Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, February 5, 2021

Apostle Pack:The Fudge is on!

Word is...

Prophetic Update

We have received numerous emails from the field expressing your amazement and excitement about what is upon us. Brethren here at Headquarters are right there with you!

As we enter the Sabbath, understand there is a case for Christ coming this side of midnight (Headquarters time). But the case grows stronger after midnight. And the most powerful case of all, with literally dozens of reasons just reviewed by 15 ministers at Headquarters, indicates Christ comes late in the day on the Sabbath tomorrow. So strong is this case, it appears virtually impossible that anything happens tonight. But do not stop watching! It is important to Mr. Pack that all of you remain on the same page we are, hence this brief update.

Rest assured, Christ coming later on the Sabbath in no way violates the intricate mathematical relationships between the key dates we have studied in God’s Plan.

We look forward to seeing you very soon!"


  1. The fact that 15 of his men sat around a table in Wadsworth and went over a list of things to prove Dave right shows how complicit they all are in the great deception being played out on RCG members. Can Armstrongism get any sicker?

    1. To be fair Pack "claims" 15 men did those things...

    2. The 15 men are Dave's boot lickers who have chosen to put Dave before God The Father and Christ.

  2. “ ....... But do not stop watching! It is important to Mr. Pack that all of you remain on the same page ....”

    AKA: “Look at my fingertip, look at my fingertip.. Follow it with your eyes. You feel sleepy, very sleepy. Close your eyes.. Relax.. And now hand me your money.”


    “When I snap with my fingers you will wake up and you will have forgotten all about this.”

  3. Pack going down the Jim Jones rabbit hole. He is even more delusional than Flurry

  4. "Later in the day on the Sabbath"? As in "Dave announces during PM Sabbath services that the only possible explanation is that David Passover Pack is in fact David the Christ?"

  5. I seriously doubt that 15 men gathered around a table going over things to prove Dave right.
    IF they met at all, they were rubbing their foreheads saying "what will we do now!?

    Personally, I think it's a contrived letter to try to keep the sheep in line.

  6. I don't even believe the 15 ministers at HQ.

  7. Has Mr. Diehl now become the inside man for the reception of RCG information or is he exercising the parrot parody that we have heard time and time again?

    The parrot speaks: caw - amazement, amazement. Caw - excitement, excitement. Caw - understand, understand. Caw - case grows stronger, case grows stronger. Caw - dozens of reasons, dozens of reasons. Caw - ALL THE MINISTERS, ALL THE MINISTERS. Caw, indicates, indicates. Caw - IMPOSSIBLE, IMPOSSIBLE. Caw - mathematical, mathematical. Caw - relationships, relationships. Caw - key dates, key dates.

    I would say, trust the parrot!

  8. I feel for the kids of RCG. Being told today is the day. Say by to your friends, pets. And then back to school momday. The mental pressure this puts on a developing brain is enormous.

  9. Well, I know of a person that sent in a chunk of change yesterday. I guess they wanted to be sure to get a good seat on the bus.

  10. Jesus is hitching a ride to Wadsworth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2UTjoVVVb4&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR0sgMa4tyxNWRSYFQEvJGWOnbMAD6OjqKD8-mEgRGhZ9Le1-hGggYltgnk

  11. Speaking of kids - how do you think it is for them growing up in a family where they know their parents are insane? Not merely deluded, but totally, mind-blowingly insane.

  12. Matthew 24:16...if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There He is!’ do not believe it. 24For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform

  13. I don’t even think there are 15 ministers left at HQ. Like anything else, that number is probably wishful thinking from delusional Dave!

  14. But Dave Pack stated if Christ did not come back Friday night it would throw the timing off on everything he stated. But now they are saying if Christ comes back Sabbath night there would be noting on timing.

    1. Sounds like The Great Packster’s Magic On Words Show again!

      Also known as a crap load of nonsense.

  15. Pack & Flurry have been judged & condemned by their own words & failed prophecies. They are false ministers and Christ knows them not.
