Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Ambassador College Bricket Wood England Torn Down


More tithe money down the drain as the Bricket Wood campus is bulldozed down to put in a housing development. How long will it be till we see Dave Packs superfantabulous campus and Gerald Flurry’s cult college bulldozed to make room for housing? 


  1. So it has been throughout history. Cults come and cults go. It's a never ending cycle. Soon Armstrongism will be as dead as the Shakers. Delusion and futility never end. They just gravitate to new panaceas and delusions.

  2. Such is the cycle of life. Even the mighty Roman Empire , which stretched from England to India, and appeared invincible , slowly decayed, split and disappeared.

  3. The press, the radio studio, 1960 dormitories.

    Not the historic (european definition of historic) buildings.


  4. Oh, the olympic swimming pool and the buildings where Jordanian and World Court officials lectured.

    And later HSBC staff.


  5. This reminds me of another failed prophecy of Gerald Flurry. He said that the PCG was prophesied to purchase Bricketwood and when that failed, he bought Edstone. He found some obscure verse about the cedars of Lebanon which proved we were meant to purchase Bricketwood. But no one speaks of this anymore. I guess that’s what we’ll do with the failed Trump prophecy.

    1. Yeah I remember that. He said that were going there to warn the royal family. Since the throne is now in Edmond does that mean he’ll have to warn the new royal family?

    2. Did anyone else notice the recent renovations being done to Edstone? The ones posted on Twitter? Also not to mention the recent moving of certain people (including ministers). Could they be preparing to sell? Are they in financial trouble? Need some money to pay the jet bills? Who knows but yes I guess if the throne is now in Edmond, there is no need for the collage in England. Wasted tithe money down the drain.

    3. Yeah Flurry is nothing but a hypocrite. He wrote in the booklet Revelation unveiled at last ( which ironically is no longer available) on page 75."our first commission is to warn Israel not to buy land, buildings and things. To this date the PCG has spent over 30,000,000 on land, buildings and things.

  6. If the time comes, I’ll help tearing down Dave’s Grand Delusion Hall in Wadsworth!

  7. Is Edstone little more than a money pit for PCG?

    1. I’d say so. They’re not doing a work anymore, just into conspiracy theories. It will be sold off by the end of the year. The writing is on the wall for them.

  8. Considering the PCG grounds are about a mile north of the Edmond city limits (and across the Oklahoma County line, for that matter), the only houses you might see there in the near future are for staff and ministers.

    The north edge of OKC and south Edmund already have several luxurious subdivisions for oil tycoons and NBA players.

  9. All is not bulldozed. Memorial hall has been turned into 11 luxury apartments for millionaires.

  10. HWA and his henchmen exalted themselves, then tried to freeze the status quo for all eternity by pressuring God to bring down the curtain in 1975. Alas, all has turned to rubble.

  11. Really is sad about the damage done to those who have grown up in Worldwide and its offshoots especially PCOG & Pack's group. I know myself I was handicapped by some of their teachings growing up and it took me several years to get over it enough to go to college and starting dating girls due to poor self esteem I had and the pressure to date within. Unfortunately most young attractive girls were scared off by old perverts and a desire to get away from the church. I have friends that grew up in Worldwide that were good guys that have remained bachelors because of some false teachings. It really is true about where Christ told the Pharisees that they laid enormous burdens on the backs of ordinary people when they themselves would not lift their little finger.

  12. Yeah Flurry is nothing but a hypocrite. He wrote in the booklet Revelation unveiled at last ( which ironically is no longer available) on page 75."our first commission is to warn Israel not to buy land, buildings and things. To this date the PCG has spent over 30,000,000 on land, buildings and things.

    Be more specific. Gerald Flurry wrote the words you quoted. Stephen Flurry has been blackmailing his father for more than 25 years now, and has made PCG his own personal playground. Privately, the two are at war with each other, and periodically threaten to publicly shame the other as either the Biblical type of an unrighteous king or as the unrighteous son of a righteous Biblical king. They are two con men who need each other, but either would shank the other in a heartbeat if he thought it necessary. Ultimately it may be Laura Flurry (GRF's daughter, Mrs. Turgeon) who becomes the next king-maker, either endorsing Stephen or proclaiming that her husband Wayne holds the mantle while Stephen has gone the rebellious way of GTA.

