Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Doug Winnail equates his miserysters to Moses and Jesus, and if you don't like it then you are enmity toward God.


Here we go again, its the regular Friday love letter smackdown of Living Church of God members who just can NEVER do anything right. 

How DARE members ever question the ministry of the church or ever share different opinions!

To do so is playing right into the hands of Satan! 

The ministers in LCG are equal to Moses and Jesus and you CANNOT question them or offer an opinion!

To offer a holy LCG minister your opinion immediately tells him that you do NOT have the mind of Christ, like he does.

Can Gerald Weston and the LCG ministry be this pathetic?


Our Opinions or Christ’s Mind: 
How many times have you made or heard comments like, “Here’s how I see it,” or “Here’s what I think,” or “Here’s the way it should have been handled.” All too often, these comments are directed at people in leadership positions—even in the Church. Moses was criticized by men who held different opinions (Numbers 16), and Peter differed with Jesus over an issue and even rebuked Christ (Matthew 16:21–23). In both cases, the people expressing critical opinions did not recognize the real source of their negative and divisive thoughts and actions. Before we share our “different” opinions, we need to remember God’s warning, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways” (Isaiah 55:8). As Christians, our focus should not be on going around spreading our own ideas, but on developing a godly perspective that reflects the mind of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:5). Jesus told His disciples, “Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19) as He sought to think and walk in harmony with His Father. We also need to remember the Scriptural admonition, “the carnal mind is enmity against God” and His ways—including His government (Romans 8:7). Long ago, Solomon wrote, “A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back” (Proverbs 29:11). It is always good to ask ourselves, “Are we promoting our own opinions and ideas, or are we developing the mind of Christ?” 
Have a profitable Sabbath, 
Douglas S. Winnail

Courtesy of an LCG source 


  1. People have a right to freedom of thought and freedom of expression. Ministers DO NOT have a right to control members mental processes and choose their beliefs for them. God enforced the separation of church and state (ie, force) by in the OT turning a Israeli king into a leper for trying to exercise priestly duties. The parable of the talents means that every person gets to choose their own beliefs, with reality having the last say. The fiecy chamber into which Daniels three friends were thrown is the alternative.

    Gerald missaplied every scripture that he quoted, but pointing out just one, Is 55:8 "My thought are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways.." is simply a reference to the ten commandments if the full context is considered. It is not a attack on freedom of thought or an attempt to invalidate others beliefs. A very dishonest letter by Gerald.

  2. Translation
    ..the people expressing critical opinions. = ..the people expressing truthful reality.

  3. Speaking of having a "profitable" sabbath, What is Winnail's salary??

  4. This is a perfect example of cult mind control.
    Doug, as a spiritual leader of authority, stated that if you think for your self, have your own opinion, you are then under the control of Satan.
    Satan is bad - no one wants to be controlled by him.
    The poor minions who look up to Doug think Doug knows the Bible, so they won't consider what he may be missing in this installment of his weekly whipping.
    Their minds are not tuned in to the many verses Doug or the COGs will never preach - if the minions encounter those verses, they read over them with no comprehension because those verses are not the focus of their trusted leaders.
    The poor minions don't test the spirits to see if they are from God and do not put on the full armor of the Word - they just obey their masters' control tactics.

  5. So everyone is just to assume that the ministry has the mind of Christ and that 'our' thoughts are just carnal if we disagree with the comments/opinions of ministers.

    The WCG held the position that all those that disagreed were like those that disagreed with Moses. This was meant to instill fear in its membership and encourage silence among the members.

    The WCG and its scattered churches of today, plainly reveal that they are cults. Yahshua on many an occasion disagreed with the religious teachers of His day, clearly showing that having a different opinion is not rebelling against Yahweh, but against the (false) teachings of present leaders.

  6. Once again, Winnail is too lazy to write something new. It must be that LCG hasn't grown in Christian character in the last 13 years, because Doug is happy to republish something he last published in 2008, with only a few tiny word changes. Doug's profitable (and almost identical) words are near the end of the April 3, 2008 item below, right before the world news items:

    Weekly Update for April 3, 2008

  7. That's about a much a directive to let others do one's thinking as can be expressed. Obviously too many members are waking up and expressing themselves, commonly defined by the church as "scoffers" but in reality merely observing reality. "A Godly perspective" always means "We here at HQ's perspective. Not yours"

    The message is the same from one of my favorite cartoon characters of my youth, Yogi the Bear whose "I'll do all the thinking around here..." resonates.

