Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Zerubbabel The Only True COG Prophet Continues to Humiliate Bob Thiel


Where would the Church of God be without some crazy prophet in its midst? We have had a lot come and go over the last 80 some with all of them being proven liars. That has not stopped our current crew of self-appointed prophets though.

We have Gerald Flurry the final prophet of Edmond Oklahoma and now the official King of the Church of God. Gerald has been so blessed by God that he now possesses the true coronation stone that his creature christ will come back to sit upon as he is crowned the second King of all the earth. Plus, we must be eternally grateful for the restoration of the true dance of God to this end-time church! How could we ever have gotten along without this new truth?

There is also Dave Pack, the self-appointed apostle/prophet and best bud of JC who has been preparing his Wadsworth campus for JC to return to. Davey is eagerly looking forward to walking the hallowed grounds of the Wadsworth campus with JC by his side. Dave has bought a house and has it ready for him on Akron Road and also set up a charge account at the Giant Eagle for him. JC then can use Dave's broadcast studios to send out the final witness to the world, for the third time.

We also have Ron Weinland who preaches from his basement to the world. After being mocked in San Francisco after his speech at IdeaCity, he went on to become the first official felon to lead a Church of God in the end-time age. After a heart attack and suffering hallucinations from COVID-19, Ron's witness is quickly fading into the background as gibberish is about all he can preach any more. As he and his dingy wife travel to visit his micro churches, she has her fingers covered in diamond rings so they can use the proceeds from their sale if they need money to get to Jerusalem when it's time to be the two witless witnesses.

Speaking of gibberish, this leaves us with TWO final witless witnesses and self-appointed end-time prophets of the church. Both peddle in the craziest gibberish imaginable. There is Bob Thiel, the self-appointed messiah and Grand Bwana to Africa, the appointed Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Joshua, and the most double blessed man on earth today. His mind wanderings are getting so bizarre that he has become a comedy routine for the church to mock.

Then there is Zerubbabel. The true prophet to the Churches of God! All of our other guys are just agents of Satan as they preach their heretical lies, but God in his mercy has sent Zerub as a witness to us!  Plus, Zerbubbael has made fools of them as none of them know how to dress like a real prophet! Zerub does!

You can listen to this amazing man here as he discusses giants who roamed the earth along with giraffes. Note that Zerub says the giants were all destroyed in the flood but flourish in the world today. Such mind-boggling new information! Thiel has been seen whimpering in the front window of his world headquarters over this, and the fact that Zerub is on Twitter and he is not. Poor Bob, always the bridesmaid and never the bride!


  1. Looks like Zerbbabel needs to mothproof his closet.

  2. NEWS FLASH...

    Flurry and Pack to meld, and combine into one creature! Forewith to be known as FLACK!

    1. No Tonto! Not Flack.. Plurcky is its name!

  3. Jesus Christ's own Father didn't reveal to Him many of the prophetic details today's Prophets and Kings and Overseers and Grand Poobahs are sharing with their flocks. Just ONCE it would be nice to find a new self-appointed leader whose angle was "I'm not some important guy mentioned in the Bible, but the church I'm leading will teach you how to be more like Christ, more loving, more serving, and more intimately connected to the love of your Father in heaven."

  4. Did anyone actually listen to the whole message. I tolerated about a minute. Whoever was able to endure it the longest should receive some type of recognition.

  5. His staff appears to be a little too long.

  6. Isn't this the same sicko who says that he's going to have sex with his own daughter and get her pregnant as part of God's plan? Or has he already done this?

  7. This will be Bob Thiel in about 5 years.

  8. "Isn't this the same sicko who says that he's going to have sex with his own daughter and get her pregnant as part of God's plan?"

    Yes, this is the same creep.

  9. This isn't the crackpot known as Stair, is it?

  10. Was this video taken at the Wadsworth compound?

    1. This guy lives in Dave’s basement and is the co-writer for Dave Pack’s 3 hour sermons.

  11. James said...

    Bless his heart! He at least is harmless.

    How is a man "harmless" who has bragged about getting his own daughter pregnant to fulfill prophecy? If you think that's harmless, you're as sick as he is! I just hope he hasn't done it yet because it isn't yet the prophesied time.