  13. Stephen has gone the rebellious way of GTA.

    GTA was a bisexual womanizer and gambler. I suggest you take care in accusing anyone of being like GTA.

  14. Given the stories about gay and straight sex that goes on at Robbers Cave Park, anything is possible with those in charge in PCG.

    The behind-the-scenes sex lives of current COG leaders demonstrate to us that they are not beacons of morality, regardless of which group it is.

  15. I went to Robbers Cave Park with the PCG on two occasions, and there was no homosexual behavior. Stop with the fanciful accusations when you don't know anything. This is coming from a man who's family was destroyed by Gerald Ray Flurry, but I won't spread lies or put up with them.

  16. "Ultimately it may be Laura Flurry (GRF's daughter, Mrs. Turgeon) who becomes the next king-maker..."

    Wayne Turgeon as the new head of the PCG--now this I had never considered. You may have a very good thought. I knew him very well and even worked with him. He did have his better days and was even somewhat of a friend--It's amazing how much people can change, even sons of God. Now he is on the wrong path, a path of destruction. Hopefully they will repent before it's too late.

    1. Wayne Turgeon, Consort of the QueenTuesday, January 26, 2021 at 2:30:00 AM PST

      Not a chance! Wayne could barely cut grass, let alone run a church.

      In terms of succession, Steve is next. He is the heir apparent. If something happens to him then it’s Jude, then Grant and finally Micah.

      Wayne isn’t even a descendant! The only way he’d have a chance is if Laura became queen and he became consort of the queen.

  17. It was hard to feel comfortable around Stephen Flurry. I only felt comfortable around him for a short period, and when I did, it was a time in which he would make jokes at my expense, so the trade off wasn't worth it. I was there in Edmond and even at HQ long enough to know.

    You wouldn't believe how different (better) the early days were, before they built that college. The unity was so much stronger because we were treated more equally and had a single Work to warn the brethren and the world.

    But when GRF needed to fill the gaps in the growing HQ Work, he couldn't find enough employs within the numbers of PCG brethren. You see, in his eyes, there was too many of us would ask questions when they saw that something was wrong. This is when he decided to create devotees from the children of these baptized members--create them in GRF's own image. The natural course of action was to start the college. Once these mostly brainwashed students began to graduate, the older members became more and more disrespected, and all these programed young people took over positions of power. I will say not all the students succumbed to the re-education.

    I hope these three messages I added here today will help you to understand what is going on there in Edmond, Oklahoma--Why it is the way it is.

  18. Gerald Flurry just said he made a mistake on the "Trump will remain President thing" and apologized for creating confusion.

    I aplaud him for doing that even if he sticks with the basic premisse of his "Trump will reign theory."

    In the same publication however Stephen Flurry doubles down on unfounded unpatriotic accusations bordering on treason and at least dissemination of fraudulent and destabalizing information bordering on inciting insurrection.

    This does not bode well for the future of PCG.

    Who is feeding Stephen with this drivel? Has he bookmarked right wing websites, lacking basic skills in research and journalism?

    He is a soft spoken guy when you meet him. But it looks that insanity is getting a grip on him. Is there a family history of insanity of is it just a lack of education.


    1. Yep, you know it’s extreme conspiracy sites that he’s visiting when he starts the TD with “we had to look far and wide and can only find one article that tells the truth...”.

  19. Tens of thousands of elderly are fighting for their lives in London hospitals. And the fool is peddling his conspiracy theories for months.

    This clearly shows how this organization feels about elderly.
    A gold mine to harvest their estates when they are dead

    The British government should not allow the American traitor Flurry in again poisoning our wells by pissing disinformation.

    A true journalist and especially a true religionist would have at least checked the hospitals and held the hand of the dying gasping for air.

    Kinda like Jesus comforting the leperds. Except Jesus was a true prince and not low life white trash in possession of keys to manipulate the spiritually weak and mentally afflicted.

    The same keys that could serve man if used with intelligence and compassion.


    1. I can’t imagine too many people are actually listening to the Flurries, especially Steve. It’s just their die hard members who are at risk.

    2. 1:37
      Where/when did I claim that?
      If you interpreted "our wells" this way, you need to get a grasp of the workings of this new phenomenon, the internet.


