Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, December 4, 2020

Bob Thiel and Horus Ruin Christmas



  1. This is hilarious! Thiel has made these same statements in the past.

    The Bob needs to take some pointers from these guys so he can improve his sad animations that he thinks are gospel machines to draw in the faithful.

  2. LOL!

    The question is why Horus speaks with a German accent?

  3. Being told about paganism in holidays is not new. It was news to me when I first read about it in R/WCG booklets. For Christmas, it's mostly celebrated as a secular holiday, and was at various times shunned and prohibited in American colonies and the early USA.
    When I told a (protestant) pastor about some of the linkages with paganism, he actually thought it was cool... didn't he learn about the Biblical condemnation of syncretism?

  4. This is perfect! Thiel looks like a fool every time he drags his pagan deities out to justify his anti-Christmas beliefs. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

  5. Pack, Flurry, Thiel, Weinland, Cox , Et Al, all are modern versions of a pagan Deity known as ...

    WHORE - US !

  6. Unfortunately the Christ myth theory and the pagan Christianity theory have led to much unfounded criticism of Christianity in general.

    I believe around the time Alexander Hislop and his The Two Babylons was written and published it was popular to study the origins of a word for its supposed original meaning. At this time James Strong composed his Exhaustive Concordance of the KJV Bible following this theory. However, such has since been debunked as "root fallacy" or "etymological fallacy." It was also during this time that British Israelism arose and with it the etymological fallacies that were to spread under HWA and other BI proponents who promoted it. I watched a video the other day titled Joseph of Arimathea Supposed Biblical Error #13 and found interesting that the creator had read David C. Pack's book America and Britain in Prophecy which reproduced HWA's British Israelism speculation and fallacies regarding the Israelite tribe of Dan's supposed movements around Europe according to various place names with "d-n" in them, and noted correctly it's just word play.

  7. Thanks for this fun post!
    It's that time of year when my LCG family and friends will be sending me or telling me the COG lies about Christmas.
    Now I'll have something to give them - Merry Christmas COGs!

  8. It's amusing that COGs and may outspoken atheists speak in agreement about Christmas being rooted in the pagan Egyptian myth of Horus.
