Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Dave Pack: God Gave Me A Prophecy That I Could Not Speak For 9 Weeks So He Gave Me COVID To Silence Me

The insanity continues at Restored Church of God. It boggles my mind that his followers can sit there and listen to this crap and eat it up like pigs at a slop trough. Too many of them know it is a load of crap and that includes some of his high-up ministers and his special counsel of ministers that supposedly back up every one of his prophecies. They know it is a lie and they sit there and do nothing.

One of the tidbits just relayed to me was that the reason Dave Pack has been missing for 9 weeks is that he had COVID. Should we have expected less since he held Feast of Tabernacles on his cult compound in Wadsworth that became a superspreader event?

After Dave announces he has not spoken in 9 weeks, he says at the 38:30 mark - 

There's actually a prophecy. Why I would not speak for a while...I got COVID I just never told anybody about it....Finally I realized there was a prophecy where I wasn't supposed to speak.

Dave also brags about how insanely long this sermon series is. This is sermon 273 in the series.

Dave says:

2:08:00 - 5 Years is a Long time. Let me illustrate...if every sermon I gave was a standard 75 minutes, like I used to give. It would have taken me nine full years without a Sabbath off to deliver to 33,500 minutes.



  1. Now if God would only give Bob Thiel a prophecy to shut up the world would be a better place!

  2. Dave makes up: "There's actually a prophecy. Why I would not speak for a while...I got COVID I just never told anybody about it....Finally I realized there was a prophecy where I wasn't supposed to speak."

    Spoken like a man who cannot and will not tell the truth and take personal responsibility for anything negative that comes his way. If he can sooth himself that there was a "prophecy" indicated he wasn't supposed to speak, then he can explain why he got sick. Otherwise he's just a human being like the rest of us, which of course is unacceptable.

    Dave must have been plenty sick to be out for 9 weeks. Evidently Jesus Vaccine is ineffective or perhaps it was the bleach that set him back.

    Though I don't really believe in prophecy or at least those projected thousands of years into the future it never was meant for, here's a prophecy for you Dave.

    Deuteronomy 18:20-22 ESV
    But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.’ And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?’— when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.

    Jeremiah 23:16 ESV
    Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord.

  3. Dave, you forgot that you said those who get COVID lack faith and are not really “of us.” And IF someone got it, they wouldn't even know they had it; therefore it wouldn't matter. But you were unable to preach for NINE WEEKS! That's pretty serious. You've indicted yourself as someone who lacks faith and is not “of us.” Do everyone a favor and remove yourself from RCG ASAP! Just promise us you won't leave things to Brad, Ed, Jaco, Ryan, and Ken to run!

    1. Heard Jim Pastor asked to move to Florida so that rules him out....

    2. Jim Pastor resigned. He was their corporate attorney. He wants nothing to do wit this.

    3. Especially not Bradford Schleifer! He’s already walking around HQ like a mini Jesus since Pack appointed him ‘his right hand’.
      Brad sure worked himself up the ranks quickly.

  4. Poor Davey. Imagine having a faith so poor that Jesus fails to return and then you catch COVID-19. COG faithless leadership.

  5. There must be vulture ministers waiting in the wings for Dave to kick the bucket.

    When resurrected, Dave will try to convince the angels of his common doctrine, and hence the need to hand everything over to him.

  6. What a narcissist. Can't possibly come to the conclusion he got COVID to teach him to shut up and stop the nonsense! Psalm 91 apparently doesn't apply to "God's Apostle"...

  7. Aside from DJT, Dave has made about as much of a fool of himself as a human being can in 4 years

  8. 33,500 minutes is indeed a lot of time to define the never before understood gospel. If according to Mr. Pack, the what, the when, and the major players of the gospel have now been understood and pronounced, then what is the ultimate benefit for a populace that has never heard even a minute of it.

    That is a question that really has to be addressed. If the history of the RCG is considered when trying to look for evidence of a benefit then well ..... it doesn't look very good.

    Mr. Pack has never been stingy condemning splinter leaders and church members, calling them out for biblical malfeasance, self promotion, adultery, robbery and theft, drunkenness and very very poor dressing.

    Conversely, Mr. Pack has pronounced himself the best dressed, most expertly trained, more studied than anyone, most faithful, highly unique, uniquely named, and proclaimed and acclaimed himself just about every biblical title and accomplished prophetic fulfillment only happens because of him.

