Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, April 12, 2021

The Saga of Apostle David C Pack Just Gets Sadder and Sadder

 Here We Go Again!

"Prophecy Update" TODAY

(April 12, 2021)

A brief note is in order: We are all expecting events to unfold by the end of Abib, which is hours away. True to God’s pattern, we have continued to learn through to the end—and at a seemingly ever-faster pace.

Of course, the starting position for every discussion about timing is that we cannot have another year. The news alone screams this remains more true than ever! Every indication (and there is a vast amount of evidence) is that our wait is still almost over. But it will enter the month of Iyar, which begins tonight. While it looked for a long time that Christ would have to come in Abib, eventually it became clear for many reasons that He absolutely could not come in Abib—but in fact would come the next month—in Iyar. This note could take a left turn at this point and add 6-10 pages, but that is what sermons are for. About two more would be needed.

The expectation has been that we would see an antichrist first (and many more with him), with Christ arriving soon after. This is also still true, but in a slightly different way than first believed. In fact, Elijah and the faithful living saints receive absolutely massive power for a brief period, during which all living saints are united. What happens over the next several days (the last days) before Christ returns on “that day” is a story so staggering no email could begin to do it justice. Since our wait appears to be for a very brief additional period, there is not time to inform the Church of even a fraction of the evidence. If this brief period comes and goes, then everything would need to be explained—and the story is truly incredible! Mr. Pack would lay it out in detail if we were to enter a wait for another year. Let’s hope that we soon live the story rather than merely hear it.

This much can be said now. All of what happens appears to require exactly one month after all! First comes the empowering of God’s Church with great gifts and exousia through the antichrist period when Elijah rises and that the living saints must endure. This is followed shortly by Christ’s coming to the Great Supper to build the “Seed” Kingdom of God before the second brief period involving the Man of Sin. Finally, the Father arrives in glory to close the month, brings paradise, the Mountain/City, the Old Testament saints, the resurrection of all Israel, the Wedding Dinner and to expand the Kingdom beyond Israel to the whole world. (Of course God’s Spirit stands here present in a Temple after Christ arrives.)

Let’s leave you with a question to ponder: Might the one month be Iyar itself after having fully observed (guarded/hedged about) Abib? This would mean our wait is essentially over. How wonderful that the Work of God ends simply booming in every regard! Whatever the wait, may it be brief. God speed the time!"


  1. "A brief note is in order: We are all expecting events to unfold by the end of Abib, which is hours away. True to God’s pattern, we have continued to learn through to the end—and at a seemingly ever-faster pace.

    Of course............."

    The Restored Church of God is doing a magnificent job of fulfilling 2 Timothy 3:7 - ever "learning" and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth!

    This situation reminds of a story about my former neighbor. He was an avid deer hunter who took weeks off of work and traveled hundreds of miles to the mountains to hunt every year. Every year I would hear endless stories about all the deer he either saw at a distance or shot at and missed. This ongoing saga continued for 25 years and I kind of felt sorry for him.

    Coming home from work in the afternoon, a car in front of me broadsided a deer killing it instantly. I picked the deer up and threw it in the back of the truck and went home. I called the former neighbor and told him I have a deer for you. He arrived late that afternoon very excited. He looked at the deer and then went back to his truck and grabbed his rifle, a 30-06. I said what are you doing? He said I am going to shot it so it looks legit. He then pointed the rifle at the dead deer and fired .......... and completely missed the deer. He then re-cocked the rifle and fired again at the dead deer and ................ missed it completely again.

    That is a true story. Dave Pack in these last seven plus years has established quite a story in his own ongoing laughable "hunt for Christ" and etched in stone a story for the generations.

  2. From Neo's Book of Practical Millerites:

    "It was actually a man named Samuel S. Snow, a peculiar character who rode about the countryside in a long white robe, calling himself Elijah, who set a date. Snow set an exact date, saying that Christ would return on October 22, 1844. This peculiar chronology was held by an obscure sect of Karaite Jews, whose calendar is different from the Rabbinic calendar. Of course, that date passed without incident and many thousands of Millerites, who had stayed up all night waiting for Christ’s return, found themselves gravely disappointed. (From "William Miller and Modern Adventism")

    Samuel Sheffield Snow (1806–1890) was a skeptic turned Millerite preacher who calculated that the return of Christ was to take place on October 22, 1844. His teaching sparked what became known as the "Seventh-month movement," which led to the Great Disappointment when Jesus did not return as expected. (From Wikipedia article "Samuel S. Snow")

    "In May, 1845, Snow fancied himself to be Elijah, the prophet. In a chapter entitled "A Proclamation", from a book he wrote, he declared about himself, "By the special favor of God, through Jesus Christ. .. , I have been called and commissioned to go before the face of the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to prepare the way for His descent from heaven . . . He died at the age of 84 . . . Snow's thinking had become twisted, and he continued believing himself to be Elijah until the day he died. From Samuel Snow's life we can understand that God may use a man to present actual truth, but that fact will in no wise preserve him from undue exaltation nor from erring from the path of truth." (From "Adventist Pioneer Library", volume 3, number 2, 1993)

    What goeth around cometh around . . .

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    1. You might say Sam did a 'snow job' on himself and his followers!

  3. The fact that his followers sit there week after week swallowing this crap is more disturbing than what Dave is saying! When will they wake up and say, "enough is enough!"

