Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, December 25, 2020

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel



  1. Nimrod worshippers! This is what happens to those who abandon the truth Mr Armstrong delivered.

    1. Erm ..... The only ‘truth’ Herbert Armstrong ever delivered was ‘The Gospel of Money’. For him that is, because the members were supposed to live in poverty!

  2. Merry Christmas to all my readers.

  3. Watery eyes over kinder, more innocent and more simple times.....

    1:28 Go to ..... bed.

  4. 1:28 Where’s Nimrod? Who’s Nimrod?

  5. anon says: Nimrod worshippers! This is what happens to those who abandon the truth Mr Armstrong delivered.


    That's is funny shit. The book "Babylon, Mystery Religion" in which Herbie promoted was later disavowed by Ralph Woodrow. He admitted it was all in error.

    A comment from one person at Amazon states: "I purchased this book in the 80's but lost it after relocating to a new residence. I was wondering why the book was no longer in print. Like some of the reviewers here I also thought that the Catholic Church must have put the squeeze on the author. I was thinking about purchasing The Babylon Connection but after finding out that Mr Woodrow is recanting his original work I quickly had a change of heart. I plan on purchasing Hislop's Two Babylon"s and researching this topic for myself. If my memory serves me correctly I recall reading on the net somewhere that Eusebius also mentioned that Semiramis had married Nimrod and was impregnated with Tammuz. Yes, I really believe that the strong arm of Catholicism got to Mr Ralph Woodrow."

    Now Ralph wrote his book using Hislop's Two Babylon as reference. This commentator does not know that was the reason the book was discontinued. Hence, they continue in error.


  6. Dear Nimrod Worshipper,

    I'd be willing to bet good money that not a single person gathered there for worship gave one thought to Nimrod! How interesting that YOU think of him when YOU see them gathered together to worship Christ! No, this is what happens when folks abandon the lies taught by Herbie and accept Christ into their hearts! I wish that you could have the experience of standing in a place where worship has gone on for centuries - it's a very inspiring/uplifting experience, but maybe it wouldn't be for you? At any rate, thanks to Gary for posting these beautiful pieces - Merry Christmas!

  7. Here I am blogging on Christmas morning. We do not keep Christmas at our house. I do listen to some Christmas music alone. Back in about 1995 my wife went from an Ambassador College trained Armstrongist to an agnostic. Christmas never regained a foothold in our lives although I miss it very much. You give something up like that and sometimes it never comes back.

    And Armstrongists do, in fact, observe Christmas. They just do it in a different way - as an economic sacrament. They take advantage of all the Christmas sales both pre- and post-. They are energetic participants in the Season although behind a facade of contrived disapproval of overt liturgy. If these sacred Christmas sales were outlawed from the pulpit in the splinter groups, membership would go into a nosedive. The women (who rule over them in this matter) would set their husbands straight. Such an outlawing of their version of Christmas would depart from theology and enter into the realm of meddling. Ministry beware!

  8. I love Nimrod and Molech!!! All hail our gods of yesteryear!

  9. The wonderful thing about listening to these beautiful pieces is that I am now mentally, emotionally, and spiritually free to enjoy them without any thoughts about the pagan origins of Christmas, or that Christ was never born on December 25th, or that Nimrod stuff. All of that is in the distant past, and I can now truly enjoy something that decades ago, I would have have dismissed as being worldly or pagan based on a joyless clinical and legalistic perspective.

  10. Merry Christmas everyone. Hope everyone had a nice and happy day.

  11. Dennis,

    Hope your nice and cozy in those NC mountains

  12. In these two pieces of music you will hear more about Christ than you will hear in an entire year in a COG.

  13. PT Editor I was going to buy a copy of Woodrow’s Babylon Mystery Religion a long time ago too when I found out he had replaced it with The Babylon Connection?. I bought the latter, but my first reading of it left me disappointed. Reading it in recent years after having rejected various teachings of Armstrongism like the British throne is the Davidic throne I appreciate his logic and clarity so much more. It’s a pity various friends I still have in the cult belief system still hold on to the superficial and mistaken notions Hislop promoted that has led to Armstrongists looking at everything as pagan, satanic or a conspiracy. It’s not a mentally positive way to live :-(

  14. Awesome, as Ron Weinland would say!

  15. Let's go hear 2 hours+ of butt numbing nonsense about church government, Laodecia and the sons of Korah. Oh, by the way. Send in your 3rd tithe.

