Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, December 12, 2020

UCG Claims They Have Brought In Over $20 Million Dollars This Year

Those fun boys in Cincinnati are on a roll.  Money is flowing in as over 12 BILLION hits are happening on Google and elsewhere.  But what do they really have to show for it? UCG is still an unknown commodity in almost every community in the United States, Canada, Europe, and elsewhere around the world. Only extremely small pockets of people know anything about them. There is no global identification of UCG like Herbert Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God Ambassador Foundation had.

The Audited Report is the official representation of the Church’s financial condition that is provided to and relied upon by vendors, bankers, donors, members, and others. As such, it is important for the Council to take some time to review the statements and the notes included therein. Mr. Shabi then took the Council through a cursory review of the Report.

He pointed out that the auditors again cited no deficiencies in internal controls and needed to post no adjustments to the Church’s internal financial statements. It was noted that the Church’s financial condition continues to remain strong, with income for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020 exceeding $20 million and total assets increasing by over $1 million, continuing a trend we have seen over the last few years. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, which curtailed travel and other related expenses during the last three months of the fiscal year, expenses came in under budget for the fiscal year, resulting in the net increase in assets.

The complete audit report will be printed in the next issue of the United News.

Next, current year (fiscal year 2021) financial statements, including a Revenue Statement for November and the fiscal year-to-date, a recap of fall Holy Day offerings and attendance, the November balance sheet, departmental expense statements, a “COVID-19” period income statement, and operating statistics were presented and discussed.

It was noted that income for the first five months of the fiscal year, especially in General Contributions and Holy Day offerings, is well above budget. This is a blessing from God as we did not know what to expect during this pandemic time. At the same time that revenue has been strong, operating expenses have been well under budget during this pandemic, which was unforeseen when the budget was prepared, presented and adopted by the Council last February.

Mr. Shabi shared a “COVID-19 income statement” that covered the period of March – Oct. 2020, noting revenue increases and citing those expense areas, such as travel, meetings and conferences, and local church subsidies that are significantly under budget. He commented that the Church will not expend all the funds approved in the current budget due to these unique and unprecedented times and that, at Council and Administration discretion, some of those unused funds may be allocated to other areas of operation during the remainder of the fiscal year as needed.

Mr. Shabi concluded the financial report by discussing upcoming budget planning for the Church and acknowledging God’s blessing on His Church which has been so evident during this time.

Where did this $20 million go to, besides the pockets of the upper elite?

Current statistics include:

  • 397 elders in the United Church of God (UCGIA)
    • 109 outside the U.S.
    • 288 in the U.S.
      • 79 church pastors
      • 10 associate or assistant pastors
  • 1 ministerial trainee
  • 192 churches and Bible study groups in the U.S.
  • 35 U.S. baptisms since the August meetings (93 baptisms so far in 2020)

Peter Eddington went through some of the following statistics as of November 30 this year:

    • United News circulation is currently at 17,941, which is an all-time high and 1.1% more than this time last year.
    • Our coworker count is now at 7,599, our highest ever (and 16.5% higher than the same time last year).
    • Our donor list now includes 9,392 people—28% higher than this time last year (Our all-time high was 9,564 in June of 2016).
    • Donors combined with our coworkers is now 16,991 (22.5% more than same time last year).
    • Total Beyond Today magazine circulation worldwide is at 310,945 for the Jan.-Feb. 2021 issue—which is 5.4% more than the same time last year.
    • U.S. magazine subscribers are at 258,460 for the Jan.-Feb. 2021 issue. This is 7.2% more than the same time last year.
    • Those people on our U.S. file associated with the Church (teens, members, associated) as of October 31 is 12,111.
    • The Church’s Beyond Today YouTube channel at youtube.com/user/BeyondTodayTV has had 13.25 million video views since November 2006 (a 12.5% increase since last December), has 60,100 subscribers (a 12.5% increase since last December), and hosts 2,323 videos (an 11% increase since last December). This is an average of 2,600 videos being watched every day (an increase of 4.7% since last December).
    • The number of Google, Yahoo and Bing advertising impressions since 2004 stands at 12.4 billion.