  4. Imagine being the one who had to write this swill every week! Reading it is hard enough.

  5. It must be exhausting for RCG membership having to be on constant alert.
    And very confusing as Pack alert goes against the words of Jesus on the end times.

    What goes around NEO. The blind leaders leading the blind and blind leaders who are blind to their own hypocrisy.

  6. It's like comic book stories.

  7. To NO2HWA:

    It is most unlikely that those that still remain would say 'Enough is enough as it would mean that all the money they gave this beast was a complete waste.

    Most likely they would say/think: 'What if he is right this time?'

    The wise would think: 'Well it's better to leave now as to stay would be adding/throwing good money after bad' it is better to leave with less than to leave with nothing at all.

  8. The fact that his followers sit there week after week swallowing this crap is more disturbing than what Dave is saying! When will they wake up and say, "enough is enough!"

    Dave's followers believe, like Simon Magus, that they can purchase the things of God. They think that by paying "common" they are secured their position of becoming "God as God is God." In their own way, they are just as evil and unChristian as their master David Passover Christ.

  9. Why isn’t this man in a straight jacket yet? What is the problem? Don’t they have them in Dave’s size?

  10. A brief note is in order: We are all not really expecting events to unfold by the end of Abib, which is hours away. True to Dave's pattern, he has continued to deceive through to the end—and at a seemingly ever-faster pace.

  11. Neo's Book of Practical Millerites

    Interesting that our buddy Bob continues to deny that the COG movement came out of the Millerites along with the Seventh-Day Adventists.

  12. The psychology of prior investment is likely one of the main reasons people feel that they must stay with Pack. To leave would be a personal acknowledgement that all of the monies that they have invested was given in vain, and the thought of that would be too painful to contemplate.

  13. In baseball, its THREE STRIKES and your OUT!

    Davey doesn't realize that once the umpire calls "strike three", you have to go back to the dugout, sit down and shut up!

  14. once the umpire calls "strike three" Dave either fires the umpire, or the umpire resigns and starts his own game.

  15. NO2HWA:

    I am also puzzled by this persistence in error. This is why I have speculated that this might be a kind of liturgy - a worship form. Snake handlers in the Appalachians don't quit snake handling because they get bitten (some even die). Because they are involved in a worship form in isolation from its actual merits.

    I have also speculated that this is like the right-wing talk radio industry. Sociologists have identified that these people do not suffer from a "misinformation penalty." When the talking heads are demonstrated to be wrong, their followers just gloss over it and continue to give them unwarranted credence.

    It is an interesting and dangerous phenomenon. But I believe we have seen it numerous times in history both religious and secular. I don't know why Q-Anon followers can be Q-Anon followers.

    In the last analysis, I think it has to do with a search for meaning and dissonance reduction. These true believers live in a designer reality. It provides them with what they need. It is just that they strangely continue to select delusion rather than the truth. Long story.

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  16. Who would put Pack out? He lives as a Pope in Vatican city.

    An atheist all the way hey NEO.

  17. Both noted: Tonto said...
    In baseball, its THREE STRIKES and your OUT!

    Davey doesn't realize that once the umpire calls "strike three", you have to go back to the dugout, sit down and shut up!

    April 13, 2021 at 7:29 AM Delete
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    once the umpire calls "strike three" Dave either fires the umpire, or the umpire resigns and starts his own game.
    My personal experience with Dave offers another option. Change the rules in one's favor then quit the game once you get ahead and declare a win. Dave has always been incredibly competitive and winning at all costs seems the rule. He's about to experience the agony of defeat however and in my view.

  18. Dennis, if he does suffer from a set back,obvious even to him, he'll just say Satan has struck a mighty blow at the church, or God is giving us more time to reach the world. Herbert did it all the time, so we can expect his disciples to do likewise.

  19. 5.35 AM
    Dave's common is similar to the Roman catholic practice of selling indulgences. But I take a more compassionate view. His members are clutching at straws, but it's humanly understandable. No one wants to die eternally.

  20. Dave Pack is a “lyar” and the truth is not within him.

    Isn’t there a 3 1/2 year tribulation, daily sacrifices in Jerusalem being started then ended, a king of north and south, an antichrist, the church going to Petra and other Revelation-y things to be completed before Christ’s return?

    What do I know though I just read the book? Maybe he should consult the Left Behind series for some new titillating ideas.

    There should be a term for people who are aroused and fixated by prophecy so much. Jerusalem syndrome is one term but like “Apocolypsebaiter”

  21. Phinnpoy said...
    Dennis, if he does suffer from a set back,obvious even to him, he'll just say Satan has struck a mighty blow at the church, or God is giving us more time to reach the world. Herbert did it all the time, so we can expect his disciples to do likewise.

    Well you're right. There is THAT skill...

  22. Though it Never Even Occurs to some, proclaiming the accepted beliefs of mainstream media does Not Equal Objectivity. Nevertheless Everyone Ought to take the time to evaluate the basis of their positions. Instead, too often, their thoughts become those of the leftist media and the nattering Nabobs' Effected Outlook.

    1. The mainstream media is itself a cult, and posters who parrot its narrative believe that they are the one true church.
      These folks left one cult, only to join another. What happened to freedom/independence, and following Christ?

  23. Very true 628. Sad that otherwise intelligent people like our own "Never Ever Objective" fall into cults so easily. I like some of his posts and wish him the best.

  24. Anonymous (8:16, 6:28, 12:28)

    Ad hominem attacks without substance? I wonder where you learned that?

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