Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, May 14, 2021

Dave Pack: "Never has the world been so ripe for God to fix its endless and insoluble problems."

The end is nigh! Again!

Dave Pack sent out a letter to his members and coworkers the other day. It is a perfect deflection away from his extensive list of failed prophecies over the last few months.

Dear Brethren and Co-Workers,

Greetings from Headquarters! A week of unseasonably warm weather brought God’s campus to life sooner than ever to start spring. I have never seen such an early spring in Ohio. Even Japan’s famous cherry blossoms set records, flowering earlier than they have in 1,200 years! Many attribute this phenomenon to global warming, but few consider that God—the Creator of all life and seasons—is behind it. Let’s read.

When Dave started having one epic failure after another, some commented that we would soon see Dave as explaining away those supposed failures as not failures at all. While the physical thing never happened, it happened spiritually. Right on cue, he does so below. though he is using these examples to explain the early blooming of flowers and trees in Wadsworth Ohio. It's a miracle from his god meant to show members that Dave's kingdom is here!  Woo hoo!

Often Christ taught His disciples using physical examples to describe larger spiritual principles or lessons. All through my ministry I tried to do the same. Physical people—including those with God’s Holy Spirit—understand and relate best to physical things in life. Here is what Christ said about the fig tree and all the trees in the Olivet Prophecy: “When they now shoot forth, you see and know of your own selves that summer is now near at hand. So likewise you, when you see these things [He had just listed many] come to pass, know you that the Kingdom of God is near at hand” (Luke 21:30-31). These verses describe germination and budbreak in all the trees—exactly what we are seeing now. The parallel accounts in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 add that the fig tree even has tender (young) branching and leaves, signaling “summer”—meaning the Kingdom—is near. Again, this is happening now! We are NOW in the run-up to summer. For those in the world, springtime is just another season—one that involves vibrant colors and warm weather returning. But God intends we see this time of year very differently, relating it to His Kingdom being near!

Now to the real spiritual meat of the matter. The kingdom of God might come this summer then the kingdom of Israel needs to happen every soon. Wut? 

Virtually no one knows that Christ arrives first to build a brief “kingdom to Israel” (Acts 1:6). Christ and Peter called this the “restitution of all things” (Acts 3:21Matt. 17:11 and Mark 9:12) that precedes the Kingdom of God. Of course the Kingdom of God cannot be restored since it has never been here, but the kingdom of Israel has. Again, no Church has this knowledge—even though MANY other verses (Old Testament and New) support it! If the Kingdom of God comes in summer, then the brief—less than a month—kingdom of Israel must come very soon if it is to arrive this year. (Note that 17 modern nations comprise the lost tribes of Israel today. Today’s nation called Israel is just one tribe, Judah.) While this is not the world government that will be the Kingdom of God yet, it is a titanic event that will rock the planet after coming as a snare (Luke 21:34-36) that NO ONE expects! (Why God will send Christ to build this kingdom first is a story too long for this letter.) 

Then like any good COG prophet, he gets all twitterpated over world events as a sure sign the end is nigh.  

Alongside the spring season, God has given us unmistakable world events that make plain His intervention in world affairs is close. Earlier in the same chapter, Luke describes “wars and commotions” alongside ethnic instability and national conflict. Consider world turmoil today: U.S. tensions with China, Iran, North Korea and Russia, who is also pressuring Ukraine, as well as South China Sea territorial disputes, civil war in Syria, unrest in Venezuela, the U.S.-Mexico border crisis, the ongoing war in Afghanistan, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (the latest chapter includes over 1,000 rockets fired into Israel in just the last two days), and so much more. All of these stand alongside the global pandemic and that 2020 was one of the worst years on record for hurricanes, storms and fires. Never has the world been so ripe for God to fix its endless and insoluble problems. 

I imagine the citizens of Europe thought the same thing in the midst of WWII. And what the citizens of Japan thought when the earthquake and tsunami hit. The COG always sees the world as always in a state of insoluble problems and predicts the coming of their kingdom. They thought this in 1986 when HWA died and the shuttle blew up. It was a sure sign from their god.

And the world is experiencing problems faster than ever—as well as in new and different ways. Last week, America suffered one of its worst cyberattacks in history. Hackers penetrated the Colonial Pipeline system—an oil provider responsible for 45% of the eastern U.S.’s supply. As explained by a subject expert, it was “the most significant, successful attack on energy infrastructure” the country has ever suffered (Politico). Sixteen states and Washington, D.C. are now under an emergency declaration, with a growing number declaring an outright emergency: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. In a world as interconnected as the one we live in, such commotions can turn into catastrophe fast! Supply chains are very fragile. And EVERYTHING turns on fuel costs. One top expert, quoting a group of others, says if this is not fixed by Friday, “all bloody hell is going to break loose.” I remember the bad 1974 Arab oil embargo. It was nothing beside this! 