  16. Can anyone translate NEO comments. Baffling.

  17. Merry Christmas and thank you for this uplifting music!
    The anonymous poster above is correct about these two selections possessing more Jesus than an entire year of of COG sermons.
    How odd it is to see a group calling themselves Christian yet condemning those who get too emotional about Jesus.
    It's strange mentality that decries music and traditions that honor the incarnation and work of Jesus as being pagan.
    It's absurd that the COGs label those who are worshipping Jesus, with the emotion that is foreign to them, as being Satan-inspired.

  18. 5:06
    When did the COGs condemn music about Jesus.
    When did the COGs condemn being emotional.

  19. The bottom hymn would be perfect for COGs to sing in the fall, around Feast time. Only one or two words need to be changed - and they're in the verse this chorus did not sing.

    In fact, Mark Graham wrote a song in the 1990s that's in at least the UCG and COGWA hymnals with similar lyrics. The last verse of "In Days of Old" has this:

    Oh, come again Lord Jesus, but this time with power and might,
    For darkness overwhelms the earth, now come and bring your light.
    Oh come to us, Immanuel, oh, come and with your people dwell,
    And rule the world with equity, with love and truth and right.

  20. December 26, 2020 at 7:43 AM Asked;
    When did the COGs condemn music about Jesus.
    When did the COGs condemn being emotional.

    It is a well documented fact that Pervie Herbie rejected most Protestant hymns for being too emotional about Jesus.
    COG ministers have repeatedly condemned so-called Christians for being too emotional about Jesus.
    That is why the mainly refer to Jesus as Christ, rarely speak about him, and shy away from the tender, loving, and all-sufficient saving attributes of Jesus.

    Would you care to add an emotional statement about Jesus to this thread?

  21. Here’s one Protestant hymn HWA rejected as being too sappy about Jesus:


    The reason why HWA rejected it is he wanted a religion in which people did not seek the righteousness of Jesus but rather, sought their own righteousness by their own works - because he could hold them captives that way.

    My hope is built on nothing less
    Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
    I dare not trust the sweetest frame
    But wholly lean on Jesus' name
    On Christ the solid rock I stand
    All other ground is sinking sand
    All other ground is sinking sand

    When darkness veils His lovely face
    I'll rest on His unchanging grace
    In every high and stormy day
    My anchor holds within the veil
    On Christ the solid rock I stand
    All other ground is sinking sand
    All other ground is sinking sand

    His oath, His covenant, His blood
    Support me in the whelming flood
    When all around my soul gives way
    He then is all my hope and stay
    On Christ the solid rock I stand
    All other ground is sinking sand
    All other ground is sinking sand

  22. What's a emotional statement about Jesus supposed to consist of?
    I have no idea.

    All I know is belief, faith, trust and hope in my Saviour Jesus Christ.

    1. Aaaaaaand there you go off the rails already. You should have said ‘All I know is belief, faith, trust and hope in my COG leader!’

      The Great Packster, Gerald Blurry and Booby are very disappointed in you Anon1:52!

  23. off the rails Anon 8:20. If thou says so. Strawman argument overload.

  24. Anonymous of December 27, 2020 at 1:52 AM:
    Thank you for adding your statement about Jesus!
    I'm both impressed and touched by the way you expressed yourself!
    I'm the Anonymous of December 26, 2020 at 1:28 PM who asked if you would you care to add an emotional statement about Jesus to this thread.
    I'm glad you accepted the challenge and have prayed you will find peace, love, and happiness in Jesus!

  25. Thanks Anon 6:51 from Anon 1:52
