Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Dave Pack Has New Calculations On Why His "christ" Will Appear Today...

From a reader:

Part 283 of the sermon series

He went in Daniel 12 and said you calculate 1335 days from the middle of the 70th week at the 1260th.

So he put 3.5x365+1=1277.5

He took 1335-1277.5=57.5

And he said there are 2 little Kingdoms back to back, Elijah's and Christ's, having each half of those 57.5 days.

So he says Christ "must" come back this Sabbath because the series is over, and he explains in 284 "how it is possible" (I have yet to download it) to have these 2 mini Kingdoms before the 7 years (70th week)...

Now I said to my wife - WHO SAYS you calculate 1335 days from the middle of the 70th week!!! WHO says you go back from that to land 1335 days prior to decide it HAVE to be like sort of NOW - because "there's nothing else left to say"?!!

Further, he says you calculate the 1335th from the 1260th - BUT he also happily points with his hands that the 1290th meets the 1335th like a gable roof, but it DOESN'T since there is a 30 days crossover! You're like MAN - THAT is supposed to be marvelous and the way God says at the last minute that IT IS READY?!!!!



  1. Man alive, and here I thought Calculus was hard and confusing. Pack makes all of that stuff seem like childs play by comparison!

  2. Dave constantly exalts himself in his sermons. It's the foundation of his mental hold on his followers. Christ condemned this junior-god status abusive cult ploy with His "call no man your Master."

  3. Who would have thought that "the great Dave", better known as Elijah That Prophet, would get his own kingdom.

    So is this the "horror" that should have taken place two weeks ago?

    The poor Jews the world over who leave a cup for Elijah - the unknown guest during their Seder dinner every year and little could they have imagined that that unknown guest is Dave Pack.

    Yes, the same Dave Pack who said he is coming with a sword to murder 2.5 million Jews apparently during his kingdom.

  4. And all that numbing numbering to make sure his followers are so confused that they will stay put.

    Some of the RCG members must see how crazy this madman is.

  5. Since this message was given on Wednesday, it looks like a bunch of this stuff already didn't happen. Toss a few more failed dates onto the pile. I would expect a Part 285...

    If your accountant botched your taxes once, would you rehire them? If they botched your taxes a second time time would you rehire them? If they botched your taxes a third time, blamed it on you and then raised their prices, would you bring them back a third time?

    How about your religious leader?

    Part 283 (Jan 27th, 2021) - "It looks like we understand the end, more than ever before!"

    33:09 - The end is either this winter or next!
    45:30 - There is one big blast from Christ and then its all done. Everything starts with a bang! So many people have left us and said "its taking too long!" They only left because they wanted to break God's laws, and run after their own lusts. Because God "changed," "raised" and "sent them out," of the church! They are pretty much the "Synagogue of Satan," that's what this verse is talking about. They are "briars and thorns" who are now ejected.
    1:41:55 - Tomorrow is the end of the series we go into a watch for a short space and then the Father's Kingdom starts.
    1:58:50 - it looks a lot like this Friday, we are out of material, I now understand the end as I never did before. Starts doing math, somehow got to 1335. (crazy math nonsense).
    2:03:00 - The KOG is "held in a mystery," you have to adhere and wait through the hard part (all the back and forth and failed prophecies).
    2:07:40 - Its all got to wrap up by Passover, its got to be winter, its the bibles biggest metric!

  6. I almost can't believe I even listened to that audio of Dave Pack, who sounded like a person talking to himself, although at times there was laughter from some in his audience. So someone must be paying Dave some attention.

    Dave talked confusingly about some Last Great Day and I wondered if Dave ever mentioned anything about the First Great Day, b/c any Last Great anything must have a First Great something.

    Will Dave ever expose the meaning of the First Great Day? Or, to say it another way, will Dave's "god" ever reveal to Dave the true meaning of the First Great Day?

    Time will tell...



  7. Anonymous at 5:11 AM said...“If your accountant botched your taxes once, would you rehire them? If they botched your taxes a second time time would you rehire them? If they botched your taxes a third time, blamed it on you and then raised their prices, would you bring them back a third time?”

    When dealing with Satan's false prophets -- like Dave Quack, for example -- remember this wise new saying:

    Fool me a dozen times, shame on you. Fool me 40 or 50 times, shame on me.
