Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Dave Pack Tells Another Disgusting Lie: Ex-RCG ministers will Die, Their Children Orphaned


Many Restored Church of God ministers left in the fall of 2020. 
Dave Pack claims they will die and their children will be orphaned.


  1. This guy is disgusting.. Can someone please STOP him?!

    1. Yes, horrible human being. He pulled families aside at the Feast and told them (making them feel special with the "revealed" knowledge) that the children of ministry who left lost salvation because of their parents sins! Orchestrated and precalculated fear tactics.

  2. What David Pack does is typical delusional behavior. It is called ‘magical thinking’. He really beliefs that these ministers that left (good for them!) will die because Dave Pack says that it will happen.
    He is so delusional that he thinks he is as powerful as God.

    Time to call the authorities.

  3. Dave says that soon these men will lose an eye and arm. No biggie. Aside from their minds, they and the members have already lost an arm and a leg

  4. Didn't HWA lose vision in his eye before his death?

  5. Yes, Tonto, HWA did loose his vision. Perhaps he played with himself once too often. Didn't he keep track in his flog log? Did he not know his limit?

  6. Dave has been personally obsessed with the thought that every person who "crosses" him dies a horrible death. Grand delusion has set in on a variety of levels.

  7. For as long as I can remember, Dave Pack has said that anyone who has gone against him has either died or become severely debilitated. This is the reason Joseph W Tkach Sr. Died and suffered the death that he did at least in Daves world that is why it happened and in the way it happened.

    I am reminded of the conversation I had with the leading headquarters minister back in 2012. He told me that the Synagogue of Satan which Dave Pack had identified (a long list of men) and posted in the splinter section of their website, would all come and worship at Mr. Pack's feet and he was told this by Dave Pack in a meeting.

    I guess we should be relieved he is only condemning three men here in this video. I still look out my window every morning just in case Mr. Pack and six of his fellow men are coming over the hill with swords in their hands to start the massacre of 6 million people and 2.5 million Jews who Mr. Pack has identified as enemies of himself and God.

  8. Dave,it's way past time you seek psychiatric help, take a sabatical, see if you can come to see you are your own worst enemy,God says to love your enemy, love would have said sad to see you go, may it be well with you, all of you who are leaving my prayer is that you continue in good health and prosper, that would be the Christian way to act. Sad to say it seems to me you are full of hate,so lets start with me my prayer is you come to see what you are and change otherwise I would think that what you are now will consume you much to your own demise.

  9. Pack continues to teach his followers that he, his ministers, and membership represent the ONE and ONLY TRUE church! That is why people stay trapped in that organization. I heard him tell this lie over and over back in the early 2000's. I knew it was time to leave then.

    I never thought that he would be worse than GRF, but he is. Thankfully, he has a lot less people with him. Many are newer converts that he got from "THE WORLD".

  10. Well, his whole cult is predicated on the concept that anyone who doesn't accept that he is the earthly mouthpiece of God and follow his instructions exactly deserves nothing less than to be utterly and eternally annihilated from existence and memory, if that wasn't a clue that he isn't a nice guy.

  11. Seems Pack is in competition with the pope, seeing he believes he speaks for God, one can only wonder how God was able to function before Packatola.

  12. The danger here is - as it is in any cult - that there are RCG members that totally go with Dave’s flow. They believe every word he says and those members talk about ‘outsiders’ and ex members in the same way: full of hate. It only takes one of his followers to go a step further and you’ll have a ‘Jonestown’. If that happens Dave Pack will say that ‘it has nothing to do with him’.

    People like Dave will use others to get what they want. And I know that there are RCG members that DO have guns, despite the fact that ‘the church’ doesn’t allow it. What Dave does is called radicalization. And sadly enough a lot of RCG members share his hate for ‘the world’..

