Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Dave Pack: "Because at this point in time, a Bible slows me down! I can study without a Bible much faster than with one!"


If you want to know why Dave Pack is getting so weird, this is why. He is so intelligent that he no longer needs the Bible in front of him and just pulls it out of his ass.

Sermon 299

Earlier in the message however, Dave clarifies how he studies the Bible and comes up with his prophetic ideas, it is actually quite simple. When you leave the Bible out entirely, it is much easier to make up new prophetic stories. He states: "Because at this point in time, a Bible slows me down! I can study without a Bible much faster than with one! And so that's what I do. I will scroll 20 verses [in his mind] and I will filter ideas through those 20 verses. There are a whole bunch of verses, about a dozen verses, that seem to talk about Christ's coming in a way that does not look like when he comes "in power," for instance, he comes out of a cloud versus he comes in vengeance and flaming fire there about 20 like that. So when I think of Christ, I think of about 32 verses."

The RCG source writes: 

RCG has departed from even claiming to follow the Bible. Simply believe the scrolling passages in Dave's mind and everything will be revealed!


  1. Next stop: Dave will announce that he wrote a new bible, because “according to God the old one is useless”.

    The New Brilliant Dave Pack Bible. Verse 1, chapter 1: thou shalt tithe, and tithe more. And after tithing thou shalt hand over thou savings and soul to Dave.

  2. I'm reading a book in abusive Christian churches. They are all bait and switch, with the leader eventually claiming de facto God status. To question or disagree with them is to question or disagree with God. They all micro manage their members lives and claim to be the one true elite church of God. Once members accept that their leader is "The Chosen One" and God's mouth piece, it's checkmate for its members. They are mentally imprisoned by that group. This template was common in America during the 1800s, so HWA just did a copy and paste, and put lipstick on the pig by calling it God's way and God's government. His church culture is definitely not bible based.

  3. This is further evidence of self delusion & his own grandiosity. If HWA and Worldwide had not sold their soul to the lie of church government and absolute power back decades ago, they should have fired Pack as a minister.

  4. To any in RCG reading here:

    1. "Study to show yourself approved...rightly dividing the Word of Truth" II Tim 2:15

    That verse no longer means anything?

    2. Bereans were more noble...because they:
    "searched the scriptures daily whether these things were so..." Acts 17:11

    Maybe the Bereans just have to list verses in their minds, ok??

    More verses could certainly be listed. . . .the major questions:

    You already know he's a False Prophet!...Is he not also a False Minister??

    What are you going to do about it?

  5. Dave Pack's RCG is my FAVORITE loopy Acog

  6. 5:30 am, they only study as instructed by Pack, they only see what he tells them to see. What is obvious to you and me, isn't to them, the scriptures mean what Pack says they mean, it doesn't matter what the words are. They will not do anything other than what he says, it is so much easier to just do what you're told and not take any responsibility for what you believe and do.

  7. Sounds like he's gone Mormon.

  8. A counterpoint. Anonymous wrote "Next stop: Dave will announce that he wrote a new bible, because “according to God the old one is useless”

    There is a precedent for this in Armstrongism:

    1. Herbert Armstrong claimed he could take exception to the writings of Paul because Armstrong was also an apostle of equal rank to Paul. Armstrong did not agree with Paul's view of marriage. That is the only case I ever encountered where Armstrong asserted this kind of authority, but it does set a precedent. The ramifications are enormous. This pretty much moots the Bible. The real source of knowledge and inspiration is "God's Apostle."

    2. I heard while at AC Big Sandy that the Armstrong's Co-worker letters were a continuation of the Book of Acts. This means that the Bible is an open document and can be augmented with addenda by the contemporary Armstrongist church.

    (Nck, I heard both of these principles while at AC Big Sandy. Point 1: HWA purportedly stated this in a class in Pasadena and it was spoken from the pulpit in Big Sandy. Point 2: This was stated from the pulpit in AC/BS. I do not recall which men stated these things. I believe that hundreds of people heard these principles and they should be verifiable if everyone hasn't already died off.)

