Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Dave Pack Carries His Bible In His Head While Admitting He Can Be A Sadist To His Masochistic Lap Poodle Ministers

Did anyone ever tell us that Dave has mental health issues?

Dave Pack said the following in his recent sermon (from an anonymous source):

(Context: HWA's vision was getting so bad that he couldn't see his Bible during sermons, so just used what was in his head. DCP states that people aren't accustomed to that.)

"Because we're not going to pull out our Bibles much today, I'm going to…. We will later in the sermon, but not right away. But brethren listened in services in the synagogues when Paul would go. They didn't have a Bible they could take with them for centuries upon centuries and more after that. They sat there, and they listened. And they learned, as the word was preached to them.

Now, how many scrolls could Paul or Peter or others take to the synagogue or into a Sabbath service? You know, you walk up to a pulpit and I take this, what did they carry with them? They may have carried some things, maybe written out on a parchment, but they probably carried an awful lot in their head. I carry the Bible in my head in many ways that probably, uh, the average person who's newer in the faith and doesn't deal with it as much as I do maybe couldn't understand. Um, but uh, the Bible actually slows me down. I can explode through long strings of scriptures in my mind and put things together without the Bible, so, um, I hope you'll understand that.

And if you're older in the faith, you probably do that to some degree yourself. The two men I work with are the same, um. And, uh, I feel sometimes like a sadist when I'm working with them, 'cause we have to work so fast. And fortunately, God rewarded me with two assistants who are masochists, and, uh, so it works very well, works very well, but it is a quite a dynamic. You know, what's that old joke? What did the, what did the uh, the, the masochist say to the sadist when he met him? The masochist said, “Hit me, hit me!” And the sadist said, “No.” That was a way to be sadistic don't give ‘em what they want. Anyway, I thought that was a good joke when I heard it – I was ten years old and, and I've been telling it ever since. Obviously you can see that.




  1. Put the guy in a straight jacket, lock him up in a mental facility, throw away the key.

    Case closed.

  2. Who is crazier? DP or his followers?

    Time to reflect on our own individual beliefs. How much do each of us personally believe in that is false?

  3. What really worries me, is that Dave Pack ADMITS that he is evil and yet the RCG members stay.

    They listen to his rants, they know he is completely nuts. Yet they keep following him.. Looking at him in admiration.
    They allow Pack to use them, abuse them. Yet they almost think he is Christ himself..

    Why would anyone in their right mind do that? Torture themselves like that? The RCG members are not stupid; I talked to many of them. Some of them are nice. Some are really smart. Some are little sheeple. Some are wallflowers. Some are witty. Some are even rebellious. Kinda your average population.

    Except that ALL of them follow this evil madman. What spell did Dave Pack cast over them?

    1. This comment 1:38 owns this thread.
      Out of his own mouth, Pack is giving his victims (members) a very tangible and real reason to get out of his church.
      This man is clearly dark natured. He is dangerous and when a so called pastor admits the Holy Bible is slowing him down, you gotta get out of his grip.

  4. What spell did Dave Pack cast over them?

    "Brethren, if you endure to the end you'll be God, as God is God. But if you fall away, you will have wasted your entire life, and all you'll get for it is the Lake of Fire. So, keep on keeping on!"

  5. Davey doesn't pull stuff out of a bible in his head. He pulls it out of his ass. This guy gets more disgusting by the day!

  6. It may be that Dave's 9 week bout with Covid has caused him eye damage? He already has poor vision and wears very thick glasses. If he has any form of acromegaly or Marfan's this may also be the case. Thus the switch to his beautiful mind full of scriptures he can sling together making them mean he is one important dude.


    Trashing peoples dough...
    In a half ass stupid way...
    Off the skids, we go...
    Crazy all the way!


    Jingle bells, Dave Pack Smells
    Nutcase all the way.
    Not much fun it is to ride
    As being Davey Prey! .

  8. In my first couple of weeks in the RCG, Dave Pack would pull out a Catholic bible and quote from it. So what bible actually is floating around in his head?

    Dave's new/old dynamic of: "They sat there, and they listened. And they learned, as the word was preached to them" isn't as unique as he thinks. Many "after the murders" interviews with the Manson followers revealed the same format - drugged out followers sitting before a man who revealed he was the son of man (man-son backwards) a believable christ who told them that Armageddon would be initiated by himself with all of them having roles (helter-skelter) in it as well.

