --- at ESN

    Then why are you wasting so much TIME and EFFORT and MONEY in the PCG???

  6. what does "Key of David" mean anyway?

    Rev 3:7 - it's in the message to the Angel of the church at Philadelphia. (Not the "Philadelphia Era" or other such concoction.

  7. Flurry is a liar. There is no scripture that says Philadelphians cannot fellowship with Laodiceans. So, go ahead and fellowship with the Gerald's Laodicean church.

  8. This is typical of money grubbers. I left a much smaller organization (church of god, the eternal), that is telling their members what they can and cannot buy for or at the Feast. Pay no mind that the Bible says whatever your heart desires.

    Whenever money is involved, they will find a way to suck every last cent that you have saved and try to make it look like it's for a godly cause. No you can't take your 2nd Tithe home, you have to give it to the church. What a crock. If this stuff wasn't in sermons, I'd call it hearsay.

  9. "The Key of David unlocks all Bible prophecy," PCG used to say in its TV intros.

    Implied: As in David being ancient and future ruler over Israel, and the U.S./U.K. being part of Israel.

  10. Maybe to earn more $$$ somebody can start carving pumpkins with HWA's, Flurry's or David Pack's likeness to sell during the fall. Get your pumpkin with Old Gerald's face on it. It is know as the "Quack-O-Lantern."

  11. Sam,
    Also, the tithes were only based on the increase from flocks and field (food). In as much as one believes they should tithe, the COGs are wrong in what one should tithe on. Overpayment from the beginning, and this is one area in which I believe the minitry actually knows better.

  12. 8:51

    I believe that.

    100 sheep producing 10 lambs is one lamb offering/tithe.

    Pretty clear it seems.


  13. Gerald Flurry is 85 years old. His days are numbered.
