Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 1, 2021

Dave Pack: Christ Stood Me Up!



  1. Armstrongism never really recovered from the 1972 end date fiasco.

    There was an attempt to reconstruct HWA as some kind of "Ambassador For World Peace", and partron of the arts with AICF.

    GTA had more of a TV Evangelist Star for himself view of the future. After the "Great Disappointment" of 1972, questioning of the party line became common, and major splits like 1974/ 1978 and many minor exodus' of ministers and groups contnue to this day.

    No doubt, this latest Pack Failure will lead to more people leaving, and a reality of "The Emperors New Clothes". Wadsworth will stagger along for a while longer, but the seeds of its implosion are already deeply in place, and its condition is terminal.

  2. We see it. Anyone can see. But not the members following Dave’s idiocy.

    Talking to an aunt of mine that is in ‘the church’ about Pack’s failing prophecies, she responded with this: “oh but it is a trial! Mister Pack has told us many times that we have to endure many trials before we can enter the kingdom! We only have to stay and be strong and we will get our reward.”

    That is pack’s game.. He keeps dangling the ‘reward’ in front of them, telling them how big it will be if they keep listening to his crap. And the longer they stay, the more ‘trials’, the harder it is to leave.

    Pack knows that. It’s a well known psychological game: the more you invest in a project, the harder it is for a person to let go of it.

  3. The truth is that the "Christ is returning soon" belief is alive and well in all the COG's. Prophecy has always been a cornerstone of Arstrongism. Even in the more moderate COG's many of the members still hold onto at least a more subdued version of the "Christ is returning soon" belief. Dave Packs version seems kooky put isn't all that different then what many other individual members in a lot of the COG's believe. It is just that Dave Packs kookiness makes some of the kookiness of the other COG's seem more normal by comparison.

  4. Oh dear 1970's Tonto.

    Members of RCG, as in Radio Church of God, thought the death of Loma 1968, was a bad turning point.

  5. In the old days, members would be 'crucified' for uttering a fraction of what's on this video. Those ministers today must fantasize about the 'happy times.'

  6. I remember as a kid in Worldwide that bullshart being shoveled out of HWA being an ambassador of world piece. It was all lies & garbage. The corporate organization of worldwide and unfortunately most of it's offshoots seem to be that it worships itself as being of the utmost importance with its emphasis on church government while basically ignoring Christ and trying to to enforce dictatorial rule. The lay membership is expected to tithe while getting very little in return . No wonder these organizations are literally withering away.