    “I’m so smart and it hurts.” ― Yogi Bear

    “It’s because I’m smarter than the average bear.” ― Yogi Bear

    Once the ministry has to pull out "My ways are not your ways" "There is a way that seeeems right unto a man but the ways thereof are death", "My thoughts are not your thoughts saith the Eternal" and "the wisdom of man is foolishness to God", they have pretty much run out ideas on how to stem the flow of being questioned about anything.

    And too...What would the do if there never was a Moses in history :)

    “I don’t think we do get smarter as we get older, I just think we run out of stupid things to do.” ― Yogi Bear

    “Ranger Smith: Yogi, that’s the problem, all the thinking! Hey, you know what would be great? If you didn’t think, if you could just be a regular bear; you know, sit in the woods minding his own business. But nope: you’re different, you’re SMART, and you have to spend your days being selfish and destructive while everyone else pays the price! I’m sure it’s never been enough screwing up my life. But this time, you had to go and bring down this entire park. So tell me, Yogi, how smart are you now?” ― Yogi Bear

    Yogi Bear: I’m so smart it hurts.

    Boo Boo: Uh, you’re standing on the soldering iron.

    “He forgets, and I quote myself. I’m smarter than the average bear, hee-hee-hee-hee!” ― Yogi Bear

  8. PS I was surprised "The heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked" was left out of the admonition to let us here take are of your thinking. Being reminded about the carnal minded being opposed to God is an admission I suppose that any sincere questioning or skepticism in the members mean they are the carnal minded of the church. That's a nice compliment! lol

  9. In business or any human activity, (including a church) stops growing, or is shrinking, then it almost inevitably turns on itself and has internal conflict.

    Growing organizations have lots of new territory and opportunity for expansion and duties for its personnel. Much like a "pyramid scheme", declining organizations have people headed to the exits (or even dying) , and the opportunity for "spoils" ie, title, power , money, prestige etc. is a declining pool. Furthermore, the pressure on leaders of declining organizations from beneath them is great, as those in the laity perceive the same waning deterioration and lack of hope for future empowerment too.

  10. "My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways” (Isaiah 55:8)."

    This is chilling to contemplate but I believe the author of this post is saying that he and his associates in the administration of this Splinter group are not subject to the above reality. Whereas, the text is actually saying that the Splinterist administrator and his minions are excluded from God's transcendental level of thought like everyone else. And this verse above when applied to everyone casts an utterly different view on the management of theology and information in the ekklesia from what is being expressed in this post.

    But the Splinterist minister seems to have selectively applied this scripture to congregants but not himself. Which makes me wonder what he sees his status to be in this relation. Has he elevated himself to the level of God in his thinking? Is he the vicar of Christ? By what authority - William Miller's, from whom all these Splinterist administrators derive in procession? This is an odd and troubling twist.

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  11. It's funny that we never see certain passages quoted or expounded on in these little pep talks from Winnail. For example, why doesn't he ever quote Jeremiah 10:21?

    "For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered." KJV

    Or what about Jeremiah 23:1-2?

    "Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD. Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD." KJV

    We could look at Ezekiel 34:2-10.

    “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God to the shepherds: “Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks? You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool; you slaughter the fatlings, but you do not feed the flock. The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled them. So they were scattered because there was no shepherd; and they became food for all the beasts of the field when they were scattered. My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and on every high hill; yes, My flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth, and no one was seeking or searching for them.”

    ‘Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: “As I live,” says the Lord God, “surely because My flock became a prey, and My flock became food for every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, nor did My shepherds search for My flock, but the shepherds fed themselves and did not feed My flock”— therefore, O shepherds, hear the word of the Lord! Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will require My flock at their hand; I will cause them to cease feeding the sheep, and the shepherds shall feed themselves no more; for I will deliver My flock from their mouths, that they may no longer be food for them.” NKJV

    We could also go to John 10:11-14.

