Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, May 14, 2021

PCG's Joel Hilliker Says Children Are Filled With Satan Inspired Human Nature And Are Savages


Joel Hilliker from the Philadelphia Church of God has an article up on the PCG website titled: "Twenty Years to Civilization"

Hilliker relates how he went to volunteer at his daughter's school and discusses how awful it was at times. Those nasty, heathen, satan-inspired children of the world really got to him.

After whining that all of the teachers were women and he and the other dads were the only positive male influence the kids had, he said this:

“When it comes to rearing children, every society is only 20 years away from barbarism,” Dr. Albert Siegel once wrote. “Twenty years is all we have to accomplish the task of civilizing the infants who are born into our midst each year. These savages know nothing of our language, our culture, our religion, our values, our customs of interpersonal relations. … The barbarian must be tamed if civilization is to survive.”

It’s a bit dramatic—but in a sense painfully true. Calling children savages certainly reflects reality far better than treating them like natural-born saints, sages and savants. Our Satan-inspired human nature represents a savage within each of us that must be civilized. Children have it in spades—unless we are diligent in confronting it. That’s why Proverbs 29:15 says, “The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.”

Where this reality truly smacked me in the face was on the playground at my daughter’s school. I spent three recesses outside—with first graders, then second graders, then fifth graders. Each successive mob was worse behaved. The fifth graders, having lived more years without being properly civilized, were genuine specimens of savagery. Everywhere I turned, I saw carnality on parade: name-calling, accusing, cursing, screaming, boasting, pushing, sulking, cheating.

I realized that most of these same kids had just been inside under the authority of effective, qualified teachers who had managed to keep a lid on this ugliness through productive, focused work. The level of human nature suddenly on display correlated precisely with the lack of government in their lives at that moment.

Having to admit the teachers were fairly good at keeping the kids under control in the classroom, he then makes this comment:

I realized that most of these same kids had just been inside under the authority of effective, qualified teachers who had managed to keep a lid on this ugliness through productive, focused work. The level of human nature suddenly on display correlated precisely with the lack of government in their lives at that moment.

Good old government. Where would the COG be without dragging out submission to proper government into the mix? COG government is the biggest failure in the COG today. Absolutely none of them follow the demands that their church government places upon them. If they did, they would not have apostatized and started hundreds of splinter groups.

After musing about his own kids being little savages, and how without proper attention and discipline they would be real savages like students in all of the worldly colleges today. He ends with this:

The task of civilizing the infants born into our midst is crucial—and great. Twenty years is all we have.


  1. Do you realize what Hilliker is admitting? When he isn't under Flurry's thumb, he's a rebel, filled with Satan's character.

    A Christian, someone who knows the peace of Christ, knows that this peace isn't forced by teachers or diminished by freedom. It comes from within, from the indwelling Holy Spirit.

    Hilliker only knows a model where obedience is forced from outside. He has not experienced, and does not trust, an indwelling Holy Spirit to bring the peace Christ has promised.

    Perhaps there are some in PCG who know the peace of Christ. Hilliker, by his own admission, does not.

  2. This is the mindset of PCG men at headquarters. I took my child out of PCG's school because of the way they were treated.

    Someone needs to show this article to his daughter's school and have him removed from volunteering. I would not want this guy around my kids with an attitude like that.

  3. It's interesting that Hilliker, one of PCGs wonder boys, does not put his kids in the Imperial Academy, their official indoctrination center for youth,

  4. Hilliker said: " Everywhere I turned, I saw carnality on parade: name-calling, accusing, cursing, screaming, boasting, pushing, sulking, cheating"

    ...oh sorry, thought he was talking about the church

  5. Isn't kicking kids out of your home , at an early age, if they dont continue with PCG , or not visiting or talking with your dying grandmother, just because she attends another COG, a kind of savagery??


  6. “PCG's Joel Hilliker Says Children Are Filled With Satan Inspired Human Nature And Are Savages”

    Ha! That's nothing!

    Check out some of those horny old hags and dirty old men in the PCG cult. The older they get, the worse they become.

