Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Church of God Outreach Ministries: Prepare to worship the Devil


COG UK joins the fear bandwagon, not that they were ever really off it, with fears about the election of Joe Biden and his Catholocism that he supposedly will integrate into the U.S. Government. A new church-state will be formed and will immediately start attacking COG members.  They envision the world where we are all told to worship the Pope by Satan himself and then the world will swiftly come to an end. 

This has been an ongoing COG fear tactic for decades to keep members in line. Dare to question that and you will be under the bonds of Satan himself and will soon be kneeling down worshiping Satan and the Pope.

Bible readers have long understood (in a variety of scenarios) that 'all the world' will in the latter days succumb to a despotic anti-Christian fusion of religion and state. Perhaps unwittingly, Donald Trump facilitated this in a bid for evangelical votes but he restrained the imposition of a world ruled by and for the elite.

The incoming President, a life-long and devoted Roman Catholic, has made clear his intentions to entwine church and state through state aid. The call to unity and peace, however sincere, is a prel-ude to the real agenda - the universal worship of 'the god of this world.

When this long-envisaged global plan is implemented the choice for Christians will be to worship as the Devil (through his anti-Christian servants subservient to the Papacy) dictates. Or worship the one true God as and when He has prescribed since creation.

When that moment arrives we are assured that the true universal millennial Kingdom presided over by the Saviour will be at hand: '...when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your re-demption draws near' (Luke 21:28).


  1. Getting desperate picking on COGOM or getting rattled ?


  2. PCG members and RCG members are already serving Satan.

  3. "Getting desperate picking on COGOM or getting rattled ?"


    As if I have ANYTHING To fear from a COG or its leaders. I have been cursed by splinter cult leaders and told I would die of a horrible death on Passover night (this was said to me for 5 years straight in a row by Neville Stevens). Another person promised to come to Los Angeles and kill me with a sword. Others said I would have cancer eat out my insides and I would die a horrible death. As far as I know, each of the persons who threatened me is now dead. Nor do I have anything to fear from the prophecies COG's dish out daily - like the blasphemous crap of Bob Thiel. In the 80 years of the COG movement, every single one of them has been false prophets. Every single one of them.

    Of course, at some point I will die, it might die from some disease or killed in an accident, or whatever. Some will say it was a sure sign from their god that I was being punished and will be thrown into the lake of fire. I am assured of my standing with God and have no fear whatsoever. Besides, being tossed into the lake of fire would be a relief if I knew I had to spend eternity being ruled over by a COG leader.

    I only post the stupid things COG groups say. The way to stop that is to stop being so stupid and practice being grace filled followers of Jesus, which is a concept far too many of them cannot comprehend. When they stop prostituting themselves at the feet of Moses and actually follow that inconvenient dude they all claim to follow, yet daily deny, then I would have nothing to post here. But they just can't keep their stupid mouths shut and I just can't stop holding them accountable and publishing their stupidity.

    It's an endless circle....

    1. It's a endless circle where you allow practicing COG Ministry to pretend and practice deceit with fake names, producing deceitful articles, you help publish. Whilst they rule the brethren but live double lives on here.
      They are laughing at you, they are laughing at everyone whilst they still claim the religious titles, power and money but have double tongued mouths and minds. That is not the hallmark of Jesus Christ. That is not doing good.

      Can you not see from another angle? This blog has become part of the problem not the solution.
      Or do they deceive you too.

  4. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

  5. As long as these people listen to an echo-chamber they will never be able to recognize these beliefs as religious fantasy.

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    1. As long as these arrogant atheists think their goddless hearts achieve anything but despair and emptiness. God calls others without their permission.

  6. What’s new? Especially for the RCG members. They’re already worshipping the devils biggest servant, Dave Pack.

  7. The incoming President, a life-long and devoted Roman Catholic

    What crap! Actual practicing Catholics don't think highly of pro-abortion Biden, who is actually prohibited from taking communion in several American dioceses because of his anti-Catholic positions and actions.

  8. Growing up in Texas, I knew a rebellious minister's kid who was so turned off by WCG that he actually dabbled in Satanism for a while, and he joked that he would get admitted to Ambassador, become a minister, and work to spread Satanism secretly through the church.

    He didn't get admitted to Ambassador, but he did eventually get ordained and hired by one of the splinters. I assume he grew out of his childhood Satanist phase, but what if he didn't?

    1. I would not be surprised if the was satanists within the ministry.
      Jesus warns to test the spirits. Perilous times and all.

  9. Biden, like Trump and virtually all other Presidents of the past century, are not religious people in the least. They play act religiosity
    and head nods to religious leaders as a well choreographed "image building" campaign.

    1. They play act religiosity.

      Well I'm sure know all about that Tonto.

  10. 7:13 and Tonto are correct! A lot of leaders use religion for political gains. I feel sorry for them since they’re not statesmen and women of principle but politicians who compromise eternal principles to follow and do the bidding of fluctuating polls.
