Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Philadelphia Church of God Cult Bans Smartphones As A Tool of Satan


So many of the Churches of God are all about control, but none so much as the Restored Church of God and the Philadelphia Church of God. They have to stick their sweaty fingers into every aspect of members' lives.

This time it is the Philadelphia Church of God cult, run by Gerald and Lil'Stevie Flurry. In yet another attempt to still stop members from finding about abuses and doctrinal changes in the cult, they have now banned smartphones. What is so bad about smartphones? They have access to the internet and allow students and members to double-check the lies that PCG puts forth.

Exit and Support Network has this letter up from a young person in the PCG.

PCG Ruling Says No Smartphones Allowed:
November 19, 2020 
Hi, I am a young person still currently in the PCG. Some time ago I stopped believing the teachings of this group. Since then I have opened my eyes to the fearmongering and manipulation. Anyway, around early this year, they made the ruling that no one should have smartphones. Instead, we should have alternatives like flip phones or gaff phones. The PCG no longer allows phones on campus from any students or anyone employed by the PCG. In sermons they actively shame parents who allow their kids to have phones. They tell the parents that they’re letting Satan get to their kids if they don’t take away their phones. It’s legitimately scary to see this happening as it’s just another way to control the members and gain more power over them. –[name withheld]


  1. This decree from on high exposes how out of touch PCG is and how aged.

    How can a self employed or employee in any job function without a smart phone.

  2. Makes sense. Gerald doesn't want cell phone footage of him banging his new found young love.

  3. It seems the policy is for employees and students on campus. This means they are all digitally monitored only able to use the campus network.

    Philadelphia meaning BIG BROTHERLY love.


  4. And the fee payments on those phones can get a bit high. Why allow members to spend their money paying for phones when they could use it to help pay GF's jet fuel tab?

  5. When I attended services in Herbs day, we were told that listening to criticism of the church was the equivalent of looking at pornography. The analogy is ridiculous. It's not the truth, but rather lies that needs a body guard.

  6. Flurry is the reincarnation of Stalin. He may have the Philadelphia Strumpet NKVD put wiretaps in the student's dorm room yet.

  7. Wow...smuggling phones on campus will be like is done in prisons. They will become currency and those that keep them hidden can charge for time on them. lol. Crazy stuff. Bob Jones University in SC bans the "Secular Internet" and opts for their own in house version whatever that means. If you bring some genuine fact that goes against their beliefs, they will ask where you got that and then say "Oh, that's the secular Internet."

    That "True Church" thing can really hold one's brain hostage and firmly implanted in their seats. A lot of idiocy can be dismissed because of the delusion of the "True Leader". Ugh!

  8. Yep they tell member to not have smart phones while the ministry, their kids and employees all have the latest iPads.

  9. Ach ja, ein smartphone for thee bobblins is baremlich rutching around with die Grundsatzen.

    And no schmutzlen.

    This is the non abreviated and complete response on the issue of my Pennsylvanian bros. The response took a while since the cart wheel broke on the way to the post office.


  10. November 21, 2020 at 11:42 AM said, "How can a self employed or employee in any job function without a smart phone".

    MY COMMENT - My thought exactly! I couldn't run my company without one to be competitive. OH WAIT! That's right! God calls the weak and base things. Weak and base things don't run companies. Flurry is right! Weak and base things don't need smartphones. They need to be constantly reaffirmed that they are a special chosen peculiar people called out of this world to become Rulers with Jesus Christ in the Wonderful World Of Tomorrow...which never comes!


  11. Patience is a virtue Richard. Flurry's * closed world of dictatorship and exclusion is nothing to do with Jesus Christ's world to come.

    * or any other small or big COG dictator.

  12. Flurry and Pack are so far down the rabbit hole, sooner or later they are going to go so far it costs someone their lives, but I am sure they will deny any responsibility.

    1. It already has cost some people their lives. There are plenty of stories about COG members killing themselves and stories about GOG members killing others. Also a few stories about Pack being the last person to speak to a woman that took her own life.

      Not to mention all the COG members that live in poverty and isolation, with no contact to their families anymore. Maniacs like Flurry and Pack only care about their own well being!

  13. Gerald Flurry is a perverted, power hungry despot and FALSE PROPHET!!! None of his prophecies come true and by his own words his is condemned.

