Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, February 5, 2021

Dave Pack: One More Day And It's Finished!



  1. Christs return to RCG could be like the Jehovah's Witness return of Christ. See, Christ did return, but His return was secret and invisible. So a invisible Christ will roam Dave's compound, having long conversations with Dave.

  2. Does this mean that Dave will finally (Yeah!) stop ranting and babbling? I say amen to that!

  3. "One more day until" is open to many avenues of fruition. My hunch is that Dave will placate himself with it being one more day until "I" order 5000 flowers for the grand garden this Spring. Probably another one more day until a few very rare and specific trees need to be ordered for Spring planting. Another one more day for the "Goodman of the house" to buy for himself a few more houses on Akron Rd. And there will be another one more day to cajole the brethren into turning over all of their remaining assets and to increase their offerings and to fund-raise without sleep because "we" need that money now!

    With that new increase of contributions, there will be one more day to create even more "look at our campus" gospel videos for the world. There will be one more day to assure the brethren "we" are up in all categories and metrics - it all looks good!

    I have seen this "one more day until" movie before. The excitement of the expected fulfillment has no meaning anymore. What matters the most is everything looks very good and that is the heart of the gospel - at least according to the Restored Church of god.