  13. Without any shame or restraint, Pack demonizes former minister and members. And with that, he gives the RCG members a license to do the same thing. Pack takes the normal Armstrong practice of shunning a few steps further

  14. It's called terror religion.

  15. On the part of David Pack, I absolutely believe he is taken over by a demonic spirit. I do believe if God allows the protection to be removed from these men that left, that Satan can take their lives. Similar to a Job situation where the restraints are taken off. This is not because Pack is Gods instrument, but because he is evil.

    I say this because of an instance that I went through. I was involved in a small splinter offshoot that I left, but my father who was a minister there, stayed. This man pronounced a curse on me (from a 2014 sermon "Blessings & Cursings"), and then proceeded to tell the congregation that it had been answered. My father died shortly before this. He insuated that this was how it was answered. I guess like punishment upon me. Long story short, I came to understand that Satan was indeed real and acted through this man.

    We are in if not close to end things wrapping up. We are told that Satan is very active. Pack and others are just examples of who he using.

  16. Just for additional context, earlier in the message Dave includes ALL former ministers who left RCG, not just the "three" he references as slated for death.

  17. If the president was going after the "splinter vote" (which for most splinters would be no vote) do you think he would choose RCG Wadsworth for a rally?

  18. Not only their children orphaned but also that the children lost salvation too because of the sins of their parents. Horrible human being.

  19. Well, ALL of us will die unless Jesus come back first. So in a way, he's right.

    Or did he set another date for them to die?

  20. Why did my question regarding honest reporting get censored?


    Is he speaking ordinary cog doctrine regarding 2nd death or is he in some mentally deranged way talking about "an event that will transpire right after a minister leaves his cult?


    1. @Nck

      There are way too many RCG members that think Pack is saying this will literally happen to the members/ministers that left. According to them they will die in ‘horrible accidents’.

      This maniac is as dangerous as David Koresh..

    2. Because it's the kettle calling the pot black. Honesty nck do you even know the meaning of the word.

    3. Nick, this isn't ordinary second death as most COGs teach it. This is a special event that happens to the ex-ministers any day now...(going on at least a year and a half)

    4. Thanks for answering.

      I mean 2nd death is just normal doctrine. The rest is plain HONEST deluded insanity.


  21. How about emailing Pack's sermons to Wadsworth City Hall, Mayor, all the council, chamber of commerce. They would be very glad to be reminded that a potential Charles Manson lives in their midst!

    1. Correct. So far, he has been threatening people with God's direct punishment, what if starts thinking that he should be the instrument of that wrath? Scary. FBI should be notified. -- Leopold

    2. City Hall is already somewhat aware of the crazy prophetic beliefs. I am sure not exactly the nitty gritty, but they know it is a crazy cult.

  22. I pity the poor little kids in his congregations who have to listen to this trash.

  23. 5:26. Not to mention banks since Pack told members to take out loans and send them in. Since they will be fleeing the country, they won't have to repay them. Perhaps Dave's bank might like to know that too.

  24. David Pack is the quintessential malignant narcissist. These people display the following behavior.
    Does this ring a bell? Trademarks of a malignant narcissist:

    1) GRANDIOSE SELF- CENTERED BEHAVIOR: Like cult leaders of the past, Pack thinks he is “chosen”.
    2) FANTASIES OF POWER, SUCCESS, AND ATTRACTIVENESS: David Pack believes he is special and unique.
    3) NEED FOR PRAISE AND ADMIRATION: Cult leaders require constant praise.
    4) SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT: Cult leaders have a sense of entitlement. They think they are above the law.
    This can lead them to exploit, bully, shame, and demean others, without guilt or remorse.
    7) LYING
    9) SADISM
    11) VIOLENCE
    12) PARANOIA

    This data comes from the website “Freedom of Mind”, an organization that specializes in freeing your mind from cult mind control.

  25. I've included this article believe since all the ACOGs believe that their hierarchical top down government with their yes men advisory board is the ideal.

    "Conflict and chaos could lead to better business outcomes:Research media release
    28 October 2020

    New research from Deakin Business School shows lack of conflict in the boardroom may be a significant factor contributing to poorer quality decision-making with potentially fatal consequences.

