Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Would Born Again Christians Wear Stars Of David While Eating A Rare Steak Before They Throw Out Their Leavening Products After They Cast Lots On Whether Or Not Jephthah Killed His Daughter To See If She Had A Soul?

Another Saturday, another Bouncing Bob sermon

Bwana Bob, the savior of Africa and 299 caucasian members, posted his latest sermon the other day and it is a humdinger of useless information. It is just one more example on what a poor speaker Bob is and how he covers up his lack of sound theological education by rapid-fire diversion topics in his so-called sermons. Just get a load of all the things he "preaches"on in this one sermon. 

CCOG Q&A: Eating Blood, Born Again, Jesus, Leavening Agents and more! 
In this sermon, Dr. Thiel answers questions that have been submitted to the Church of God on many topics, such as: 

Thiel starts right off the bat with a deceptive comment. Not one single member of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God has ever written in to him asking for an answer to these questions. All he has done is steal information from the letters that the Letter Answering Department of the Worldwide Church of God had written on every conceivable topic imaginable. Bob has done nothing but plagiarize other people's materials, once again. After all, there is not a single orginal thought in any COG leaders head in 2021.

  • Does the biblical prohibition against eating blood mean one cannot eat rare meat?
  • Satan: Immortal or Destructible?
  • What about casting lots?
  • Did Jephthah kill his daughter?
  • Is it better not to vow than to not fulfill one?
  • Was it only the Jews who were God’s chosen people?
  • Are Christians begotten now?
  • Are Christians born again at the resurrection?
  • Was Jesus equal to the Father?
  • Does the Star of David have a pagan connection?
  • What is a soul?
  • Do the reigns of some kings contradict each other?
  • Is literature available in languages other than English?
  • Do we discard non-food items for the Days of Unleavened Bread?
  • What are the names of leavening agents?
  • What are commonly used ingredients that are not leavening agents?
Dr. Thiel goes through scriptures, facts, COG documents, opinions, and historical information to provide answers.

The mere fact that Bwana Bob bounces around like he does demonstrates that he has no real training in public speaking. If he ever spoke like this in Spokesman Club when would have been mocked relentlessly! A quick perusal of public speaking points illustrates what a poor speaker Bob is.

Three questions to ask yourself
When deciding on a speech topic, ask yourself these three questions: 
  1. How much do I know about the topic? Your audience needs to recognise you as a credible speaker and being knowledgeable about your topic is an easy way to do this. A good understanding will help you explain difficult parts of the topic and give you more confidence during the questions and answers session.
  2. Am I passionate about the topic? Your passion on the topic will affect all areas of your delivery, including body language, eye contact and energy levels. If you are interested in the topic, you’ll engage with the audience better and generally make for a more interesting speech.
  3. Will the audience be interested in the topic? If the audience doesn’t see how they can learn something useful from your topic, they’ll either not turn up or switch off early during the speech. Remember that your speech topic needs contain value for the audience. Guide to Choosing a Successful Speech Topic
Another public speaking web site had this:

In the body, the fewer the main points the better. For short classroom speeches, under 10 minutes, speeches should not have more than three main points. For longer speeches, more than five main points ensures that audiences will have trouble following and remembering the speech. In the speech, main points should be clearly stated and "signposted," marked off as distinct and important to the audience. Transitions often serve to signpost new points, as do pauses before an important idea. Additionally, speakers might number main points—first, second, third or first, next, finally. Always make it easy for the audience to recognize and follow key ideas.Structuring the Speech

Not one single follower of Bwana Bob in Africa cares about ANY of these topics. 99% of Christians do not either. These are just diversions away from the fact that he denies Christ and is not his follower. He can't even preach on the guy in a single sermon without any of this useless fluff thrown in.



  1. Bob even finds ways to make potentially interesting topics deadly dull. He asks:

    Does the biblical prohibition against eating blood mean one cannot eat rare meat?

    Bob ignores what would have been a far more interesting question:

    How can Christians reconcile John 6:53-55 (Jesus' command to eat His flesh and blood) with several clear OT prohibitions against consuming blood (e.g. Leviticus 17:10, 12, 14)?

    Bob will never tackle that one, because doing so would reveal gaping holes in his theology.

  2. Q&A or Everything You Almost Wanted to Know About X*
    (*But Were Afraid to Google)

    With pages of prepared questions and answers, this could have been a well-presented, but ho-hum, sermon. But, another hard to follow bouncing ball.

    It would have been easier to edit a few pages, translate them into the 101 languages of CCOG members and post them to IAQ* pages. (* Infrequently Asked Questions)

  3. How do you know "not one single follower in Africa" cares about being born again, or "begotten" at this time?

    That statement sounds almost as racially biased as some of the British Israelism doctrines you criticize.

  4. The W.A. said How do you know...

    You are right, thinking as isolated individuals we do not know what others are thinking about. If CCOG's African congregations do have multiple affiliations, there are probably a lot of conflicting thoughts on doctrinal points.

    Bob's presentation of his evolving view of born again probably didn't make things better. And the way YouTube queues up videos, the ones lined up after Bob's were about born again. In fact the very next one presented yet another point of view, in which the speaker said he had something "that Trinitarians can't explain".

  5. 9:33 wrote: "How do you know "not one single follower in Africa" cares about being born again, or "begotten" at this time?"

    The people in Africa, who I am sure a very sincere Christians trying to do what is right, are led by men who have been professional church hoppers who have jumped from one Sabbatarian group to another, including WCG, COG7, SDA, and scores of COG splinter groups. The people go where ever their leaders take them, exactly how COG members do. Their leaders are exactly like tribal chieftains who lead their tribes as the authority on everything. Plus, they have heard this familiar stream born again and begotten speculation for decades. It is no more new to them than it is to regular COG folks in all the splinter groups or to any ex-members.

    The fact still remains...absolutely NOTHING Bob posts has any spiritual importance upon these people or on his 299 Caucasian members.

  6. Bob Anna Bob Anna Danna's next sermon is "What's all this talk about picking one topic and sticking to it?"