    “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep. I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own." NKJV

    There are other passages that demonstrate the contrast between self serving hirelings and Jesus Christ, who is our true shepherd. Psalm 23:1, Isaiah 40:11, John 10:1-10, John 10:27, 1John 3:16, and Revelation 7:17

    It would be nice if these men would spend some time pulling the beam out of their own eyes, so they could then more clearly see to help others with the specks. Matthew 7:2-5

    Concerned Sister

  12. Gerald misapplied every scripture that he quoted

    The scriptures apply as much now to the leaders as they did when the leaders were ordinary members.

    "pyramid scheme"

    To borrow from LJ Peter ("Peter Principle") they could sit on top of the pyramid and still not get the point.

  13. Concerned Sister:

    While I understand your argument and it is a good argument, I am going to pluck a discouraging chord. The Splinterist ministers are imitating HWA. HWA thought of himself as the Defender of the Faith. It was his obligation to conserve the body of knowledge that he felt had been entrusted to him - a lot of it introduced by him. He implemented the requirements of this role by aggressively suppressing anything that did not originate with him or someone he approved.

    But the wars he fought in this role were principally against his own people. One of the biggest engagements he fought as the Defender of the Faith was the war against the Systematic Theology Project. And he won but in the process lost personnel and credibility and the fractionating of the WCG organization began.

    Herbert was perpetually at war with his own church. I saw him speak many times back in the Seventies and I never saw him speak when he did not have an angry demeanor. He was always, in my experience, in the mode of berating church members over real or imagined issues. It was clear to me that he had no respect or appreciation for the lay membership of the WCG at all - the elephant in the room that true believers do no want to acknowledge. And this was the behavior he modelled and the behavior that persists in the Splinterist ministry to this day.

    When we chide these ministers in this blog, we are asking them to make a sea change that they cannot possibly achieve. In order to make such a change, they would have to abandon their culture, education, dignity, beliefs, way of life and, most important of all, the clear example that the "Apostle of this Age" set.

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    1. Same could be said of the Scribes and Pharisees, but it didn't stop Jesus from calling them out.

      1. Ye blind guides (Matt. 23:16).

      2. Ye fools (Matt. 23:17).

      3. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees…for ye are like whited supulchres…full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness (Matt. 23:27).

      4. Ye serpents (Matt. 23:33).

      5. Ye generation of vipers (Matt. 23:33).

      6. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! (Luke 11:44).

      7. Ye are as graves which appear not (Luke 11:44).

    2. NEO
      I like many, am not asking the splinters to make a sea change by abandoning their doctrines. The complaint is that the splinters are abusive cults. As is typically the case, the church did not start out that way. Once Herb obtained sufficient numbers, he switched to cult mode, knowing full well that tactics such as lording it over the flock and partiality towards the irresponsible are condemned by the bible. His war against dissidents did not justify playing dirty, which you appear to endorse. That the end justifies the means is banana republic morality and an abandonment of the ten commandments.

      God will allow anyone into His kingdom who believes that His ways are only good on paper, and that real efficacy can only be achieved by putting oneself above the law.

  14. You can't out give God. Perhaps, but HWA didn't even try.
    1980 income tax return shows $387,755 in salary, $37,427 in contributions. He almost got to 10%.
    1981 he had an adjusted gross income of $421,052. His wife Ramona earned $38,308.
    If Bernie Madoff was smart, he would have gone into religion, where prosperity preaching has sanctified greed.

  15. I wonder if it ever crosses the minds of the LCG Administration to address the concerns, questions and disagreement that come up, as they inevitably will, with those who raise them?

    Nah...too mature an approach and too Biblical.

    1. Plus if they raise a legitimate problem, then LCG are in the wrong. As this CANNOT be the case, the member raising the concern must be influenced by Satan. Twisted logic.

