Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 29, 2021

Why Are LCG Members Being Distracted And Sidetracked From Their Spiritual Goals?

Ok people! Stop being distracted and get back on track and keep the money flowing in so we can complete the gospel message and prepare you for your future role as a king and priest ruling over people in the world to come. When you get distracted by temptations of the world and spend money on those temptations you are slowing down our ability to get the gospel out.

Redeeming the Time: 

The Apostle Paul urged brethren in Ephesus to live purposefully and to make the most of every opportunity to grow and become more like Jesus Christ “because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15–18). Ephesus was a bustling port city that was full of temptations to distract and disorient individuals who were striving to live a Christian life. Jesus also warned against being sidetracked from our spiritual goals by getting caught up in the “cares of this world”—the physical issues that can dominate our daily lives (Matthew 13:22). These warnings and admonitions are still important today! As our secular, materialistic, and increasingly anti-God society hurtles towards the climax of this age, we need to stay focused on the main goal of doing God’s Work and developing the knowledge, wisdom, and godly character that will be required to reign with Jesus Christ in the coming Kingdom of God. Let’s make the most of our time to prepare for this exciting future!

Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail


  1. Perhaps more members become secular when they see the ministers lives of affluence. If you profiteer off of the God you preach, your gospel message is worthless.

    I’d respect an individual who decided to forgo a salary had a job or was retired and gave more than he received but that kind of attitude doesn’t build AC, Big Sandy, and Bricketwood or complexes in the shadow of Giant Eagle in Wadsworth.

  2. Doug wrote: "we need to stay focused on the main goal of doing God’s Work and developing the knowledge, wisdom, and godly character that will be required to reign with Jesus Christ in the coming Kingdom of God."

    Doug wants his followers to stay focused on works; his useless babblings remind me of a conversation I had a few years ago with a fanatic LCG member. This LCGer was mocking "so-Called Christians" who were too emotionally gushy, as he heard a TV preacher passionately preaching "keep your eyes on Jesus".

    I had to inform the LCGer that keeping your eyes on Jesus is a biblical concept. Of course, he scoffed and dared me to find it in the Bible. So, I cited:
    Hebrews 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

    Winnail invites his readers to have a profitable Sabbath, yet he doesn't teach them how to enter the Sabbath Rest spoken about in Hebrews - which is Jesus, who did all the works for our entry into his Kingdom.

    As COGers always do, Doug warns of this "anti-God society" while his, and LCG's complete catalog of writings, sermons, and TV broadcasts expose LCG as an "anti-Jesus society".

    If any of Doug's followers truly want to have a profitable Sabbath and desire to enter the Kingdom, fix your eyes on King Jesus and read about what he did for your salvation.

  3. mocking "so-Called Christians"

    And former LCGer Bob Thiel, in his latest sermon Let's Talk About Sin does just that. While pushing to obey "all God's Laws", he actually mocks some "Laodiceans" about stressing the keeping of Laws which he argues no longer apply.
    I believe the first time I confronted Bob was over the twisted logic he used in a very early version of his article, Which Laws Are "Done Away". At that time, he had a greater misunderstanding of the 613 mitzvot and intended to write a book analyzing each of them...

  4. Well, my goal is NOT to support a corporate church but to work out my own salvation, salvation I am assured of, and that LCG can NEVER take away because I refuse to follow many of their stupid expectations. I have seen more anti-God stuff in LCG than I do in my own community.

  5. Things are not as good within LCG as they want you to believe. They continue to talk about Monson in their meetings, now claiming he has been "marked". Yet they have never announced his marking to the whole church. LCG likes to boast how they are being blessed, with their income being up and being over 10,000 in membership. One would have to be blind and stupid to believe such foolishness.

    1. Why did members leave and join Monsons new church unless they were being mistreated by their ministers and other members? Where were the minister in such cases of abuse? The church leaders need to look at the log in their own eyes.

  6. What do you know, Bob shows the COG has custody of the Bible!