  • UCG reports these things as if they are the greatest COG ministry ever to hit the scene in decades. This in spite of the fact Bobaniah Thiel, Dave Pack, and Gerald Flurry all claim they are the fastest-growing COGs in the 21st century. All groups where their leaders lie to them that tithing is a requirement of the New Covenant. 


  1. After watching the UCG member survey video, that was posted on here, it was crystal clear UCG should invest a fair portion of that $20 million in bricks and mortar meeting places for the UCG members.
    Or it could come back and haunt them.

  2. UCG is stuck with a dilemma. The actual number of new members is tiny, and even the number of donors and co-workers is pathetically small. Even their media presence is tiny, so they aren't being noticed and persecuted.

    This means that if UCG tries to brag about doing "A BIG WORK" we have to admit that their BIG WORK is horribly ineffective, wasteful of tithe money, and basically just a playground for a few privileged UCG insiders. The BIGGER they claim, the more INEFFECTIVE they reveal themselves to be.

  3. Some perspective here ...

    Back in the old days, AICF ran a deficit , (by itself) of $20 Million a year (2020 inflation adjusted).

  4. It was telling to me how the COGs expected us to believe quite literally in giants, talking snakes and 900 year old men but whenever Matthew 19:24 came up they contorted themselves in ways Cirque du Soleil never heard of to explain away that ACKSHUALLY, the "eye of a needle" isn't meant to be taken literally and of course God wants us to accumulate mansions and gold table settings.

  5. I just downloaded and had a look at their current Beyond Today magazine. It's the same bland material from 40-50 years ago, with a few cosmetic changes thrown in.
    The same material presented over and over amounts to spiritual milk and a dumbing down of their members. Which is one reason that Banned is so popular with church members. There's more interesting material on this site than in their own churches.


  6. "The complete audit report"

    And now we come to the part detailing HQ salaries........silence......[crickets]........

  7. "Beyond Today" is on NewsMax TV now - and considering how many conservatives are rushing there to flee the (allegedly) corrupted Fox News, that makes UCG look brilliant.

    By comparison, COGWA's "One Accord" says its 2019 revenues totaled a bit more than $13 million.

  8. Comment was made saying: "...UCG reports these things as if they are the greatest COG ministry ever to hit the scene in decades. This in spite of the fact Bobaniah Thiel, Dave Pack, and Gerald Flurry all claim they are the fastest-growing COGs in the 21st century..."

    Anon, December 12, 2020 at 7:35 PM, said:
    "...I just downloaded and had a look at their current Beyond Today magazine. It's the same bland material from 40-50 years ago, with a few cosmetic changes thrown in.
    The same material presented over and over amounts to spiritual milk and a dumbing down of their members. Which is one reason that Banned is so popular with church members. There's more interesting material on this site than in their own churches."
    Wasn't it the disciples of Jesus who were debating about who was the greatest? And that was the real Jesus, not "another Jesus" with "another gospel" as if driven by "another spirit."

    Yes, spiritual milk still exists with the splinters. And "dumbing down of their members?" Yes, with lots of Junk Food. Groups such as the United Ass, like the cogwAss. and Living organization still preach another Jesus ("...Jesus Himself, God who was made flesh..." -e.g.per United Beyond Today magazine Sep-Oct 2929, page 5), and their particular Jesus is actually antichrist, against Christ. Why? They preach a Jesus that is more than 100% in the flesh and that's all. One of God's Apostles, John about 95 AD, warned us of this:

    1 John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that [spirit] of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

    2 John 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

    United, and the xcogs, has made "another Jesus," a Jesus that came and was more than "in the flesh."

    What means it? They deny the real Jesus...and His Father! Huh?

    1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

    Now, if that weren't enough, there is that Mickey Mouse Millennium of "another gospel" where "another Jesus" very "soon" returns to reign with all/some of these xcog hirelings/members on earth for a 1,000 years...and then fails as Satan exits the pit to deceive the entire world again and mess over Jerusalem. Another spirit must be driving this somehow!

    The xcogs are striving to impress their members and "the rest" of us that it/they are the greatest, but what about Mickey Mouse himself?

