Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 17, 2020

LCG: Bobby Jaques and Rand Millich downplayed drastically the Covid outbreak today in the live stream service

From a reader. Some things never change in LCG.

Bobby Jaques and Rand Millich downplayed drastically the Covid outbreak today in the live stream service. There have been 12 confirmed cases in Kansas City and Joplin and the number is rising. Jaques wants to downplay it because HIS WIFE was wearing one of those homemade atrocities at the Feast. The hypocrisy of these men are disgusting. Admit you screwed up, admit this happened on your watch, admit you failed to set a good example, and admit you weren't showing love for your brother by allowing this to go on! 


  1. I remember an awful sermon by Bobby at a feast. He was going on about navy seals and inferring he knew some. From there he went on to act as if he was tough by osmosis. He made it very apparent what a joke he was.

  2. Imagine if a local news station in Kansas City was tipped off about this....it would be front-page news. Within 48 hours it would be on every major national news outlet. The Feast would become known as a super-spreader event, and the COG would be outed as exactly what it is -- a cult.

    Anyone know which Kansas City news station has the most viewers?

  3. Why just Kansas? Think big! Send emails to all the big nation wide news stations with a link to this blog..

    Let the COG leaders talk their way out of that!

  4. Any word on whether anyone from Monson's group/ Feast site came down with COVID 19?

  5. Lone Ranger wears mask to services, way back in day. Lone Ranger ahead of his time!

  6. Lone Ranger wear mask wrong place. Spread disease but we know not who he is.

  7. Kansas City's top TV news station is KMBC.

    The radio news leaders are KMBZ (commercial) and KCUR (NPR).

  8. Oh I wish someone would turn this into the media....the confirmed numbers have kept going up today! LCG's feet need to be held to the fire for this one. They never want to accept accountability for their actions. It's always Satan doing this to them, or loose bricks within the membership, or a rouge maverick of a minister that's defected....but they (HQ leadership) never look in the mirror and ask, what am I doing wrong?

  9. The number of deaths is nearly ZERO. The second wave is fake. It is based on false positives. Wake up zombies.

  10. There are many many scientists who disagree with the narrative pushed by the news media and they are upset with the way scientific debate has been crushed. It is the end of science and democracy, they say.