    The full study, “Board co-option and default risk”, has been published in the Journal of Corporate Finance with co-authors Associate Professor Edward Podolski, (Deakin Business School), Dr Ghasan Baghdadi (RMIT University), and Dr Lily Nguyen (University of Queensland).

    Associate Professor Podolski said the evidence suggested that as a society we should learn to be more tolerant of conflict and the bruising process of making tough decisions.

    “Companies where the board of directors is more likely to be in agreement are more likely to make short-sighted, idiosyncratic and extreme decisions which lead to greater outcome variation and contribute to collapse and bankruptcy risk,” he said.

    “Companies whose board members are more likely to voice dissenting views will also explore a wider array of possibilities and be forced to work towards a consensus. Although boards that promote disagreement will be more chaotic and unpleasant in the short-term, our research shows their decision-making process will be significantly better and more profitable in the long-run.”

    Associate Professor Podolski and his colleagues conducted their study by analysing boards with high levels of “co-option”—where a greater number of directors have been appointed after the CEO assumes office.

    “Co-opted or ‘captured’ boards are assumed to be associated with a lack of independence, since co-opted directors are more likely to owe their allegiance to the CEO who was involved in their initial appointment,” he said.

    “Co-opted boards debate and contest decisions less rigorously, and we find that co-opted directors are more likely to miss a large portion of board meetings, propose fewer agenda items, and are more likely to make recommendations in favour of management proposals.

    “Our results also suggest co-opted boards are associated with greater performance volatility and less consistent decisions, facilitating more erratic and poorer quality decision-making.”

    While the paper focuses on corporate outcomes, Associate Professor Podolski said the findings could be applied to other group dynamics.

    “For example, a natural conclusion would be that the tendency of governments to stifle debate when dealing with a crisis can be counterproductive in the long-run,” he said.

    “While decisions can be made more easily when power is vested in a single decision-maker (or a small group of decision-makers), those decisions are more likely to be idiosyncratic and lead to undesirable outcomes.

    “Think about how, in the wake of COVID-19, most Australian states rushed to enact emergency powers. This allowed them to avoid the drawn-out process of parliamentary debate during a major crisis, but it also sidestepped a process of conflict and disagreement that could have led to better thought-out and more deliberate outcomes.

    “Although entertaining a vast array of viewpoints is difficult—and engaging in drawn-out and robust debates is undoubtedly less comfortable than quickly agreeing to a course of action—the consequences of avoiding conflict are potentially catastrophic.”


  26. "For as long as I can remember, Dave Pack has said that anyone who has gone against him has either died or become severely debilitated." Of course, given enough time, everyone dies or becomes debilitated. Did you know that everyone who voted to impeach Richard Nixon has died? There it is, proof that God punished all of these people. And everyone nods their head in agreement without giving the claim any thought.

  27. Not to mention banks

    At an FOT back in the 1970s Denny Luker said HWA borrowed a load of money from his "Arab friends" and the loan was due to be repaid for 20 years. To the amusement of his audience, Denny chuckled, "We know something they don't know". Little did anyone know HWA would be dead and his empire would start falling apart. Did Joe pay back the loan?

  28. Fraud, extortion, implied death to those who don't do what he says or thinks they should do, waiting with anticipation to kill those who he sees as enemies. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Who knows maybe just maybe the tables will get turned on him and he will be shown the same mercy, understanding and accommodation that he has and is showing to others.

  29. Did you know that everyone who voted to impeach Richard Nixon has died? There it is, proof that God punished all of these people.

    Are you ignorant or are you just a liar? At least a half-dozen of the House members who voted "Yes" on the Nixon impeachment articles are still alive: Cohen, Froehlich, Holtzman, Mezvinsky, Rangel, and Sarbanes. Does this mean that, just like Dave, you were making $h!t up as you went along and were pulling "facts" out of your ass? Or will you now change your argument and argue that God is obviously withholding judgment and in fact is showing special favor toward these hardy and long-lived politicians?

  30. He thinks he is above God and that God does his bidding. It is absolutely disgusting!