  7. It seems like Lockstep Hilliker is running out of material. He had this same topic printed in one of those Royal Vision issues they have, and have previously aired the same sentiment twice in his Trumpet Hour "podcast." We get it, Heil Hilliker, you were Satan-inspired as a child, too. Not much has changed.

  8. The church of god is filled with assholes.

  9. If children and presumably church members are savages and barbarians, then why aren't members fed spiritual meat rather than a constant diet of spiritual milk? In fact, my first minister waged a war against members reading self help books.
    So micromanaging members lives under the pretext of taming the savages, is deceitful window dressing. It's all about power, superiority and keeping down potential rivals.
    ACOG ministers need to be reminded that Revelation states that everyone will be judged by the books ie, the bible, rather than the Herb inspired toxic church culture.

  10. Even more appalling is that someone at Editorial thought this was worthy of publication. Do they not have any standards?

  11. "Heil Hilliker"

    Now that's funny!

  12. Chrome browser is reporting your site as a Deceptive web site.
    Edge is still okay.
    Either Chrome has some really strange security or someone has given them false reports.

  13. TLA

    That must be a thing on your end. I don't get that when I check the blog on Chrome.

  14. Is that kid wearing a Amish hat?

  15. And stuff like this heard by a child are why I'm a messed up entity (almost said human but since I grew up so twisted by stuff like this I am not human but finally headed that way).

    Who knew that so many other churches that isolate their kids until a certain age knew what they where doing cuz a child's brain is not wired to interpret anything just go off the raw input and think things mean what they say.

    1. You are only allowed to believe what they funnel into your brain! If you try to search out all things to prove whether they are true without using their material... you're out!!

  16. PCG exemplifies the worst elements that existed in Worldwide. A dictatorship type form of government,micromanaging beliefs of little or no importance like bans on makeup and no accountability of the leadership or ministry for their failings and damage they cause. They emphasize legalism in spite of Christ's interaction with the thief on the cross which voids many of their teachings. If you notice & think back, ever realize how HWA and counterfeits like Flurry try to totally ignore the story of Christ's birth in the gospels? It is like they really would like to erase Christ and place themselves as the center of attention.

  17. Anonymous 3:32 asks, "Even more appalling is that someone at Editorial thought this was worthy of publication. Do they not have any standards?"

    Joel Hilliker is the editor.

  18. Seems to have gone now - I reported it as a mistake - maybe that did the trick - or maybe it was a bug on their end.

  19. That article is old, or he includes older excerpts in to it, his kids all go to either AC or IA (imperial Academy) and they have for a long time. Joel is the principal there now.

  20. It's interesting how quickly they took this off the current page. It is still posted in the 2008 category under LIFE. Two days ago it was on the lead page for LIFE. Looks like PCG monitors us now too.

  21. Someone really needs to check this man's head for injuries! Because who in their right mind would say such horrible things about precious children! I mean, he's judging them! What does the bible say about judging others? I don't want to judge him either.. so I'll just say this man must be mentally ill... and that's just sad.

  22. I wish this article could get more attention and be stickied to the front page of this website for weeks to come. The view that children are born inherently wicked is the biggest source of misery for those who were raised in the WCG. So much hardship, sadness, and destruction stem from that one belief.

  23. @anon I wish that it could be plastered all over the Oklahoman's front page...

    Hmm, contacting them might not be a bad idea... I'll think about it when it's not around 3am.

    AnonymousTLA it could also have been your anti-virus I've gotten the same msg from one when I could use one (c# hates screen readers and pretty much everthing has switched from c++ to c# blard... oh sry was typing out loud again).

  24. Hilliker advises us: "Twenty years is all we have."

    I have been assured that we have twenty years or less ever since my parents made me sit patiently listening to "The World Tomorrow" more than seventy years ago. I eventually found out the trick had already been played for twenty years before that.

    At the university where I taught, a promise such as this was called a "rolling horizon" contract. It was used to string teachers along so they would keep working without the protection of tenure. The prophecy variant strings people along so they will keep paying tithes, with the promise that if they keep it up indefinitely, they will eventually gain eternal tenure.