    Looking directly at those under his control, we see many former ministers who were lied to, threatened, character assassinated, screamed at, kicked out on the street and condemned.

    The general populace of the membership has been misled, confused, driven to idol adulation, defrauded, directly caused family disharmony or destruction, and made financially destitute.

    Conversely, Mr. Pack has gathered unto himself a new wife, a millianial splendor for the front and back yard of his new house, a large paycheck, a personal television studio and lots of free labor and payed by others labor to sustain and enhance and execute his every whim.

    Mr. Pack has defined within this grand gospel message of 33,500 minutes just what the benefits are. Not surprising, it mimics and looks a lot what has and is taking place in the RCG. For Mr. Pack, he has given to himself a soon to receive exousia (power), a sword, multiple ever burning fires and titles and a worldwide announcement of just who I AM. For the greater COG universe and the world at large, they will have to declare themselves a non enemy of the new powerful prophet I AM David Passover and turn over to him all their wealth and bow down and worship at his feet or face from afar, severe drought or fire from heaven. Continual defiance will result in being hunted down and killed by the edge of the sword or captured and thrown into one of many ever burning fires.

    It is all right there in the bible folks, all 33,500 minutes of the ultimate benefit.

  9. So did he have it or not? Would his crist have come had he not gotten covid? This perhaps explains why his prophecy failed? Covid or not covid, that is the question.

    1. He had it. Everyone around him had it. Heard from many sources.

  10. Oh the joy! Nine (9!!!) weeks without the endless, going on for hours nonsense by Dave! How peaceful! Imagine the RCG members being able to breathe in and out on their own, without Dave yelling at them! Truly the jolly season!

    The downside is, that The Great Packster has been silent for a loooong time.. That can only mean ONE thing: for the coming weeks Dave will deliver at least two, if not three, ‘sermons’ a week and additional ‘important bible studies’ on top of that to catch up for all the verbal diarrhea that didn’t come out of his mouth.

    Did nobody at RCG Headquarters think about that? Why didn’t they rise to the occasion and put a stray jacket on a weakened and silenced Dave? This was the time to do it!

  11. Wait, what?! Pack had COVID? Doesn’t that mean that he is not a true believer? Pretty sure I heard him say that during the feast..

    But then again he says Christ is coming to Wadsworth.

  12. Bradford (snicker) doesn't walk, he prances!

  13. Braaaaaaaadfoooooooord! Dave needs you. Braaaaaaaaadfoooooooooord!

  14. If Jim Pastor resigned, he did it a little too late, he called and emailed our house wanting to know when they would get the common my husband would send them. Not once either. Pure extortion and greed.


  15. Listening to Satan babbling through Dave Pack's mouth is a real pain in the ear. All that evil noise for less than nothing. No truth. Just lies.

  16. I’m surprised that Pack hasn’t announced that he is in fact Christ and that this was revealed to him during those 9 weeks. After all, Davey is a very extremely important and super special kind of human!

    At least he seems to think so, and according to Pack so do his little helpers Brat Boy, Kenny and Doctor Jaco..

  17. 33,500 minutes equals 558 hours!

    The entire Bible can be read cover to cover in just 70 hours at a normal pace. Thus, Packy preached for enough time with is goofy predcitions, that one could have read the complete Bible EIGHT TIMES!

    1. Well Tonto, one thing is for sure.. Wacky Packy has certainly rewritten the entire Bible at least eight times to suit his prophecies!

  18. Anon, December 14, 2020 at 4:57 AM, said:

    "...Listening to Satan babbling through Dave Pack's mouth is a real pain in the ear. All that evil noise for less than nothing. No truth. Just lies."


    Anon, December 14, 2020 at 10:29 AM, said:

    "...Well Tonto, one thing is for sure.. Wacky Packy has certainly rewritten the entire Bible at least eight times to suit his prophecies!"

    Perhaps Dave Pack, if he hasn't rewritten the Book of Daniel, might do himSELF a favor by paying attention to the first 8 words of Daniel 12:4 and heed those words:

    Daniel 12:4 "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words..."

    In fact, Dave Pack could rewrite those words to say:

    Daniel 12:4 "But thou, O DAVE, shut up the words..."

    But, would DAVE heed to those words?

    Time will tell...


  19. So Dave had COVID..

    Does that mean that sabbath services in Wadsworth were cancelled during his 9 week absence? Or were the members still forced to go in every week and pay tribute and money to Dave the Prophet?
