Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Dave Pack, Apostle Extraordinaire, left you where you needed to be at the end of the Feast...even though it all failed, everything is still right on course!

In the recent news update for Restored Church of God members. This has to be the most idiotic thing I have seen that is trying to cover up absurd comments made by Dave. Where's the logic in such nonsense?

Remember back at Feast time when Dave told his few remaining followers that his creature "christ" was returning on the Last Great Day and his followers would NOT be returning home? Well, we all know Dave failed miserably in that prediction and JC did not return and his followers went home to continue to warm money to send to Dave.

Dave immediately started scrambling to reinterpret his interpretation. As Dave is incapable of making a mistake and his "god" would never lie to him he claims things are right on course.

Never in human history or in the history of the church has anyone received as much hidden knowledge as is being revealed by Dave.

Hence the need for this convoluted mess:

Greetings brethren! We hope those of you in America had as wonderful a Thanksgiving as we did here at Headquarters. Despite the world’s many troubles—controversy with the U.S. election, the worst year of Atlantic storms on record, riots, racial strife, and of course the worst global pandemic in over a century—we above all people have so much to be thankful for, no matter where we live.

We get to see all of the events Christ said would precede His return! We get to live in the time the apostles all spoke of and wanted to see! And God has uniquely revealed to us—His end-time little flock—many prophetic truths hidden from the world and even other eras.


Mr. Pack has learned more inspiring and powerful things over the past few weeks. You were left where you needed to be with the final Feast messages, but a brief note to explain that everything is right on course is helpful.

The nature of the “acceptable year” has clarified. Six verses show the year is contracted—that it is shorter than a standard year. And because we cannot know when it begins or ends, it must be contracted on both ends. But understand, this does not change the start date of the devour month! Much, much more exciting information could be added.

Endless reasons make extending our wait a year look scripturally impossible. Just the conditions referenced in the opening paragraph is enough to make this plain!

Take Paul’s words to the Galatians to heart: “Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Gal. 6:9). Keep watching!


    Sing to the tune "The Candy Man" 1972
    Sammy Davis Jr./ Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory


    Who can take the Bible (who can take the Bible)...

    Make you want to scream (make you want to scream)...

    Separate the truth and collect up all the money cream...

    The Pack Man (the Pack Man)...

    The Pack Man can (the the Pack Man can)...

    The Pack Man can...

    'Cause he is a mixed fool, no heart or love...

    Someone quick to dispose of! (Someone quick to dispose of!)

  2. COGWA President Jim Franks takes a subtle slap at David Pack, in a new video message being played in all churches.

    Without naming names, he mentions Pack's prediction of a Last Great Day second coming - as well as Gerald Flurry's prophecy that President Trump will stay in office past 1/20/21. Pres. Franks cites both as examples of how churches have failed across all generations.

    "Why would a 20-year-old want to be interested in something like that?" he asks (not exact quote, but close).

  3. So if Pack's Jesus is coming this year, why in the hell is he still pushing for money? Maybe Jesus is broke after being gone for so long.

    1. Because Dave the Great Packster needs a new Armani suit when Jesus meets him! And a new gold watch. And some new golden cufflinks to go with that. Oh, and of course a new silk tie and some handmade Louis Vitto Richelieu shoes to make the outfit complete.

      Imagine that beggar Jesus meeting Dave looking like the cheap trash he is! Maybe Dave should tell the RCG members that he needs more money to do ‘the work’. After all, he needs some nice new handwoven shirts as well.


  4. Endless reasons make extending our wait a year look scripturally impossible

    The RCG ministry could use some editing help as usual. A more pure statement considering the circumstances should read: MINDLESS REASONING makes extending our wait a year look scripturally impossible.

    If I hired Dave Pack to build a wall that would be 8 feet tall, what would I get? everyone knows what an eight feet wall is and it happens to be a standard in the industry. Another standard in the building industry is measure twice and cut once. Dave Pack has now redefined a standard once again with his "year" understanding. Dave would in his reasoning take a 2x4x8 ft. board and measure it once and cut a piece off both ends (cut twice) and then assure me with endless proof that it is still the standard. So a year and specifically, the acceptable year of the Lord is now a non-defined time period chopped off of days on the front end and back end.

