Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, December 13, 2020

UCG Members Love This Blog! Woo Hoo!

The truth that current COG leaders resent. This is why so many of them speak out against this blog. All of them take themselves too seriously.

I just downloaded and had a look at their current Beyond Today magazine. It's the same bland material from 40-50 years ago, with a few cosmetic changes thrown in. 

The same material presented over and over amounts to spiritual milk and a dumbing down of their members. Which is one reason that Banned is so popular with church members. There's more interesting material on this site than in their own churches.

December 12, 2020 at 7:35 PM


  1. For COG 'Leaders' the most feared word in the English or any language is FREEDOM.
    Freedom to think for oneself,
    Freedom of association,
    Freedom to disagree,
    Freedom of choice,
    Lets raise a glass to Freedom.
    Darm it lets drank (hick) the bottle,lol.

  2. This post is in response to Anon, Dec 6, 4:46, "Is it time for a better path?" re Jer 3:14, which the writer brought forward as proof that God is married to Israel, after I had stated the contrary.

    In the same chapter, just a few verses earlier, the Lord says that He had "put away (Israel) and given her a bill of divorce". You can't be married and divorced at the same time. In Hos 2:2, the Lord says through Hosea (well before Jeremiah's time) that Israel is "not my wife, neither am I her husband". The intent is clear that He was divorcing His wife (1:9) for her many adulteries, which He has the right to do. When a nation is sent away from its land, that is tantamount to a divorce. Even Isaiah, who was a contemporary of Hosea, asks Israel, "Where is the bill of your mother's divorce, whom I have put away?" So it's clear that the Lord (Christ; 1 Cor 10:4) had put an end to the old covenant marriage agreement in order to regather Israel at a future point under the new covenant agreement.

    Therefore in the face of these witnesses Jer 3:14 has to be retranslated to say, "I WILL BE married (baal) to you", given the fact that He divorced her. The same in Is 54:5, where it should read, "The Lord WILL BE your husband (baal)". Also, the usual word for husband is iysh (man), not baal (master), noting that the Lord always was competing with the pagan baals for Israel's devotion.

    Possibly a better meaning is that the Lord intended to say that "I am your master (baal) even though I have divorced you", in order to underscore the fact that He still owns (baal implies ownership) Israel as a created product. However, Isaiah clearly states that Israel was sold by the Lord. (Is 50:1)

  3. Both UCG and COGWA tend to put out the blandest and boring materials as possible. There is nothing attractive about them, particularly their videocasts. Who are these speakers? These have to be the most boring men I have ever seen speak about the Bible.

  4. Notice how all the regular names from on this blog, always avoid posting about UCG... possibly a reason for this.
