Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Internal Damage Control Sermon By Dave Pack

UPDATE: Dave Pack and the Restored Church of God is scrambling to hide the things Dave has said at the Feast this year. They served notice on the person who provided the video below and forced them to pull it.

Dave Pack and the Restored Church of God is on Red Alert now that Dave made the idiotic statement that his "christ" was returning by the end of the feast. They forced the person who provided the link to the video to pull it. 

Stay tuned for more shenanigans by God's one true church as it tries to suppress the truth that it claims is vital fo the world.

....addressing "Burst of Antichrists" leaving Restored Church of God


  1. Not withstanding the egregious lie from dear Mr. Pack in this sermon that no members have followed departing ministers, the whole structure of this sermon amounts to an abomination with guess who standing high above them all.

    With an introduction of: Christ's sheep hear his voice and will not follow strangers, the members' minds are massaged to equate Pack directly with Christ. What follows is nothing short of a take down of everything and everyone before himself.

    The ministers who left (leave) are humiliated, stripped bear, mutilated, shamed, slandered, and condemed. The member certainly doesn't want to be equated with any of that.

    "They call me a false prophet" - so were Peter, Paul, James, John, Jude and Herbert Armstrong - they were wrong by a lot and I only a little". So Mr. Pack now guts the credibility of the biblical and non biblical giants and leaves himself standing yet above them all. The member once again has their mind orientated to a not so bad after all Mr.Pack.

    What comes next is the build up of the brotherhood. "We stay and weather the attacks because we are a different breed". "None of "them" knew what we know concerning the gateway prophecy". The old we are special and in the know tactic to ease and titalate the mind trick.

    This is the "great work" that Dave Pack is doing. Dave Pack is the equation and sumation of it all. Jesus Christ is nowhere found in the equation. And those that are falling for it all are willingly financing the self glorified self righteous strawman and his fanciful kingdom.

  2. I thought he was going to cry a few times. He seems very emotional. Kookie. You know someone is a nut case when not only his top guys keep jumping ship , but even his family doesn’t want to be with him. “Financially booming”, that’s what it’s all about for this psycho con man.

  3. HA! Dave complaining about pick-pockets. That's rich.

  4. When Dave left LCG and took many with him, he was righteous. When others leave him and take no one, they are scoffers and evil bastards. I believe the reason his ministry that leaves take no one because Dave is the bottom of the barrel example and the last port of call for someone who finally gives up on the concept of the One True Church and religion itself perhaps. They have no desire to reinvent that wheel. Besides, I think a lot of the ministry acts like they agree with Dave, or even understand what the hell he is talking about now but don't. The tie that binds is weak to begin with.

    I bet not one field minister can explain Dave's wandering theological views as Dave explains them.

    And too, the reason people notice that "My Lord delays his coming" is because their Lord delays his coming, 2000 years and counting. It would also help if Dave could grasp that the Book of Revelation was not written to him nor is it all about him. It's a failed first century prophecy or the author had good drugs.

  5. I believe the reason his ministry that leaves take no one because Dave is the bottom of the barrel example and the last port of call for someone who finally gives up on the concept of the One True Church and religion itself perhaps.

    Have you forgotten that David Christ is a brazen liar? I can think of three ministers who left RCG and took a small handful of members with them, either to an existing splinter or to a new little living room church group. If you try to analyze RCG based on Dave's own statements you'll get a wildly inaccurate picture of things.

  6. Some relatives of mine are RCG members and I’ve heard them say that the church doesn’t allow them to retire. Is that really the case? And if so, why? According to them it is a commandment, but where does it say that in the Bible?

  7. Pack’s response to so many members leaving his ‘true church’ is typical narcissistic behavior. It not only hurts in a financial way, it also cuts deeply into his sense of self-importance.
    By leaving the ‘church’ members are saying “You are not important to me anymore.” And it makes Pack furious. Because he sees himself as the most important person in the world. In Pack’s eyes he is even more important than Christ..

  8. Anonymous said...
    Some relatives of mine are RCG members and I’ve heard them say that the church doesn’t allow them to retire. Is that really the case? And if so, why? According to them it is a commandment, but where does it say that in the Bible?

    HWA and thus, Dave Pack, both "taught" that ministers don't retire. Thus they felt no need to make preparations for such a thing. On top of that, before going into the field ministry they were asked (told) it was fine to sign off on social security as churches did not have to pay that to employees if they had their own system. When asked about it as a 22 year old, the line was "don't worry, we will take care of you." They did...but not as thought.

    Of course with Jesus ever on the horizon, who would even need to think of retirement or getting your teeth fixed for that matter. Or going to school for a secular education in something you loved or....

    I had one concerned teen in my first church ask me if he should bother going to Dental School as it was 1975 and Jesus was no doubt on the way. I told him to go to Dental School. If Jesus comes back, he can drop out. If he doesn't, he'll simply end up a Dentist. I imagine he went on and made a darn good one.

    Dave does not want to spend money on such things if you aren't working for him actively. Now if he got sick or when he gets too old.....lots of perks and care no doubt.

  9. Dave Pack gave a sermon series on why retirement is a sin. Obviously, they don't let those type out for the public.

  10. Well, retirement leads to many problems, relational, premature death, obesity.

    The point is. Does saving for a "rainy day" (or a couple of statistical thousands of days) amount to sin?

    Rockefeller an astute tither was horribly stingy though!


  11. Of course Dave and similar don't want members to retire. If these groups can't exploit a member financially or otherwise, they are not welcome in that group. And the only reason they tolerate some seniors is the hope of getting some or all of their inheritance money. They are like vultures.

    Nck, retirement leads to premature death? You know this because...?
    Could people die even earlier if they did not retire?

  12. Hello October 7 12:27

    It is a very complex issue.
    But I will keep it simple for you.


    I will not explore the issue further but extra points can be scored for bricklayers, coal miners or steelworkers.

    The general point is that research conducted for extreme high age groups like in Japan or elsewhere one GENERAL point can be made.........the 100 year olds are still "working" and challenged everyday (in their gardens), certainly not cruising and eating the fats of the earth.

    Keep busy my friend keep your mind challenged and be kind to your wife suddenly having that stranger in her queendom.



  13. Retirement became taboo because the 1972 and 1975 timeline left no scope for pension plan savings.

  14. Uh oh...at 58 minutes he said "I'm not going to leave...." Seems he once said "But don't worry Brethren, I'm not going anywhere" just before bailing on LCG to start RCG.

  15. Dennis, I'm quite certain that Dave has access to enough resources that he could make a real estate purchase through a new corporation or holding company in such a way that RCG-watchers couldn't identify it. Imagine the fun if Dave were to sell the RCG campus to some other organization, following the WCG/GCI pattern, and then liquidate most of RCG's other assets, leaving the few "true believers" high and dry while he retreated into comfortable anonymity.

  16. Dave claiming that Paul, Peter, James, John etc were off a lot while he was off a little is dishonest. These early apostles believed that Christ was returning in their life time. They didn't do a Herb by claiming that Christ is returning in the next 3 to 5 years for over 40 years. They didn't repeatedly pass off speculation as fact. They didn't teach a equivalent to 1975 as an attempt to manipulate Christ to return prematurely. Unlike Herb, Dave and all his other mini mees, they weren't deliberate liars.

  17. RCG claims that no members follow when a minister leaves is a BIG LIE.

    A minister in ASIA left last April 2016 and about 9 families joined him.

    The minister resigned but later it was falsely announced he was disfellowshipped.

    How a non-member could be disfellowshipped?

    What a blatant disinformation of truth.

    Only DCP can disfellowship ministers and members of other COGs.
