Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 26, 2021

Hey Dave Pack and His Ministerial Enablers in Wadsworth....Where's Christ?


Hey Dave!  Where's Jesus? We are waiting!

Now that Passover and the Night to be Much Observed are over in Wadsworth, 
where is that Christ Dave predicted?
Why have you ministers in Wadsworth continued to enable Dave in his failed prophecies? 
When will you ever wake up? Dave is lying to you. Not one single thing he has predicted has come true and yet there you are, scratching his back and standing in awe as he walks by
 gracing you with his presence.


  1. "Pentecost! I didn't see it until tonight but the math is right! We are still on track. I showed this to all my HQ ministers and NOT ONE of the disagreed. They all saw it! Pentecost!"

  2. Hey, to be fair, The Night to Be Much Observed isn't until Saturday night (changed, by Dave, back to the correct night). Now it will be, “Brethren! It's so clearly now the NTBMO since I was inspired to change the day back to the right day!” Let's gave Dave a chance here! ;)

  3. HaHaHa....Haaaaa.....Oh I loved that Dennis. You Get A+

  4. The Great Packster has been doing this for several years now. First it’s NTBMO, next Pentecost, next FOT, next Christmas (yes, really.. Christmas!), next New Year’s Day.

    The same cycle every year for the past four or five years. Dave gets the members hyped up, in order to make them willing to hand over the little amount of money they have left.

    I’ve seen people in the RCG getting so hyped up by it, that they were afraid to even take a shower or go to sleep: panicking that they would miss Christ’s return.

    Sad to watch. Someone needs to stop that raging lunatic.

  5. I'd rather hear Dennis's prophecy over Pack's BS.

  6. We should now ask Dennis when is the CoGs going into captivity? ;(

  7. Anon 6:50
    Unfortunately they have already been lead into captivity decades ago so all I can offer is "And thus it was fulfilled..."


  8. Herbert W. Armstrong had speculated that when Jesus Christ returns it might very well be on the actual Day of Trumpets in whatever year He comes. This was in accordance with HWA's understanding that the Annual Holy Days in the Bible picture God's plan of salvation. Jesus was crucified on Passover. The Holy Spirit came on Pentecost. The return of Jesus Christ was pictured by the Day of Trumpets.

    David C. Pack, on the other hand, keeps on cycling his own date guesses for the return of Jesus Christ throughout the year, year after year, to string along his listeners without any long breaks in between. Everyone in the Restored Cult seems to have forgotten what was taught in the past by HWA. David Pack's series of chronic lying has turned their brains into mush.
