Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Gerald Flurry: "The PCG has the New Throne of David and the New Stone of Destiny. That’s putting us in a pretty close proximity to God.” "


From Exit and Support Network

I had the “honor” to listen to Pt. 3 of his sermon “Where are We in Bible Prophecy?” and it was all I could stomach to listen to a few parts. He is getting crazier by the day. He focused on nothing but Tribulation, wrath, punishment, death, how many are going to die, how there won’t be many left, Germany is going to strike and kill, etc. I don’t know how members can sit there week after week and listen to this bull crap doom and gloom. 

Young Herbie at the rock

He said the Prayer Rock they are in possession of is “a symbol of Jesus Christ.” (A rock in the Bible is a symbol of Christ but not HWA’s prayer rock! As mentioned in the article Idolatry in the PCG, this rock is nothing but blatant idolatry!) 
Here are some other things he said: 
“Who are we that God would entrust us to deliver this message to this world and especially three nations of Israel and God’s Laodicean church most of all. The PCG has the New Throne of David and the New Stone of Destiny. That’s putting us in a pretty close proximity to God.” 
He was downright arrogant when he started criticizing Evangelicals and saying, “How much do those people who are following Trump–how much do they know about their Bible? You could almost say zero. They are getting further away from God all the time.” (Who is getting further from God? Isn’t it GF?) “We have to learn you can’t follow a puny little man [i. e., Trump]” (And who is following puny little Gerald Flurry??) “They don’t obey much of anything in the Bible. They don’t obey God and they don’t want to obey God. But they will follow Jeroboam [i. e., Trump] And that’s their great sin.” (What about those who are following GF? Isn’t that a great sin?) 
He raised his voice when he said, “God’s wrath is on this nation!” and “This is a strong message that we have to deliver to these people!”


  1. Flurry & Pack are getting crazier & more dangerous by the day. Demanding $$$ from the membership, shoveling out false prophecies and then denying it after their proclamations fail. They have no regard for the members or the effects of their actions. They should be incarcerated for being frauds. Franklin Graham helps operate Samaritan's Purse which is a wonderful organization. The brethren should send their tithes to a true charitable organization such as this or even the Humane Society. Greedy selfish frauds such as Flurry or Pack would benefit from having to earn some $$$ from actually having work.

  2. The PCG seems to be following the practice of the RCC by acquiring relics. HWA's egret sculpture, Steinway pianos from the HOUSE OF GOD, a prayer rock. What's next?

    1. What’s next? I would say digging up HWA and put his bones on display?

  3. I didnt know that FALSE PROPHETS, like Gerald Flurry can get "close proximity to God."

    Satan, yes, but God? I doubt it, Flurry, you and your puny stature.

  4. Oh, I forgot to add. You, your puny stature, your puny brain, your puny knowledge of scriptures, your puny honesty, your puny son, your puny Grant Turgeon, your puny ministers, and your puny church. Fill the rest in.

  5. How can the messiah come to Wadsworth when the throne-rock is in Edmond?
    ---this is a dilemma DCP and his extreme-donors must confront----


  6. Its not even the Right Rock that HWA Prayed at. Flurry just sent a few members to get a rock with similar dimensions from the farm. One of those members I believe was John Rambo, who was disfellowshipped and marked right after this Prayer rock was declared the new stone of destiny. I think they disfellowshipped him because he didn't agree with the new revelation. I mean Flurry is a genius for coming up with this scam, to have both the stone and throne, but for people to believe it is another thing. People need to open their eyes and pray that god will show them the truth, it can't even be proved in the bible that god moved the stone and throne as they say.
    Since this change also none of Flurry's prophecies have come true( especially the one about Trump, even thought he's still hanging on to it).
    - His health has deteriorated.
    - COVID has impacted their work and travelling of ministers, PACS etc. Surely they aren't using the plane to reach leaders of the word as prophesized by Flurry.
    - They can't even afford to buy a place in Jerusalem like they wanted to a year ago.
    - Members are falling away
    - Ministers are dieing

    People should see all of this and should think about it. Is God with this Church?

  7. Is there even any truth in this story about HWA and this rock? It sounds absolutely fabricated to me.

    1. Who knows? There’s no way to prove it. You’d have to take Flurry at his word.

  8. I don't know the details of how this splinter group is using their rock. Is it an act of idolatry or just an artifact used in worship? So I am not going to comment on the main topic. A secondary topic caught my eye - the use of the Great Tribulation as a lever to influence the thinking of splinterist congregants.

    I think everyone would agree that the events of 70 AD in and around Jerusalem were extraordinary. This has been described by historians. And these events should meet the criteria in the NT for constituting the Great Tribulation. But some apocalyptic Millerites invoke type-antitype to state there will be a latter fulfillment of the Great Tribulation that will be even more intense than the former. They do not deny 70 AD - they just say there is more to come.

    There is a problem with their apocalyptic view. The type-antitype model is not possible in this case. This is what Jesus, in his own words, stated about the Great Tribulation:

    "For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."

    In other words, this was a one time affair. A special event in the history of the Jews because it related to The Temple. Jesus himself stated conditions that rule out the type-antitype model. It does not have a former fulfillment and then a latter fulfillment.

    The plain truth is that the Great Tribulation already happened and is not going to happen again. All kinds of other "ordinary" geopolitical calamities have occurred and may occur. If Christ were to return 3,000 years from now, think how many world wars we could have in that duration of time. Somewhere in that future stretch is the collapse and disappearance of the United States. But that collapse is not in the same category as the fall of Jerusalem and the Temple and is not even mentioned in Bible prophecy. It is difficult for apocalyptic Millerites to admit, but its all about certain milestone events that will happen to the Jews.

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  9. especially the one about Trump

    Today (March 4) may be the last of GF and his Trump prophecy, the old Inauguration Day. It may be as uneventful as January 7, 1972.

    Do I understand the claim correctly, the Stone is the Throne? Imagine sitting on that for indefinite periods of time. "Stone is the Throne" reminds me of Peter Griffin's obsession with "Bird is the Word".

  10. Does anyone in PCG reading their Bibles any more???

    I Cor 6:9-10

    Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

    10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, NOR DRUNKARDS, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

  11. Is there even any truth in this story about HWA and this rock?

    All I can say is I read about it in HWA's Autobiography in 1968.

    I don't remember what fabrication percentage GTA put on HWA's collected tales.

    When Bob Thiel phoned GTA for a comment on HWA's alleged incest he was told (by someone in the office quoting GTA) "All you need to know is in the Autobiography".

  12. Bob Thiel has lied to us about so much stuff that I would question him making a call to GTA. GTA would have nothing to do with self-important know-it-alls like Thiel.

  13. GTA would have nothing to do with self-important know-it-alls like Thiel.

    In this article Bob mentions phoning GTA.

  14. PCG need a wooden chair to go over the stone. Otherwise it's not a proper coronation. Maybe they could seek out a old wooden chair from the Oregon Library. Rebrand it as the wooden chair Herbert Armstrong sat on studying for six months.

    1. You’re right! He hasn’t been coronated! That’s like claiming presidency without an inauguration! Gerald Flurry is such a fraud!

  15. Did you know why God can't get anything done?

    Because Jesus is sitting on his right hand! :)

  16. Ministers getting fired?
    The ACOGs must be itching for an excuse to fire their aging ministers in order to avoid the cost of pensions. Especially with their diminishing number of tithe bots.

  17. This is why Flurry is now #56 on the list of the top 100 Lunatics in America.