    In Luke 4:18-21 Jesus Christ said he fulfilled the preaching of this acceptable year and he gives no indication that it is a chopped up partial year or that it is an 2020 or 2021 event.

    At this year's Feast, Dave Pack told his audience that none of them were going back to their houses. He said no presidential election would take place this year. He also told them Jesus Christ was returning unto them. He told them that he was the wise and faithful servant and goodman of the house giving them meat in due season. He told them also that Herbert W. Armstrong was going to be resurrected during the Feast. He told them as well that each and every COG splinter was going to be destroyed this Feast. He vociferously indicated that three of his former ministers were indeed the three shepherds of Zechariah and their eyes would be put out and their arms withered. He said as well that every last person of Israel that ever lived was going to be resurrected.

    Dave Pack obviously has more than a timing issue going on here. If he can make such a convoluted mess of this years Feast of Tabernacles, what could he possibly do to the acceptable year of Lord "understanding" or should we ask what could Dave Pack do to a 8 feet long two by four?

  5. April 4th, 2019 Dave P.: "I don't care, call me a cult leader and accept the consequences of that decision, but I was sent with a message and am the only one who understands the book of Revelation. No one else even comes close."


    On Dec 5th 2019, Dave (newly) taught that the "Acceptable Year of the Lord" was the "first Kingdom of God," (of 3 iterations) when all Israel was resurrected and there was a physical Kingdom of Israel imposed on the western nations. He was quoted as saying "I tell you on the Lord's authority it [the Kingdom of God] is one year long." At that time he was teaching the Christmas season was when the world would go into the fire and this first kingdom would be imposed. The "mystery of God" was revealed to him in early December and it was an inscrutable date, (we were all in a "hyper watch." He also said he was "the man who rushes to call it out," and that his revelations "were with God's authority by His leading....either Dave is wrong or God is."

    Dave said Christ only knew of this first Kingdom but Dave knew of all 3 kingdoms. Oh, and all those who left were supposed to have been murdered by God in the Christmas season of 2019. He used Luke 4:28-19, Isaiah 61:1, 63:4, Jeremiah 11:23, I Tim 2:1-4, among others.

    If any of the above sounds familiar to his new revelations in 2020 then understand, it was already revealed last year...and we saw who was wrong.

    A fun fact, he regularly mentioned waking up in the middle of the night with the urge to furiously begin scribbling lists of verses that were "pouring into his mind." ... Another description of this is "automatic writing," it is an occult practice used by many. Mary Baker Edie was one example.

    Brad S. mentioned on Dec 6th: "I realized something a while back, you can make the Bible say anything you want it to, that's why you need an apostle to tell you what it actually says."

    That was the state of RCG. Looks like it still is.

    1. “ .... either Dave is wrong or God is ...”

      I asked Dave and he says God is wrong (and jesus is notorious for not keeping track of time)!


  6. "Brad S. mentioned on Dec 6th: "I realized something a while back, you can make the Bible say anything you want it to, that's why you need an apostle to tell you what it actually says."

    What Bradford S failed to mention is that you need the current apostle to tell you how wrong and by a lot longer time, were all the previous apostles for all time.

    If the acceptable year of the Lord has been defined as the 1st of three iterations of the kingdom then it has its genesis in the initial two dominions teachings. That teaching could be seen early on as problematic.

    With all these new scriptures that have been found, maybe we will learn that the acceptable year has three iterations to it as well.

  7. When has Davie ever gone this long without giving a message? He has egg on his face for constant looney failed prophecies (but genius too because if you wait long enough after the worst failure, the simple and foolish will forget). That or he is too scared to come out of his glided home to attend services for fear of COVID. Talk is cheap. If there is a sniffle in the congregation he is one of the first to avoid contact and stay away. A man who claims to speak with authority from God has to sneak in amd out through a back door and sit with only vetted, approved people. Give me a break!

  8. Jesus is over here in Church of God The Eternal with Jon Brisby.

    Jesus is on earth Today, In the mist of Monday Pentecost
