Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Wade Cox Believes His Witless Witnesses Will Be Made Known Some Time After Passover 2021

Wade Cox is another self-appointed Church of God fraudulent leader that is preparing his LITTLE flock of deceived members for the imminent return of his Islamic "jesus". Cox claims he has to finish his commentary on the Bible so that the two witless witnesses can return. He plans on having these so-called commentaries completed by Passover 2021 and then his crazy witless witnesses can come and do their work.

The requirement that this theological imbecile dishes out on his members is appalling. There is so much they need to be doing in order to make it into the first resurrection. Just more silly rules and regulations that Jesus never demanded of his followers.

Thankfully no Christian ever has to worry about whether or not they have the correct day, the correct calendar, or any of the other useless crap that Cox claims his followers need to be doing.

And NO, people will NOT be assigned to the second resurrection if they do not follow Cox's demands. In COGland, nothing is ever what it claims to be.

We have tried to make this a really spiritual feast this year for Tabernacles. We have prepared a number of commentaries on the Bible Texts.  We have done the Epistles of Peter following James prior to the Feast and for the Feast we have done the commentaries on the Epistles of John and prepared the Commentary on Daniel which will be issued by Chapters, with an Introduction, over the feast. We will also commence the Commentaries on Paul commencing with Philemon.

We hope that all will enjoy the Commentaries and we hope to be able to continue on and to complete the NT by Passover.

The aim is a complete Bible Commentary by the arrival of the Witnesses.  It is not enough to attend Sabbath services and perhaps the Feast and ignore the New Moons and Passover and Unleavened Bread and hope that you make it into the First Resurrection. We have to do it all and work as well. Then we will know we have access to the First Resurrection.  If we follow Hillel we can rest assured that we have never kept the Holy Days on the correct days except by accident and if we follow Armstrong and the WCG system we have never kept a Lord’s Supper and Passover on the correct days and one third of the time not even in the correct months.  Such people are consigned to the Second Resurrection and will repent or face the Second Death. Neither will their slander and defamation protect them or stop others from the First Resurrection.


  1. My definition of Hell would be spending eternity with any of these theological misfits. Give it a few short years and they will all be dead dead as in dead dead.

  2. Wade Cox never heard of him.

  3. Why was Wade Cox single for so long?

    He couldn’t find the right date.


  4. "If we follow Hillel" ??

    Hillel was a Jewish sage and head of a group of Pharisees who took a "softer" approach to Torah interpretation, as opposed to Shammai's harsher approach. In many ways the teaching of Jesus were close to those of Hillel, and his run-ins with Pharisees were probably those from the school of Shammai.

    During Jesus' boyhood talk with the sages at the Temple, he possibly talked to both Hillel and Shammai. Paul's teacher, Gamaliel, was Hillel's grandson, and master of the Oral Law ("Traditions of the Elders").

  5. So often I find it more informative to analyze splinter groups as businesses rather than churches. This results in a secularization of the driving ideologies of these groups but it also puts their theologies in the right place - they believe odd things that nobody cares about. After one sets aside their outlandish theologies, they do not differ sociologically from many of the conspiracy movements now stalking the North American continent. And they do function like businesses with products, marketing, expenses and revenues. The theology may not be intelligible but the economic behaviors are.

    Occasionally, the theology becomes so arcane that one begins to see Gnosticism on the horizon. This is the religious philosophy that declares among other principles that special, hidden knowledge is required for salvation. You can see why this might have a marketing appeal. Some people like to feel special, have a membership in an exclusive club, feel themselves to be better than outsiders and other egocentricities that focus on bonding with select others.

    I see in this not the Gospel but alienation. This is my theory. I believe that society has become so complex and technological that many people are overwhelmed. They do not have the same glorified standing in society as the young polymaths of Silicon Valley or even their own children. Decades ago you could be a "C" student in high school, get a job on the assembly line, join a union, and earn enough money to get at least an appreciable share of The American Dream and feel like the United States was your personal paradise. Those days are gone and will never be back.

    To treat this alienation, a common solution is to acquire special knowledge. A conspiracy theory or a strange religion works. It can make you smarter and superior to vaunted scientists. There is nothing better for the economic life of the splinter groups and the egos of their congregants than special, hidden knowledge. Nobody gets it but us. We will go to the place of safety and they won't. We'll be resurrected and they won't be. The problem is that this behavior is antithetical to the Gospel that emphasizes the care of others. In fact, this special knowledge is almost always a human addition to the Gospel - automatically shoving the religious organization into the territory of Jesus Plus cultism. Then the cure for alienation becomes the disease.


  6. I do agree with your comments @ 7:46 AM. We see it in the political sphere also. Extreme political movements and religious theologies abound and will continue sadly to gain traction in these uncertain Covid19 times and beyond. This has been played out before over the centuries in human society. There is only one thing certain as they say,death and taxes,lol. But seriously the more I look at humanity and its complexity I realise as Ravi Zacharias said, "there is no solution outside of Christ". Keep safe out there.