  14. Flurry and Pack are so far down the rabbit hole, sooner or later they are going to go so far it costs someone their lives,

    Sooner or later? Flurry's cult has already had a few suicides and some deaths by neglect that are tied to their ministers' rulings.

  15. Makes sense in a way... dumb church should have DUMB PHONES!

  16. Cultism #101:

    - Isolate your victims (aka church sheeple)
    - feed them non stop lies (aka church truth)
    - install fear (aka the lake of fire)

    Anyone wondering why they don’t want the members to use smart phones?

  17. "It's not the one thing - it's the dismal tide." - No Country for Old Men

    Hierarchical organizations have always waged war against democracy. This is not about spiritual principles. It is not technical. It's about privilege.

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  18. OK - but David Pack banned blogging first.

    1. R.L.
      Not only blogging. Dave Pack regularly reminds the RCG members about ‘the filthy internet’ and how they should stay away from it.

  19. How anyone who has access to the internet can stay in any of the Armstrong churches baffles me. I don't know if they get new members. They must draw off each other. Just Google Herbert W. Armstrong. I spent 25 pre internet years in WCG. A very stressful experience.

  20. I did notice a lot of pcg members are off facebook again I wonder if they got a decree to stay off facebook again?

  21. HWA was always telling us to "Come out of the world" and to not be like those outsiders. What better symbol than the cell phone? Christ didnt have a smart phone, be like him. 😉

  22. HWA always told us to "Come out of the world". The smart phone is a perfect symbol.

  23. Lisa
    I'm not sure what your point is. Coming out of the world means rejecting sin. By contrast, Christ in the book of John asked His Father to not take Christians out of the world. Which rules out isolation and similar.

  24. Well this explains the regular flow of smartphones from edmond on marketplace all year...

  25. HWA was always telling us to "Come out of the world" and to not be like those outsiders.

    He tended to say this after shopping at Harrod's, or after going out dancing with his daughter on Friday evening.



    Gerald R. Furry

    In chapter 9 of his Malachi's Message book, Gerald Flurry wrote, “So the gospel commission to the world was finished when Mr. Armstrong died.” Gerald went on to say that, “The pcg has been commissioned by God to warn the Laodiceans about their sins.


    Gerald Flurry REPLACED the true gospel (meaning “Good News”) with his nasty “warn the Laodiceans” commission, his demonic “No Contact” policy division, and other Satan-inspired anti-family teachings.

  27. Google, FB, and twitter are just a controlling of information. You can use their services as long as you agree with their political views. Banks and Pay Pal are doing the same thing, more and more.

  28. 6.13 PM
    The PCG site, Thetrumpet.com is about warming the world, not the Laodiceans. It's been that way for the last 20 years. There's enough wrong with these churches without having to misrepresent them.

    1. Your confused, they are all about warning the Laodecians. it’s all they talk about. I’m in there I know.

  29. @5:33
    I was part of the PCG for a number of years and just recently left, and I can tell you that not only Flurry said this but a lot of his head honcho ministers that the commission has changed from warning the world into warning the Laodiceans. You're not only a deceived sheep, you're not even a listening sheep.


  30. Anonymous at 5:33 PM said...“The PCG site, Thetrumpet.com is about warming the world, not the Laodiceans. It's been that way for the last 20 years. There's enough wrong with these churches without having to misrepresent them.”

    Herbert W. Armstrong taught that the “Great Commission” that Jesus gave to his apostles (not prophets) was to preach the gospel (meaning “Good News”) of the coming kingdom of God. This gospel message of Jesus' was suppressed for about 1,900 years until the WCG under HWA was given an “open door” to preach it to the whole world as a witness to all nations before the end of the age would come.

    There was also an “Ezekiel warning message” to the modern descendants of Joseph's two sons Manasseh and Ephraim (modern day USA and Britain) about the coming “time of Jacob's trouble” if they do not repent.

  31. @9:25
    "i'm in there."? still enabling them by giving them your money?

    1. Just trying to figure out how to manuver forward WITH my family.


  32. Anonymous at 5:33 PM said...“The PCG site, Thetrumpet.com is about warming the world, not the Laodiceans. It's been that way for the last 20 years. There's enough wrong with these churches without having to misrepresent them.”

    The PCG cult's Trumpet magazine is full of stuff to try to scare people. But supposedly warning the world about the bad news of a coming World War III is NOT preaching the good news (gospel) of the coming kingdom of God. Nothing messes up people's minds more than listening to the PCG cult.