    If the Bible can be modified or augmented with additions on the authority of your local apcalyptic Millerite leader who may have proclaimed himself an apostle and Armstrong's successor, you really don't need the Bible. It can be updated out of existence. The "apostle" can just filter the scripture and mediate its meaning to you. In the Armstrongist version of Canon Law, one could conclude that the RCG leader is operating within the boundaries of traditional Armstrongism. Whether or not you agree with traditional Armstrongism is another topic.

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  9. Anonymous at 7:06 AM said...“Sounds like he's gone Mormon.”

    Possible typo.

    Probably should read, “Sounds like he's gone moron."



    The IDENTITY THIEF, Gerald R. Flurry: That arrogant runt Gerald wants his victims to call him, rather than Jesus, “That Prophet” of Deuteronomy 18:18-19 that everyone is supposed to listen to or else God will call them to account. So close and yet so far. Little Gerald's true identity in Bible prophecy is actually revealed in the very next verse, in Deuteronomy 18:20, which talks about false prophets that God never sent going anyway and babbling in His name.

    The “COMMON” THIEF, David C. Pack: Klepto-Dave wants his victims to obediently hand over everything they have (cash, savings, retirement plans, possessions, houses, etc.) to him to do with as he pleases -- “or no salvation if you don't.” This “common” plunder most certainly does not get distributed to any of the destitute RCG cult poor, or shared with anyone else. It all goes to Pack-of-lies to support his series of chronic lying.

    The CONVICTED THIEF, Ronald E. Weinland: Rotten Ronnie did 3.5 years of real time -- not just prophetic time -- in jail because he was too selfish to share his ill-gotten cult loot with the tricky accountants and crooked lawyers who could have made it all appear to be totally legal like they have done for so many other religious swindlers.

    The TIME THIEF, Robert J. Thiel: Bob really wants to steal your time and waste it.

  11. Pack himself needs to be "studied"... IN A MENTAL INSTITUTION!

    1. Yep Tonto, Pack should've been given a pulpit in a padded cell years ago. Of he didn't have a pulpit to hide behind, he would've been recognized as a lunatic three decades ago. Hopefully, his daughter, who left the cult, migjt be able to persuade her poor mother to start Pack's trip to a ha-ha home in the near future.

    2. Thought Pack was widowed and remarried.

  12. 1. Herbert Armstrong claimed he could take exception...

    A statement like this was made during a service. I don't remember if it was from a "must play" HQ tape. Later a local elder went to the pulpit and said they were not saying HWA was superior to Paul.

    2. ...Armstrong's Co-worker letters were a continuation of the Book of Acts.

    I heard something like that at a Bible study. Then, in a sermon, GTA made similar remarks, ending with the possibility that Acts could become "quite a large book". All I know about is the dubious 29th chapter, discovered in Turkey a few centuries ago.

  13. If HWA can add to Scripture and it means what he says it means, sounds like the RCC. Adding tradition to Scripture and the Magisterium tells the members what the passage means. Other commonalities with the RCC would be the HQ facilities, the WCG's Vatican; his title, Apostle = Pope. Papal or Apostolic Infallibility. Top down leadership. Only true church. Veneration of the Saints (or HWA). The more I think about it, the more I think that the WCG is very much like the RCC.

  14. Thought Pack was widowed and remarried.

    Yes, the story was his first wife Shirley died while tirelessly working with Dave to rewrite HWA's literature. He married Vernia, apparently Shirley's nurse, within a year of being widowed.

    1. Well, if Vernia is a nurse, she might become alarmed about DP's declining mental state, and have him hauled away to a ha-ha home!

  15. It's next to impossible to get anyone committed these days.

    1. That's basically true. However, his comments are becoming frantic about the second coming and persecutions. Jim Jones was like that before he pulled off the mass suicide at Jonestown. Hopefully, his second wife training as a nurse wil help her realize Pack is becoming wacked, and needs psychiatric care. If not, the next DOUB or FOT could be a mass murder tragedy.

  16. Don't think so Phinnpoy. Jim Jones was on drugs. Pack will want his earthly emerald city complex to go on and on.

  17. Don't think so Phinnpoy. Jim Jones was on drugs. Pack will want his earthly emerald city complex to go on and on.