Now consider that a year has passed since the death of George Floyd, which sparked massive unrest and $2 billion in property damage in the following months. The police officer accused of murdering Floyd was recently found guilty. If the officer had been acquitted, the world would have spiraled into a level of chaos and unrest that would have made the summer of 2020 look tame. But he was found guilty, meaning we may begin to see many in the police force across America begin to resign. Early indicators of this have already appeared: 


               Portland, OR: Last year alone saw 115 officers quit the force—an unprecedented number.

               Seattle, WA: Over 200 officers quit after months of anti-police riots.

               Louisville, KY: Since the death of Breonna Taylor, more than 150 have resigned.

               Washington, D.C.: Metro police saw 313 officers leave over the last year.

               Minneapolis, MN: Close to 200 officers have applied to resign from a force that is only 850-strong (24%).

               New York City, NY: Over 3,500 in the NYPD resigned or retired last year—a 75% increase over 2019.

               Chicago, IL: About 560 officers retired in 2020—a 15% increase over the previous year. 


If time were to go on, we would watch the world’s most powerful nation rapidly descend into full-blown anarchy. GRASP THIS! This in and of itself proves God’s Kingdom is near. 

There is no "full-blown" anarchy raging across the country, much to the disappointment of COG doomsayers. 

Adding to the confusion in Minneapolis is the recent death of 20-year-old Daunte Wright—shot by a police officer after resisting arrest. Body cam footage of the fatal shooting showed the police officer grabbing the wrong weapon from her holster. Thinking she was about to tase the man, she instead discharged her gun, fatally wounding him in the side. The city—and shortly thereafter the entire nation—lit up with protests, riots and looting, prompting deployment of the national guard in Minneapolis and other large cities. 1,000 businesses sit burned out and destroyed in Minneapolis alone. 


While these types of police shootings capture headlines, violence in no way stops there. Just think of the 30-year-old mother who recently made headlines for fatally stabbing her three children in cold blood—all of which were under the age of six. Involved in a custody dispute with the children’s father, she became mentally unstable. After the murders, she stole a car and fled. Stories like this make one physically sick, and long for God to put an END to rampant evil. 


What would the world look like if time did go on? How bad would it get? In addition to worsening violence and division, we would see more disease, social distancing and widespread school and business closures. Many now fear “vaccine passports” will be used to deny service to those who decline vaccination. In an increasingly tyrannical society, will those who make the personal choice not to vaccinate be allowed to board a plane—work at certain businesses—go to school—even dine in certain restaurants? No one can doubt the impact the virus has had on government ability to control the citizenry. 


Then there are the proposed medical “solutions” being discussed. God long ago told Israel, “I am the LORD that heals you” (Ex. 15:26). He wants to heal the modern nations of Israel—and the world—of COVID and other diseases! Scientists and doctors can do their best, but their methods are inadequate—and sometimes reckless. 

And yet Dave was the one reckless person we saw spouting off about COVID and telling his followers not to be concerned with it actually caught it and came close to dying because he was so sick and then was deceptive to his members though it all acting as if nothing was wrong. 

While the world is in turmoil over COVID and various vaccine issues and problems, the next frontier of virus intervention involves subdermal implants to monitor the bloodstream. As a doctor leading the effort told 60 Minutes, “That tiny green thing in there, you put it underneath your skin and what that tells you is that there are chemical reactions going on inside the body and that signal means you are going to have symptoms tomorrow.” He likened it to a “check-engine light,” and assured listeners, “It’s not some dreaded government microchip to track your every move, but a tissue-like gel engineered to continuously test your blood.” Patients can then be connected to a dialysis machine to have the virus filtered out of their blood. Ask: Is THIS what God wants for human beings created in His image? Again—He wants to heal us, with all solutions devised by mankind inferior! If man has proven anything it is that he is INCAPABLE of ending what is a relatively “tame” disease. In India alone, the daily case count has been hovering around 400,000—and this is well over a year-and-a-half after the virus started to spread! 


But there are scientific “advancements” on multiple fronts. According to a report from National Public Radio, “For the first time, scientists have created embryos that are a mix of human and monkey cells.” This is an abomination in the sight of God. Humans have an awesome potential made plain in the Bible. Hybridizing them with primates is not part of that Plan! 


Perhaps even more dangerous is the radical transformation of the levers of government controlling American society. For more than 230 years there have been three branches of government in the United States. A careful system of checks and balances were instituted to ensure no one branch became too powerful. Each branch itself was also structured to prevent abuse of power. All of this may soon change. On April 9, President Biden issued an Executive Order “Creating the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States.” “The Commission’s purpose [according to a White House statement] is to provide an analysis of…the Court’s role in the Constitutional system; the length of service and turnover of justices on the Court; the membership and size of the Court; and the Court’s case selection, rules, and practices.” The endgame is what many have feared: to “pack” the United States Supreme Court. Increasing the number of justices will politicize the court and make it more easily controlled by those who hold power in the Executive and Legislative branches—effectively destroying the already fragile checks and balances that remain. 