  16. Concerned Sister, April 16, 2021 at 10:16 AM, regarding Winnail's pep talks, advised: "...It would be nice if these men would spend some time pulling the beam out of their own eyes, so they could then more clearly see to help others with the specks. Matthew 7:2-5
    But that is something neither Doug, or those he is blaming/judging, and of and by themselves accomplish, b/c that would require Doug repent. He can't do it. Why? He has the same heart that he sees in others, one of Romans 8:7. Doug refuses to see the remaining fingers on his own hand.
    Doug, as does other former WCG hirelings, has the following spirit within and addressed by James: "Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" James 4:5
    Doug easily sees the lust/envy of others, but not his own. When will Doug realize that we may all be in the same boat? Time will...
    Doug wrote about the mind of Christ, but is that just "another Jesus?" Is Doug into idolatry? Is Doug putting something, another Jesus, in place of God the Father?
    Doug believes in the Mickey Mouse Millennium (MMM), of another Jesus to very soon reign on earth, and he also still believes in this "another Jesus" as being "the god of the Old Testament:" some spiritual Junk Food taught by HWA, but nothing else was revealed to him about these matters.
    Doug wants us to have the mind of some Jesus, but that mind mentioned in Phil 2:6 that Jesus Christ had contained the Father's words in Him and He told us so: "Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." John 14:10
    So, Doug continues to promote his own opinions and ideas of some MMM and some Jesus being the "god of the OT," but doesn't like other's ideas, especially if they oppose his own thinking.
    HWA in the January 1957 Good News, page 23, wrote his hirelings the following: "Does God's RULE in His Church give ministers authority to intervene even in affairs of the personal life of members? The answer is, YES, but of course, and only in extreme cases where this is necessary...God's ministers are required to use wisdom and judgment, and they are
    never going to interfere in private lives unless there is a Bible reason..."
    When might Doug Winnail learn to follow HWA's advice and stay out of the personal private lives of those he pep-talks to, and give up his opinion/idea of the MMM and the "god of the OT" as being “another Jesus” (Acts 3:13; Mark 12:26-27)?
    Time will tell...

  17. NEO, I understand the "elephant" in the room. This comes from placing a mortal man on a pedestal, and overlooking obvious flaws in that man's character and discrepancies in his own statements and behavior. I had a conversation with someone some months ago who was bemoaning the overbearing behavior of some in the ministry of one of the COGs. I listened for a few minutes and then pointed out that such behavior did not originate with the leadership of that organization, but could be traced back to the WCG and the way people were treated in that organization. The person looked at me like I had grown an extra head.

    In making a man or a church organization the standard of righteousness or "truth" rather than Jesus Christ, which should be the standard, the COGs not only fall short, but they blind themselves, because mistakes and inaccuracies won't be honestly looked at or corrected if doing so would cause them to have to pull the man off the pedestal, and admit he wasn't as righteous or perfect as the rose colored glasses they wear allow them to believe. It is only when we remove the man from the pedestal and the rose colored glasses that flaws in our thinking can start to be addressed however.

    The ministry in almost all the splinter groups still view HWA or the WCG as the link which validates their own continued legitimacy and authority over the people. This isn't just about commonly held beliefs or basic doctrines, but about continuing and maintaining a system. Many in the leadership of these organizations have basically tried to create the feeling and atmosphere of WCG 2.0, which means that at least to some extent the baggage and mistakes made in that organization have been carried over to the daughter organizations, and anyone who would point out flaws in thinking or approach, or who wants to think outside the box, even just a little, is seen as a threat to a system which must be defended. Someone once told me that the ministry were all expected to be "yellow pencils" and once you wed yourself to that system, it becomes difficult to extract yourself from it, or to acknowledge its flaws.

    Concerned Sister

  18. Dr Winnail notes: " It is always good to ask ourselves, “Are we promoting our own opinions and ideas, or are we developing the mind of Christ?”

    This reminds me of the countless times when I express my own views it not uncommon to hear "You're just using human reason!" I have learned to ask "What kind of reasoning do you do?" Most of the time they are not so foolish to respond "I reason like God and Christ". That pretty much ends it. Most of the time...

    1. "Are we promoting our own opinions and ideas, or are we developing the mind of Christ" is a false dichotomy. It's not one or the other, but rather both are valid.
      "Proving all things" inherently means having ones own opinions, and community gives people the right to discuss them with others.
      That Doug threw in the kitchen sink in his tirade is unsurprising since most of his members are elderly and have grown in independence. Stomping on old people to get them to behave like school kids in a classroom is despicable.

  19. Wow; Winnail is in deep with this installment of his weekly whipping!

    For decades, Doug Winnail and Dave Pack were muck buddy ministers in the WCG.

