Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Its the day after the COG Passover and everyone is sinless and pure...so we need to be focused upon Jezebel


Only in the Church of God can you go from celebrating the most sacred day of the Church of God calendar, one in which the entire focus is supposedly upon Jesus, and immediately go into talking about Jezebels.

It really should be no surprise though since the Church of God places so little emphasis upon Jesus as the spiritual center of their lives. Throughout the entire year, there is little focus upon the significance of the crucifixion, the resurrection, and the teachings about grace, justification, and mercy. These are things that are anathema to the COG while they place so much emphasis upon the law, proper government, and blind obedience to the words of self-appointed church leaders.

One would expect today that words of encouragement and adoration would be used to describe the event that COG members went through last night and its significance upon their walk with Christ. 

But, NO!!!!!!!!!!! 

Today it is all about Jezebel, Thyatira, Waldenses, Apostle Thomas in India, Peter Waldo, Greco-Romans, Roman Catholics, Anglicans, the British parliament, tithing, crosses, Bozodujfalu, Transylvania, WCG changes, and much more asinine useless claptrap that has ZERO relevance to ANY Christian and their relationship with Jesus.

"Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more!"


  1. Bob Thiel has to be the most "tone deaf" person the Church of God has ever had. What an absolute moron!

  2. I am embarrassed to say that I used to get sucked in by the things Bob writes, but then I woke up and realized what a sad little man he is. He has no relationship with our Savior and is totally unable to explain anything of value about Christ.

  3. About the only thing he left for next time is "Was Dr Seuss Banned by Left Wing Demons?"

  4. Bob writes in captioned "Jews, Christians,......." - Mar 27: "the children of Israel were in their homes from around sunset on the 14th until the daylight hours of the morning of the 15th". And then he says "They left Egypt at night of the 15th........"

    Bob's confused. After the daylight hours of the 15th is the night of the 16th, the 16th beginning at sunset. They can't be in their homes on the 15th until daylight and then leave at night on the 15th. ???????????????

  5. Bob can't be concerned with facts and would rather be deceptive. All he has done is plagiarize HWA and WCG, materials, change a few words, and claim it is his truth. He is such a fraud. I feel sorry for those Africans who believe this liar.

  6. After Bob's Jezebel jaunt, he puts up a link his NTBO animation. Interesting that he says in the cartoon, someone should bless the food. Strictly speaking, a person "blessing food" is not really Biblical. In the KJV, translators deliberately wrote (for the sake of King James' Catholic leanings) that Jesus "blessed the bread" during Passover. Other translations correctly state "gave thanks".
    The "blessed the bread" shows the great influence of the KJV usages are in our thinking. I'm surprised Bob hasn't caught this mistake.

  7. "Bob writes in captioned "Jews, Christians,......." - Mar 27: "the children of Israel were in their homes from around sunset on the 14th until the daylight hours of the morning of the 15th". And then he says "They left Egypt at night of the 15th........"

    probably a typo (he has a lot of those, proofreading your own material is very difficult)....once he see the comments here he'll correct it....everyone should know that they stayed in all night on the 14th.

  8. These groups all have their focus on something other than Jesus Christ, but some are more blatant than others.

    Look at Sheldon Monson's new group, for example. He has posted the "Fundamental Doctrines" of his church, and so far all he has posted are beliefs about the Place of Safety, the Sabbath, and the three tithes.

    Yes, he'll add more later, and eventually he'll get around to Jesus. But when three of his first five Fundamental Doctrines involve tithing, you know a lot about where Monson's head is at.

    Fundamental Doctrines of CGA

  9. It's always been curious to me that when Passover night falls on Friday night, as it did this year, COG ministers don't "pick up the story" of Jesus's last Passover on Earth the next morning or afternoon during Sabbath services.

    Instead, they leave Jesus and the disciples at the door of the upper room singing a hymn. It's left to you to read the rest of the story.

    I attended two COG services Saturday. One sermon was very Christ-centered, but only mentioned His death a little. The other looked ahead to the Days of Unleavened Bread, which began after the service Saturday evening.