The radical agenda being foisted on America is already moving forward at alarming speed. What will happen if the Supreme Court is controlled by these modern revolutionaries? 


The nations of the world who once viewed America and other democratic, modern Western nations with respect—as beacons of light—now mock and laugh. Will God allow such a radical transformation of America to occur before the arrival of His Kingdom? Would the birthright blessings remain in America? Would it even still be America in a year or even six months?

Finally, many nations around the world continue to experience turmoil in the form of natural disasters. For instance, there is the La Soufrière volcano on the island of St. Vincent in the Caribbean that began erupting April 9. Pyroclastic flows of very hot lava fragments, ash and gases destroyed everything in their path. As the recovery process began, one person stated, “You have a foot of ash on everyone’s roofs. You have all the crops that are completely destroyed…Then you have boulders that were on fire that literally came through people’s roofs” (CNN). And this is just one example of a natural disaster in one place in a world brimming with such events. Other disasters are manmade—like one bombing near a girls’ school in Kabul that left more than 85 dead, mostly young girls. 

Yes, brethren, the world is rapidly spiraling down the drain, BUT, never fear! The RCG is here!!!!  

Brethren and co-workers, standing in stark contrast to this ever-deteriorating world is the amazing worldwide Work God is doing NOW leading up to His Kingdom. As reported in the last letter, Church growth has since continued. And this year’s Spring Holy Day offerings far—FAR—exceeded expectations! Both days exceeded 26% over last year. Pentecost is this Sunday and there is every reason to expect this trend of generosity will continue—particularly given it is the only “stand-alone” Holy Day. Many have been able to give more because their offering does not compete with an adjacent Feast day. For these annual offerings as well as general offerings you give throughout the year, I want to thank you on behalf of God. They go a long way to reaching others with God’s precious knowledge. 


While this letter is to members of God’s Church, it is also written for co-workers who elect to support the Work of God—including some of you who may want to take your commitment one step further in attending services. The Restored Church of God has ministers around the world eager to serve those whom He may be calling. If this is you, I encourage you to write us at rcg.org/contact. While these personal letters provide wonderful updates on God’s Work and world conditions leading up to the arrival of the Kingdom, there is so much more to God’s Church and way of life!

Just as Paul closed his first letter to the Thessalonians, I, too, ask you brethren and co-workers to “pray for us” (5:25). We here at Headquarters are praying for all of you. 


In Christ’s service,

David C. Pack 


P.S. to brethren: Referencing the kingdom to Israel above would naturally evoke questions. It is my hope to deliver a 15-20 minute message as early as tomorrow that simplifies everything in a way I could never do before. It will be posted ASAP.

Money, money, money, It's a rich man's world! 



  1. And just how do the ACOG leaders think that the returned Christ will fix this worlds "endless and insoluble problems?" Well of course by micro managing the lives of all humans. As spirit beings, they will use their Superman type powers to create a Borg type society.

  2. In the tune of “God Speaks To Us”

    Dave speaks to God
    By His great lies we’re fed
    Let not your cash
    Be held in common stead

    You trust Armstrong
    Believe and pay to me
    You trust Armstrong
    Believe and pay to me

  3. "It is my hope to deliver a 15-20 minute message as early as tomorrow that simplifies everything in a way I could never do before."

    Nothing Dave says is ever simplified! When he speaks it is a lot of double-speak, full of twists and turns that no one can follow...and then the whole sermon is edited before being released for those outside of Wadsworth. And 15 to 20 minutes?? When has he ever limited himself to such a short time?

  4. "The parallel accounts in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 add that the fig tree even has tender (young) branching and leaves, signaling “summer”—meaning the Kingdom—is near."

    I wonder how the fig tree that Vernia gave Dave is doing?

  5. "Pentecost is this Sunday"

    But didn't Pack's infallible guru - high school dropout/moron HWA - insist for decades it was on Monday?!? [LOL]

  6. RCG members have proven to have short memories. They will keep on as if nothing didn't happen. At worst, Apostle Pack will remind them that "we didn't fully understand" and they will collectively wait for the next gyrating truth.

  7. SING ALONG TIME! -- Sing to the Purple Hymnal #1 Song--"Blessed and Happy"

    Blest and happy is the man...

    Who from PACK does walk away!...

    Stay away from this ungodly man...

    It is the winner's way!