    Then a day came when both developed their independent opinions and then broadcasted, to all who would listen, their opinion that the WCG leadership was completely wrong in every matter.

    Next, our infamous WinnailPack duo publicly rejected the WCG leadership and joined the Global Church of God.

    Very squirrely soon thereafter WinnailPack began thinking for themselves again and decided that the Global leadership was all wrong – so they split into even spanking newer splinters.
    Predictably, the WinnailPack freethinkers now claim each other are apostate. However. Pack would totally agree with Winnail's post stating that people who think for themselves are inspired by Satan.

    I'm rather sure Winnail would now label Pack as dangerous due to where Pack's free thinking and control of his people has gone.

    However, Winnail demands that his own peeps shall keep their minds closed to anything but what his organization pushes and keep their checkbooks open to paying his bills.

    Winnail’s attempt to control the minds of his people is evil and dangerous - just a few shades of shit away from Pack.

  20. Doug Winnail is saying some sick stuff here.
    In effect, Winnail is saying what his church teaches is all people need to think about because everything else is from the devil.
    Winnail is saying that he and the LCG speak for God and everything else is from the devil.
    This is the very sick and dangerous thinking.

  21. Doug is reeling in angst due to more LCG people feeling free to associate with friends in other COGs, jump into Munson's splinter, and even read what is posted on this website.
    Doug is trying, in typical Herbie fashion, to keep his tithe slaves home on the LCG plantation. However, times are a changing and Doug is a catalyst for the people going where they want; like chaff before the wind, driven to and fro.

  22. Anonymous (6:26) wrote "His war against dissidents did not justify playing dirty, which you appear to endorse."

    Huh? I don't know how you drew that conclusion. Can you explain?

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  23. NEO
    I have re read your post. I take back my "which you appear to endorse."

  24. Doug writes as if in the same mentality as a Temple priest in 70 AD.
    Completely out of touch with God and oblivious to staring down the gun barrel at disaster.

    If it happened then, can it happen again ? Are the Ministry with God, doing the will of God or like the High Priest's and Pharisee's on Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the years build up to 70AD.

    Does the Church belong to the Ministry ? Or does it belong to God ? Do the modern day Ministry behave as if congregations belong to them or belong to God ?
    They talk service and love but is that really how THEY come across or are they cruel task masters and power obsessives who despise Christians and live to mock them.

  25. Winnail is horrendously vicious in this weekly whipping. Winnail needs a reminder from 2 Corinthians 13:10 in which St. Paul states that God gave him authority to build the people up – not to tear them down.

    Winnail has no God-given authority to brutalize the people of the LCG. Winnail seeks to destroy their freedom in Jesus and keep them enslaved to the law. That is the law that requires the people to pay his salary. However, Winnail is using his paid position to twist scriptures out of context, not to tenderly shepherd the flock into the Sabbath Rest that is Jesus.

    Therefore, below I have re-fashioned his piece to be more theologically sound and more encouraging to those in need. Because Winnail and the COGs have so often used their cruel context hoax of Romans 8:7 to abuse the people, I will start with that verse (even though that would not be my preferred lead into a message of encouragement).

    Romans 8:7 states that the carnal mind is enmity against God. Hallelujah however, the entirety of the 8th chapter of Romans confirms we are no longer the enemies of God. Romans 8:2 states the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:15-16 affirms we have not received the spirit of bondage to fear; but have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Holy Spirit witnesses with our spirit, that we are the children of God. The remainder of the chapter assures us that nothing can separate the children of God from his love.

    As we celebrate the freedom and love we have as the children of God let us rejoice in 2 Corinthians 13:14; may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

    Have a profitable Sabbath (by embracing Jesus as the Sabbath Rest),

    [Note to Doug: feel free to insert your name and publish this to bless your people. Furthermore, please consider that a minister of Jesus Christ does not take Holy Scripture that was meant to encourage people and twist it into an abusive club to beat the people into submitting to your dictates.}

  26. LCG is just a mind-controlling cult. Disagree with them and they'll suspend you, persecute you, turn your friends against you. I do believe the God of the Bible gives one the right to chose - live or death, blessings or curses. In LCG, you have no choice, no voice, no rights. It's a cult, a dangerous cult.

