Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, February 6, 2021




  1. In the style of Pearl Jam’s “Last Kiss”...

    “Oh where oh where can Dave’s Jesus be?
    Not in Wadsworth where Dave said he’d be.
    He’s still in heaven so I got to be good
    Head to the Giant Eagle
    Before I leave this world”

  2. Maybe the doorbell at Dave’s cult compound headquarters wasn’t functioning properly? Or maybe Christ’s GPS failed? Or perhaps JC came in via the back door and nobody saw him sneaking in? Or - no wait! - maybe, maybe Dave had it wrong again and he isn’t God greatest prophet?

    Mmmm.. Really hard to choose from any of these possibilities..

  3. Wonder what is happening at the Compound today. Did they have a vigil?

    Was there yet another disappointment?

    Where is the "damage control"?

    My biggest worry is what happens when Dave finally snaps.

  4. All quiet here in Wadsworth. The sun has set. Buzz kill! Time to grab popcorn and watch a movie...

  5. Is anyone else, with family in this cult, afraid that Pack will gather them all up and force them to drink the kool-aid Jim Jones style?

  6. Is anyone else, with family in this cult, afraid that Pack will gather them all up and force them to drink the kool-aid Jim Jones style?

    I wouldn't want to take the little cup of Passover wine from Pack. Who knows what else will be in it?

    1. I have loved ones inside the RCG. Really difficult to keep in touch with them. And they sound as crazy as Dave Pack at times, believing every word he spits out..

      My entire family tries to keep an eye on things. We feel that Pack has become so delusional that he could drag the remaining RCG members with him to an even darker place. We fear for their lives.

      Luckily some members have woken up the last few years and left the RCG (more than Dave and his mini Gods will admit). Sad thing is that some of them went to other COG’s, keeping themselves trapped.

  7. Dave Pack is obviously creating his own fan club of scoffers and mockers. I am more than ready to start my own church. The name of that church will be Dave Pack is not the church of God. I am hiring Dee Bunker to be my own personal Bradford Schlieffer guy. The whole gospel message will now be in movie trailer format. If you have seen what Dee can do in a short time period this past week you will know that it will be the fastest growing cog out there.

    With having a real good friend still in the RCG listening to all this trivial vanity laced drivel, there has to come a point in time when that person has to ask themselves; something isn't "right" here. Those were the exact words this person gave me when I asked at what point in time did you come to a decision to leave the Worldwide Church of God in the 1990's.

    Obviously this friend and all the others inhabiting seats within the RCG are going to hear that they will be waiting for one more year. All the proofs, the infallibility, the timing, the impossibilities, the self prescribed virtues of the message deliverer will go up in a forgotten smoke.

    "Playing church" as I like to call it, seems to be the status quo now in the RCG and elsewhere. Maybe it is the demand to play church the COG way that drives this lifestyle. There is after all no gospel message going to the world as a witness. There is no "greater" work to follow Herbert W. Armstrong. There is no return of Jesus Christ. So what is left is just "playing church".

    I remember a conversation with an RCG minister that I had. I told him I was there for only one reason. If that reason gets corrupted in any way I told him; "I have better things to do in life".

    That minister left the church before I did. Maybe just maybe, the remaining members of the RCG just don't have anything better to do in life.

  8. 3.24 PM
    Dave already has his followers drinking cool-aid Jim Jones style. In this case it's spiritual cool-aid, such as his common doctrine which leaves members destitute and robs widows of their homes. With Jim Jones it was a sudden physical death, but with Dave Pack it's a slow living death.