    I sat like a good listener when Dave Pack claimed the prophetic role of Jesus Christ was instead himself, and I sat like a good listener when Dave Pack declared that he would be the one to initiate the Great Tribulation. I also listened as Dave Pack defined his role in the mustard seed kingdom as a new form of helter-skelter - large fiery furnaces as an end for some and a hunted down and killed by the edge of Dave Pack's sword for others.

    It was all so real for the Manson followers just as it is all so real for the RCG members. The end result for the Manson movement was destroyed marriages or decimated families and tombstones a plenty and a life behind the barrier of metal bars. The RCG looks pretty similar with their destroyed marriages and broken families and spiritual tombstones everywhere, and a leader with a captured mind basking in the illusion of pure innocence.

    1. “....The RCG looks pretty similar with their destroyed marriages and broken families and spiritual tombstones everywhere ....”

      Not only spiritual tombstones What about the truth. Actual tombstones also..

  9. When Mr. Pack gets onto a new date, he's often said that verses will FLOOD into his mind. He's likened the experience to bullets coming out of a machine gun. He'll suddenly have 50 proofs, 70 proofs, 100 proofs that PROVE, unequivocally, that date X is the day Christ is coming back. My question is, what in God's green earth is happening there? Undoubtedly, Mr. Pack has a high IQ, and he's been studying the Bible for a long time, but the experience he describes is something other worldly. Given the rotten fruit produced by each wrong date, you can guess what spirit is inspiring those verses to come to mind.

    1. It's called demon possession Anon 5:57.
      Only God knows, what so called men of God, do behind closed doors, dabble in the occult, walk in darkness instead of the light.

    2. The New Age had been familiar with this process for well over 100 years. Look up "automatic writing," this is essentially a person channeling spirits to give them information or insight. Dave describes it hitting him in the middle of the night, or when he is praying in the morning.

      Christian Science's Mary Basket Eddy had the same process.

      It's just another one of the cultic practices.



    Gerald R. Flurry: Satan's gospel perverter, identity thief, and family wrecker.

    David C. Pack: Satan's doctrinally unstable “common” thief with hundreds of fake “proofs.”

    Ronald E. Weinland: Prophetic fantasy fiction writer, ex-con, and false witness.

    Robert J. Thiel: Mentally challenged guy with fake followers.

  11. You can add my marriage to the carnage, 27 years, I lasted 4 yrs through this shit. I think the members sell their souls and everything and everyone else is collateral damage.

    1. Join the club Anon 7:49. My relationship ended when these RCG ‘ministers’ told my spouse to “end our relationship.” And he did.. Because he was told that he should love God more than his family.

      It could have had something to do with the fact that I told our ‘minister’ that I thought David Pack’s teachings were going off the rails.. Not sure..

  12. 8:19 said: “...he should love God more than his family.”

    That’s the problem with cults. When they tell people to “love God” they mean they have to put the ministry above their family and friends as if they are “God” when in truth they are false gods and idols. Just like the popes of old.

  13. 8.57 PM
    Exactly. It's as described in 2 These 2:4 "..so that he sitteth as God in the temple of God. Showing himself to be God."
    So the ministers don't say verbally that they are God, but just act as if they are.

    Dave's members stick with him since they believe that attending his church is their passport to eternal life. Just pay the equivalent of the Catholic indulgence via Daves common, and voila, eternal life.

  14. In my opinion, no where in the NT does it say, Christ, husband, church/minister, then wife. In the church's marriage vows, which we had a WWCG wedding, each partner is told to forsake all others. When one partner joins up with RCG or PCG or whatever other splinter, they make the church more important than the spouse, by doing so they break the vow they made to the spouse and to God. Forsaking all others to me means that the spouse is of upmost importance, no one else other than God is to be in the mix. I've been told directly that the church will always be more important than me. You just can't have so many people in the middle of a relationship.

  15. Pack’s peeps are masochists crying “hurt me, hurt me”
    A run of the mill sadist would just reply “no, I won’t”
    But, Pack is skilled in torture beyond a common sadist.

  16. Well, the Covid surely didn’t slow him down! Dave is delivering one ‘important message’ after the other: he dumped numbers 175 AND 176 of Dave’s Very Important Never Ending Fairytale on the RCG members.

    That should keep them busy over the holidays! No time to ponder over Christmas trees, presents or Christ..