  27. All this speculation is silly about what Doug is trying to do. The truth is far simpler and more banal. He just assumed LCG members are too stupid (or not paying attention) to notice that instead of writing something new and fresh and relevant he could get away with recycling some platitudes from 2008.

    Doug must have been one of those WCG pastors who would mail an anointed cloth to members living 5 minutes away, instead of leaving his home to give them his personal care. Lazy and self-absorbed.

  28. If you think this writing is bad by Winnail, imagine sitting in one of his classes on biology and hearing some of the most innane comments about geology and biology you could ever imagine. Ken Hamm is intelligent compared to the things Winnail taught us.

  29. 9:58 observes: Ken Hamm is intelligent compared to .. Winnail ..

    Oh wow, now I have a mental picture of what this Fundamentalist is like!

  30. "LCG is just a mind-controlling cult. Disagree with them and they'll suspend you, persecute you, turn your friends against you."

    Sounds just like the mainstream media and Big Tech. That's why America has become cancel culture central. Mind control does not end when you leave a church.

  31. Just switched over to ‘Banned’ to see what was going on in the COG world.
    Read the posts and felt a wave of nausea flooding over me and a migraine coming on,lol.
    There goes a pleasant weekend morning. It is a little early in the morning,but I might raise a glass to freedom.
    Freedom of choice, association,belief,affiliation........and the list goes on. I don’t doubt that freedom is the greatest threat to the COG’s
    as we knew them.

  32. I had read that there was(is) a common saying among the Mormons. "Once the decisions have been made, the thinking has been done." Condescending comment to a member. "What the leader means is, 'Shut up and sit down. You have nothing to add to the discussion. The spirit filled leaders are making the decisions.'"

    Once you are convinced that HWA is a specially called end time apostle leading God's only true church, you have to accept everything that is taught. I recall HWA asking us whether God would lead him in error. Of course not. In Pasadena they had a commissary for employees which "failed." HWA tried to explain how he could have made the mistake of approving it in the first place. If I recall, he made it sound as if he made the decision quickly, without giving it much thought. Perhaps he was more concerned with the latest scandal that was brewing. He had to explain it in a way that wouldn't allow people to think, "Hey, if he was wrong in his decision to open the commissary, perhaps he is wrong on BI, avoiding doctors, D&R, etc." Just as the Pope can't admit a mistake by any of his predecessors when speaking ex cathedra. Once HWA or a POPE start to admit mistakes, the barn door is wide open.

  33. Looks like Doug Winnail’s loyalists didn’t want to try to defend him on this one.

  34. My “so-called Christian” pastor will hug you if you disagree with what he says from the pulpit.
    On three occasions, I had lengthy email battles with him over topics on which my options differed from his.
    On the first Sunday after each battle, as the opening worship music started, he came up to me in the front row of the church and gave me a big bear hug (visible to the entire congregation).
    I read a lot into those hugs - like I think he is saying that regardless of the inevitability of disagreement, mutual respect is more important; what we agree on is far more important than what we disagree on; and we can battle like warriors but peace rules the relationship.
    This “so-called”” Christian” is a real leader and shepherd.
    I sure do not miss having Doug Winnail as my pastor.

  35. Looks like Doug Winnail’s loyalists didn’t want to try to defend him on this one.

    It's an open secret in LCG that Weston wants to sideline Doug, but that the problem is that there's no one of comparable stature who can keep the majority of LCG ministers happy or at least docile. We need to remember that, for the last 15 years, LCG ministers have been ordained much more in Winnail's mold than in the mold of his predecessors Charles Bryce and Carl McNair. Whoever succeeds Winnail will lead a ministry that mostly thinks of Winnail as the gold standard.

    So, what is Weston to do? There are several younger men who estimate themselves capable of directing the LCG ministry, but each of them would bring his own problems, and internal discord in LCG will grow much if Weston promotes one of them but not the others. Rather than take a bold and decisive step, Weston seems content to wait for a clear contender to emerge, or for the other contenders to leave or die.

  36. So when, how long, til Doug Winnail makes the moves to promote Scott Winnail?
    And what about Shaun Winnail, is he normal or cult-captive?