  8. Anonymous (5:39)

    A sociological study (see NPR) has determined that right-wing talking heads do not suffer a "disinformation penalty." So, if a conspiracy theory collapses, followers just continue onward in the same direction - focusing on new conspiracy theories and alternate "truths." I believe this same principle operates in the predictions that come out of Splinterdom.

    What force sustains this information model is not clear. My guess is that people want to believe something so badly that when they receive contravening information, they simply ignore it and in the process become more extreme in their views. In other words, they engage in cognitive dissonance reduction. The discovery of disinformation should prompt a re-evaluation of the issues but instead is fended off. And to reduce dissonance, the true believers load more anecdotes, theories and fake news into their minds. The effect of this disinformation overloading is to make them progressively more extreme. They become numb to the act of rejecting fact and develop a proactive process of repeated self-disinforming to offset fact and mitigate feelings of dissonance.

    I think every kind of belief enjoys this nurturing moment in the sun. I am not sure what breaks the cycle of self-disinforming. Science is an iterative process of arriving at truth by reducing dissonance through generating more accurate data. Education is a similar process. But the right-wing model, having no disinformation penalty, is the opposite of science and education. It is systematic self-miseducation. For this reason, the Trump base is a great national experiment. We have seen this phenomenon cause a shift in direction in other nations but we have never seen it happen so starkly and broadly and effectively in the home of the brave and the land of the free.

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    1. In other words, rebuking a fool can result in them strengthening their mental defenses.
      Dragging politics into the mix with your "right wing talking heads" is a distraction. In today's politics, even moderate left wingers are accused by the extreme left wingers of being right wing.

  9. NEO
    You are walking on the ceiling with your left wing talking points. It always boils down to the scientific method of "you shall know them by their fruits." Trust your eyes and ears rather than peoples lying words. There are many examples of this in the bible eg, Paul was struck down by a bright light and a voice, Christs transfiguration where the disciples also heard a voice confirming Christ.
    Luke, trust the force, err, I mean your eyes and ears.
    Btw, Dennis agreeing with anyone on moral issues is not a compliment.

  10. NEO said: Btw, Dennis agreeing with anyone on moral issues is not a compliment.

    Btw NEO, won't happen again

  11. Dennnis you wrote "NEO said: Btw, Dennis agreeing with anyone on moral issues is not a compliment."

    I'm a little confused. I did not say that. Anonymous (12:25) said that.

    In fact, I am not sure what Anonymous (12:25) is even talking about. Classing my little statement as "left wing" seems gratuitous. I don't know the foundation for that deduction. Otherwise, Anonymous seems to be saying that observing empirical evidence exceeds rational thought as a tool for analysis. I do not understand this opposing two principles that I regard to be complimentary. And, finally, I think agreeing with someone on a moral issue could well be a compliment.

    Maybe I am too thick to understand this conversation.

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  12. Hi Neo, My mistake then. I thought you were being smart with me about my saying I appreciated your explanation about why people stay so long etc. Perhaps I read the who said what wrong

  13. Dave Pack ... every ... time ... something ... is ... going ... on ... somewhere ... in ... the ... world:

    “The end is nigh! Send more money!”

  14. "The End Times are Here . . . . . Again!!" Whenever there is a global or near global crisis the prophecy book sales increase. If one defines "end times" as the time between the cross and the rapture, yes, we are in the end times. How close to the end? NO ONE KNOWS. Relatively speaking, there are more people living under democratic rule than ever, life expectancy is higher than ever. Poverty rates are lower, overall. But, because of confirmation bias, whatever you are looking for, good or evil, you will find it. The U.S. appears to be in turmoil today, with all of the protesting, rioting, etc. But look back to the 60's. Now there was a decade I wouldn't want to see again. Assassinations of Medgar Evers, JFK, MLK, RFK, rioting, cities burning, Kent State shooting (early 70's) , Democratic National Convention riots, pollution worse than ever, fear of FAMINE 1975 and the Population Bomb, to name a few of the concerns. And, to end the decade, Charlies Manson. I don't things are as bad as some people want to think.

  15. Anonymous (7:11)

    It was not a "distraction" but an important piece of the NYU study. The following political segments were examined: far right, slightly right, center, slightly left and far left.
    The far right won the trophy for Most Disgusting Behavior once again. If you want to have a look you can see the study here:


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    1. It would have helped had you mentioned that in your original post.

  16. Pack claims, "Never has the world been so ripe for God to fix its endless and insoluble problems."

    What about the time it got so ripe that God confused humans' language after they built a tower that threatened his primacy? What about the time he got so pissed off that he drowned everybody and everything except enough reproducers to restock the world? What about that very first time, when the world's entire population violated his taboo against eating the fruit of a certain tree?

    Hyperbole can be an effective rhetorical technique. If you carry it so such extremes as you did here, however, people might see you for what you are--a charlatan.

  17. Pack is Packed in Lies. If Jesus was with him he would be satan
