Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Dave Pack: It was the BEST FEAST EVER! Even though you now may be sick, it was the BEST FEAST EVER! Even though Christ never came, it was the BEST FEAST EVER!


After exposing his declining membership to potential COVID incubators during the Feast of Tabernacles and after some members have become sick, God's chosen COG leader and his faithful boys in Wadsworth have sent out a letter to the few faithful telling them what to do if they are sick.

From a reader:

Trouble in Dave’s paradise! One week after the FOT some of the RCG members report that they feel sick. No way Dave will ever admit that members of his milking cows, erm ... little flock, have caught COVID. But better safe than sorry. So the members received this yesterday:

Health Reminder   

Reports from the various Feast sites across the globe confirm that amidst a unique and challenging year, God’s people experienced an edifying Feast. The best one ever! 

By obeying God’s fall Feast command, we got the opportunity to travel to sites all over the world, each reflecting the beautiful and tranquil environment we can look forward to in the Kingdom. Naturally this travel required us to come into contact with those in the general public, and for a longer period, than we might have during other periods of the year. Thus, the risk of exposure to different viruses, including regular seasonal flu and others, as well as the ongoing and resurging worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, was higher. 

Now that we are home and with the changing seasons in mind (both in the northern and southern hemispheres), we felt a general health reminder would be beneficial. 

Please read this announcement carefully as it provides helpful guidelines on how to avoid illness and how to proceed in case you get sick. Some items on this list might vary from country-to-country, and different local areas: 

Preventative Measures: 

• Continue to regularly wash your hands (video illustration included). Use hand sanitizer when washing hands is impractical.
• Follow proper cough and sneeze etiquette (video illustration included).
• Maintain six-foot (two meter) social distancing requirements.
• Maintain a healthy diet. Be sure to drink lots of water, and eat vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables.
• Incorporate a regular exercise routine.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, please let your minister know and refrain from attending services to prevent the potential spread of illness. Also consider a medical diagnosis from a professional:
• Fever of 100 F (37.8 °C) or higher
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• Loss of taste or smell (that is new)
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Follow CDC guidance if symptoms develop. 

As mentioned, be sure to keep your local minister informed if you are not feeling well. He is not a medical professional but may be able to assist if a personal anointing (or an anointed cloth) is needed (James 5:14-15). The Church’s policy on not attending services when feeling sick applies (this covers all contagious diseases). 

Remember that God will do His part to help us stay healthy, or heal us when we are sick. He expects us to do our part to prevent any illness and to have concern for our fellow brethren by helping avoid the spread of sickness. Our faith towards God, whether we get sick or not, is important throughout the entire process (Hebrews 11:6)! 

We hope that this is helpful as we approach the Sabbath and will assist us in staying healthy moving forward. 

Remember boys and girls, if you get COVID there is always this:



  1. The word being shared among brethren is that several LCG members from the Kansas City and southern Missouri congregations have tested positive for COVID-19 since coming back from the feast in Branson. Church services this Saturday have been canceled in KC and other areas that were assigned to Branson.

  2. Now that you got Covid, please abide by cdc guidance and remember both covid and the delay in 2nd coming are to prepare the saints........ wills and estates, for transfer.


  3. Classic CYA after you get to feed on the members for Dave's narcissistic supply needed to keep on until the next load of theological BS strikes him.

  4. The choice to attend lies with the believer. It is a choice whether for good or bad.

  5. A video from Pack on how to wash your hands and cover your sneeze?? What the heck is this... Kindergarden?

  6. If a person want's to follow a sleeze, Packatola will be happy to oblige, Just ask yourself one question, if Christ is coming anyday now why does he continue to ask you to sell everything and send him all the money,while he lives in grand style, wanting for nothing except for you to live in poverty, just remember you did to yourself, look in the mirror whom do you see, Old saying in people who gamble a fool and hjs money is soon departed,gambling on Packatola what are you left with a mosalism where you money goes to die.

  7. Hardly surprising that some members have COVID 19..
    But why tell them that they should get in touch with their minister instead of seeking medical help first? And what’s with the anointed cloth? What are they supposed to do with that? Disinfect door handles and shopping carts with it? Make a face mask out of it?

  8. If you stitch enough anointed cloths together you can form a mask, which bizarrely is left off from the list of healthy reminders.

  9. Dave is spreading the "Ahhhh cheeews" of the Kingdom of God"! lol or not lol. A sneeze preview of what may come?

  10. Why is it that liberals are afraid of covid but not most everyone else? Propaganda. Lies from sources you trust.

    The truth is that the number of people dying from covid is going DOWN not up.

    But go ahead. Be afraid if it makes you happy.

    1. I would have to agree. As a health care worker, I see this daily. There is considerable less death and hospitalization, even if the numbers are going up. It seems that no one had gotten a bad cold or flu before. 99% of people recover!! The majority of people!! We still should be careful, but why are we so fearful!

  11. Tonto.

    My first memories of the church.

    "if you're happy and you know it......
    " (cant remember if it was the "honk your nose" version though)


  12. 5:50

    Perhaps because liberals live in cities in closer quarters, travelling public transport and have more sex.


  13. Liberals? Democrats?
    RCG members are not allowed to vote, yet the ministers tell the brethren that they need to support Trump whenever they can..

    Can someone explain that to me?

  14. Atheists are almost all liberals, who knows why. And they are the most afraid to die, because once your dead, your dead. Atheists can't have a life after this one, so they want to stuff your freedoms down your throat to save their own lives.

    RCG is a scapegoat in the discussion about covid. We all know RCG is doomed to fall apart, who cares what the details are in the meantime.


  15. Liberals? Democrats?
    RCG members are not allowed to vote, yet the ministers tell the brethren that they need to support Trump whenever they can..

    Can someone explain that to me?

    First of all Dave Pack elaborated on the ideologies of both Democrats and Republicans in a sermon once. He stated that it is impossible for a Christian to support either party based solely on their ideologies.

    The reason Dave Pack and the ministers lean hard right every presidential election cycle is because they want no infringement upon themselves operating in the realm of religious freedom.

    Religious freedom is the absolute corner stone and foundation for Dave Pack to perpetrate his hard left "all that's yours is mine" for the greater good - to establish his prominence on the world stage.

    There is simplicity in Dave Pack when you look for it.

  16. 12.00 PM
    The ACOGs ministers support the Republicans since they want a strong military to defend their freedom to play church. But morally they are essentially left wing, which gives credibility to Dave's common doctrine.