  20. Thank you for your posts 7:09. I have friends who are in the pcg; two are ministers. I sometimes wonder if they will ever snap out of it. It’s sadder still that they are part of the pain and false teachings that are hurting the members and destroying families. One of my minister friends has had his own family of siblings and parents decimated while they were all within the pcg. I’m not sure how his own kids are faring.

  21. You are welcome JuneBug. I was 7:09, 6:48 and 6:42. It's funny how when people are forced out of the PCG, pastor ranked ministers to most members, how reluctant they are to communicate with other former members; sometimes it because beliefs change, but most generally still believe in the same things. I know a lot of current members too, but the majority shun me as commanded by the Church.

    I just want to encourage you now. Know that there will come a time when all of God's people will have an opportunity to "snap out it" as you said. Read Ezekiel 34:1-31, our Father tells us of a time that will soon come when He will personally seek us out and deliver those who have been cast out. God has a rescue plan for His people and He will save us from the evil shepherds. Until that time is fulfilled, continue to grow closer to your heavenly Father. This is what I seek to do. It's hard to be alone during these struggles, yet this is my lot in life at this time; but remember, we have a Champion who fights for us: Look up Deuteronomy 31:6 and Psalm 94:14. We have a future, and it's not to be an outcast forever. --7:09

  22. Wayne Turgeon will never be put over PCG. The guy has never worked an honest day in his life since he was a student in Pasadena. He thought he was part of the elite when he as ere, he wasn't.

    There are more "queens" on that campus than there are kings! It's time everyone at the cult compound stops pretending and live honest lives and are true to themselves. If they did that then PCG would shut down overnight.

  23. I lived in Edmond for many years, and can attest to the fact the Wayne Turgeon is a hard worker. He always had a lot of responsibilities, including the office of local pastor and as teacher at the college (which by the way, is not an easy job).

    Just because you don't like him doesn't mean you have the right to mischaracterize him. In the end, he wasn't fair to me, and so I'm no longer in the PCG, but that doesn't take away from the fact he was and is a hard worker.

    9:49, I think you should spend your time judging yourself (Matthew 7: 1-3).

  24. Turgeon's so-called "work" was and always has been white collar. His hands have probably never had a callus on them ever. He is just another of the privileged elite jerks that has lived a life of privilege and luxury at PCG. I know exactly what kind of a jerk he was in Pasadena.

  25. To 6:36:
    So you are prejudice against white collared workers? You sure are against a lot of people then.

    I worked along side Wayne Turgeon outside on several occasions and he was a strong man who wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty and did so for long periods of time.

    I never thought the day would come that I would be defending Wayne Turgeon, especially after he refused to help me as I was being cast out of the PCG, but here I am fighting for a spiritual brother.

    Why am I doing it? Because it's the right thing to do--it's what God requires of us if we love Him: "If someone says, 'I love God,' and hates his brother, he is a liar" (1 John 4:20).

    I can say that even though he wasn't there for me in the end, there were numerous times that he went out of his way to help me; so in truth, he actually spent more time doing good concerning me than otherwise.

    You words tell me that you are simply jealous of his position in life. Well get over it. Focus on improving your own life.

  26. Methinks what Jesus prophesied in relation to the Judean Temple can equally apply to these Armstrongist temples too:

    And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. (Matthew 24:2
    cf Mark 13:2, Luke 21:6).

  27. @ Grant Turgeon, 7:29 PM, it's noble of you to defend your Dad like that, but we see right through your lies.

  28. To 5:48,
    Your accusation is completely false. Grant Turgeon should defend his Dad if he has the opportunity, but not by deception. A true son of God would never do this: Psalm 101:7.

    It's as if you have no ability to comprehend the commandment of God recorded in 1 John 4:20. In your mind, only a family member, and not a spiritual brother (especially one cast out of the Church), is capable or even willing to obey God and defend a spiritual brother. Well, I assure you here and now that there is at least one spiritual son/brother seeking to live that way.

    Next time, please consider Luke 6:37 before accusing someone of deceit. I am not ashamed of my Father in Heaven, and I am not a liar. As God’s son, I seek to do His will.

    Accordingly, as it says in Matthew 5:11, your false accusation has actually blessed me today. For that, I thank you.