    Well, at least, the Mouse has TV also. In fact, even an entire Disney Channel, if not a Network. Now, that is huge! They even has some successful kingdoms on earth today but, of course, we don't go there for truth and strong spiritual meat. Milk? Yes, that's okay.

    When will those hirelings [many just former "little helpers" (Tis the season?) of HWA] of such as United, Living, Philadelphia, cogwa, Continuing...xcogs repent and stop deceiving us on these things and much more? Impressing us with just numbers won't "cut it," but...

    Time will tell...


  9. Didn't UCG in its founding , back in 1995, have as one of its covenants that it would publicly list the five highest salaries? Correct me if I am wrong, but I have not seen those numbers reported on any COG news site. If not, then why not?

  10. $ amounts don't really matter much, do they? Christ's and the disciples' ministry amounts in $ compared to the Pharisees' and Saducees' amounts would have considerably less. It's about relationship with the Most High, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob AND the Son of God. It's not about numbers of booklets or $ amounts.

  11. "And now we come to the part detailing HQ salaries........silence......[crickets]........"

    Does anyone have any idea what those salaries might be? Not just HQ's, local pastors too.

  12. Something only the Ministry would really pay attention to in 1995 Liam Grabby.

  13. December 13, 2020 at 9:36 AM
    "Does anyone have any idea what those salaries might be? Not just HQ's, local pastors too"

    It really wouldn't reveal much if they are living at church expense. In other words, church provided cars, homes, healthcare, retirement, first class travel & dining, etc. "I don't want to be a millionaire, I just want to live like one." Total compensation of every kind should be revealed to the members, but that would depend on them being honest about it. It's all too easy to hide.

  14. According to UCG bylaws, salary ranges have to be disclosed annually at the GCE. Anyone with insight?

  15. All this sudden surge in comments about top UCG salaries is this indication the rebels within the UCG ministry feathers are ruffled?

  16. Never give to any charity that doesn't disclose board salaries.
    Haven't people learned anything from the HWA/Tkach experience?

  17. HWA had a modest salary compared to all other american televangelists even and especially the smaller ministries.

    Tkaches in compared to relative income to WCG under HWA, drew salaries, 6 times, that of HWA.

    GTA as to relative income perhaps 2o times, that of HWA.

    And any of the top brass in the splinters at least 10 times that of HWA.

    Ok I give you the expense compensation package. But we all believed or were led to believe since 1970 that the gospel should be preached to world leaders, with an emphasis on CIA, backed regimes.


  18. Nck wrote: "with an emphasis on CIA, backed regimes. "

    That is the biggest load of bull ever. Herbie may have been a fool at times by he did not work for the CIA nor did the church work to take down regimes for the US Government. The church is filled with iff the wall conspiracy theories and this is just another one of them, Pure unadulterated nonsense.

  19. 11:40

    Oh please.
    You don't know ANYTHING.

    I give you just a few of the cuff.

    Read up CIA and Philipines State of Emergency.
    WCG back up for Marcos land reform announced on the largest airforce base of the Pilipines with all top brass present.

    Haily Selassie a Brit.
    Thai King: An American citizen
    Jordan Royalty: British American citizens.
    Nepal/Bhutan: US "listening stations" between China and India (half of world population
    Egypt: CIA backed largest recipient of US foreign aid.

    Radio Swan: Bay of pigs invasion. Completely financed through the world tomorrow broadcast
    European Broadcast: All CIA backed "pirate stations' winning the hearts and minds, of an entire generation toward capitalism

    Support for Apartheid in the open rather than subsequent hypocrite US governments especially the Reagan admin. But hey I understand, it was the Cold War.

    And this is just for starters.

    HWA or Rader gave you the finger like Maverick did the Mig pilot in Top Gun.



  20. A disturbingly high percentage of the people who hang out at the UCG are godless perverts and malicious stalkers. The UCG leadership keeps them and kicks out their victims. The newly-credentialed fake “ministers” are even worse than the old ministers. This might be the real reason why the UCG will never grow.

  21. Sounds like someone from the council of elders is supplying information here.
